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Fuzzball GH.png
Species Human
Birth Year 1820
Affiliation Party Goers
Hair color Brown
Weaponry Anything combustible
Abilities Explosives expert
Origin United States of America
Creator Yoshiman
Debut Party Goers 11
Relatives Beyos: Alternate Personality

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Fuzzball is a gruff-looking man usually wearing stylized coats that define him as hardcore, but come across saying 'I'm deranged'. He is carefree, careless, and verges on insanity which is combined with a technical expertise on all kinds of mechanical weapons. Originally he was an outlaw in the Wild West, but was brought back as one of Yoshiman's personalities. He gets along well with Wrange Tirk.


In Oregon Goers 48, Fuzzball is an outlaw that works in a band of highwaymen led by Quinn Morris and consisting of himself and Cortana. He 'suffered' from Associative Identity Disorder that caused him to be accompanied by a British foot soldier named Beyos.

Good Timeline[edit]

Doesn't do a whole lot.

Bad Timeline[edit]

Was in those Party Goers stories, I hear.

Neutral Timeline[edit]

After the Multiple Personality party failed to win the presidency, Fuzzball joined the Vorpal Administration in the ironic position as the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

See Also[edit]