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Zanreo: So um, now that that "problem" is out of the way... Using my lasers for your games. And it's gonna be a secret mysterious surprise. ...Very well, I'll let you use them... on one condition.
Zanreo: So um, now that that "problem" is out of the way... Using my lasers for your games. And it's gonna be a secret mysterious surprise. ...Very well, I'll let you use them... on one condition.

Revision as of 02:16, 30 November 2014

Zanreo Sauce
Aliases Zan, Z&hammer, Ace Moderator
Species Human
Birth Year ???
Hair color Brown
Eye color Grey (hidden behind glasses)
Weaponry Lasers
Abilities Lasers. Moderator powers, self-proclaimed time powers (though no one has actually seen these)
Occupation Whoopshoop Lazers founder/CEO/president/everything else, forum moderator
Base Whoopshoop Lazers
Creator Zanreo
Debut Lasers (OG

Zanreo Sauce is a young woman who runs Whoopshoop Lazers, the laser shop. She's easily recognizable from the constant shiny white glow of her glasses. While she's usually rather calm, chill and laidback, she tends to get really fired up when something big is happening. She can be arrogant, Chaotic Stupid and has a tendency to make bad puns at the most (in)appropiate times. She's also a moderator, something she takes great pride in and never lets anyone forget. How her mod powers would actually work outside of forums is unknown, but she carries around a big, spiky hammer referred to as her "banhammer".



In this OG, we see Zanreo starting up her laser shop just to get a new job as the President of Nichibutsu of Europe.


Zanreo: So um, now that that "problem" is out of the way... Using my lasers for your games. And it's gonna be a secret mysterious surprise. ...Very well, I'll let you use them... on one condition.

Man 2: And what would that be?

Zanreo: *clearly excited* ...Let me be the first one to beta test those games, please?

Man 1: Yes... I suppose that would be okay.

Zanreo: Haha, of course! I'm getting treated really nice here... a bit TOO nice, maybe. *shifts eyes suspiciously* You sure this whole thing isn't actually a coverup for some shady business?

Man 1: Shady business? What do you mean, Miss Sauce?

Zanreo: Well, isn't this the part where you actually fly me to some other strange place, tie me to a chair in some dark abandoned warehouse and keep yelling at me to tell you my confidential company secrets?

Man 2: *somewhat shocked* Wait, what-

Zanreo: ...And then when no one expects it, when you're not looking, I manage to break out and get a really cool escape scene. dang that's gonna look so awesome...

Man 1: You sure seem to have a wild imagination, Miss Sauce... but we can assure you, we're not kidnappers.

Zanreo: *laughs* Hahaha, I know, I'm just messing with you. On the other hand... *She puts her hand to her chin and then points towards them* that's EXACTLY what a kidnapper would say!

Man 2: Look, we really aren't... Don't you trust us?

Zanreo: Yeah... of course I trust you. (Looks like my badass escape plans are going to waste now though...)

  • Zanreo being Wrong Genre Savvy

Zanreo: H-hey, just a minute... I just woke up, let me change into my regular clothes...

-She puts on her best suit, and goes down to greet the customers, still carrying the contract. They turn out to be none other than the salarymen from yesterday.-

  • Zanreo's idea of regular, everyday clothes

Zanreo: ...Nichibutsu, eh? Well, I've always liked your games... and by liked I mean I LOVE THEM SO MUCH OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING...

  • Zanreo struggling to hold back her fangirling


See Also