Zone of Despair

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Originally from the "Revelation Arab Dude" storyline that ran in Party Goers 4 and 5. Arab Dude opened a portral to the Zone of Despair as part of his plan to destroy all of humanity. I guess it can be described as some kinda weird limbo zone and is usually described as being like an endless desert or something. At the end of the OG, humanity is saved, and Arab Dude is sent blasting off along with the Zone of Despair.

In later OGs, the Zone of Despair occasionally comes up. It is mentioned in Cat Investigations as the headquarters of The Council, and in Gamehiker Member OG X: Shrack of Neely, sometimes people are teleported there instead of dying as it's kinda like a death-type place. It is also sometimes used to imprison the Arab Dude.