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Wavorpal only appeared in Party Goers 15. The name implies (as all "wa-names" do) that Wavorpal was an evil version of Vorpal (not from Anti-Space, but likely some type of clone). But considering that Vorpal is evil, this could possibly mean that Wavorpal would then be good . . . or possibly double-y evil.

In Party Goers 15, he pretended to be Vorpal and assembled the V-Team to destroy the real Vorpal, claiming that Vorpal was Wavorpal. But the V-Team realized the truth after a game show and, and Wavorpal was "blown away" by Metal Mario...or was it Wavorpal?! *cue dramatic music*

A presumably separate Wavorpal cameoed in Party Goers 16: Brave New World as Wavorpal the Arab Dude (a reference to Vorpal's Party Goers 14 storyline). He was presumably destroyed with the rest of the world while Vorpal escaped...or was it Vorpal?! *cue dramatic music*