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(8 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 172: Line 172:
Moondo: Come on Luigi... where are you?
Moondo: Come on Luigi... where are you?
*A shaft of light shoots up from the corner opposite of Moondo's desk. It begins to cut around in a circle.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>A shaft of light shoots up from the corner opposite of Moondo's desk. It begins to cut around in a circle.*
Moondo: Cutting sword made of light! I knew I was missing a lockdown! *runs around the office frantically until he stumbles on a book* "Vision of the Future"... hmm... *skims through* Cortosis ore... shuts down any lightsaber with a... something circuit... Must find cortosis ore!
Moondo: Cutting sword made of light! I knew I was missing a lockdown! *runs around the office frantically until he stumbles on a book* "Vision of the Future"... hmm... *skims through* Cortosis ore... shuts down any lightsaber with a... something circuit... Must find cortosis ore!
Line 178: Line 178:
~Elevator shaft~
~Elevator shaft~
*Luigi, feet spread to hold the edges of the shaft, continues cutitng. E.Gadd clings to his back, waiting.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Luigi, feet spread to hold the edges of the shaft, continues cutitng. E.Gadd clings to his back, waiting.*
Luigi: Almost... through. I can feel it now.
Luigi: Almost... through. I can feel it now.
*The circular cut falls away. Luigi peeks up into Moondo's office.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The circular cut falls away. Luigi peeks up into Moondo's office.*
Moondo: Hee yah! *smacks Luigi over the head with a blackish ore. It shatters, knocking him out. He and E.Gadd tumble down the shaft* No terrorists are gonna get me! Oh... wait... That's the new student and Gadd -_-
Moondo: Hee yah! *smacks Luigi over the head with a blackish ore. It shatters, knocking him out. He and E.Gadd tumble down the shaft* No terrorists are gonna get me! Oh... wait... That's the new student and Gadd -_-
Line 233: Line 233:
Toad: (on video game) Let's party!
Toad: (on video game) Let's party!
*Elsewhere at the elevator shaft...*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Elsewhere at the elevator shaft...*
Luigi of The Pipes and E. Gadd climb the ladder to Moondo's office.
Luigi of The Pipes and E. Gadd climb the ladder to Moondo's office.
Line 239: Line 239:
LoTP: (rubbing his head.) Okay, Moondo. we've got questions, and you've got answers.
LoTP: (rubbing his head.) Okay, Moondo. we've got questions, and you've got answers.
=Bro of Cezzendre=  
=Bro of Cezzendre (Golem)=  
Luigi: First off, why the lockdown?
Luigi: First off, why the lockdown?
Line 310: Line 310:
E.Gadd: Actually...
E.Gadd: Actually...
*Luigi rams into the door full force with his lightsaber, ripping at the hinges. The door caves in, and the trio race out into the lawn, then pause for a breath.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Luigi rams into the door full force with his lightsaber, ripping at the hinges. The door caves in, and the trio race out into the lawn, then pause for a breath.*
Luigi: What kind of security systems?
Luigi: What kind of security systems?
Line 332: Line 332:
=Timmy of a Thousand Masks=
=Timmy of a Thousand Masks (Golem)=
Say... ~Moondo, Gadd, and Luigi hide in nearby woods.~
Say... ~Moondo, Gadd, and Luigi hide in nearby woods.~
Line 338: Line 338:
Moondo: Now how can we save the others inside...?
Moondo: Now how can we save the others inside...?
Luigi: ...
Luigi: ...<br />
~looks to Moondo~
~looks to Moondo~<br />
...You mean me? You should be asking Gadd, he's the--
...You mean me? You should be asking Gadd, he's the--
Line 346: Line 346:
Luigi: I know, I know... ~sigh~ ...I'd better get on it...
Luigi: I know, I know... ~sigh~ ...I'd better get on it...
=GORE ILLA (Ugh I can't believe I used tildes)=
~PlungerHeads Dorm~
~PlungerHeads Dorm~
Line 356: Line 356:
Golem: (from Lounge) Hey, GORE! Are you okay in there?
Golem: (from Lounge) Hey, GORE! Are you okay in there?
GORE-ILLA: Uhh...Yeah. (to himself) I sense the others are in trouble. I must return to VGF. (presses a button and dissppears. A second later he returns) That
GORE-ILLA: Uhh...Yeah. (to himself) I sense the others are in trouble. I must return to VGF. (presses a button and dissppears. A second later he returns) That<br />
was fun! Now to get back to Mario Party 4...
was fun! Now to get back to Mario Party 4...
Line 391: Line 391:
To Be Continued.....
To Be Continued.....
=WaVCR Channel =
=WaVCR Channel (Yeah this is Golem too)=
Wah! Moondo: --Ah...!-- I've gotta get back to my office...
Wah! Moondo: --Ah...!-- I've gotta get back to my office...
Line 399: Line 399:
Luigi: Don't really think I can take 'em ALL with my lightsaber... ~spots a familiar figure on the opposite side of the monkeys he is facing~
Luigi: Don't really think I can take 'em ALL with my lightsaber... ~spots a familiar figure on the opposite side of the monkeys he is facing~
Gamehiker: Holee--what are you doing?!
Gamehiker: Holee--what are you ''doing?!''
~Monkeys turn around to face Gamehiker, Mog comes out from behind some bushes~
~Monkeys turn around to face Gamehiker, Mog comes out from behind some bushes~
Line 526: Line 526:
Enthree: Let me see this!
Enthree: Let me see this!
Dear Past Big Al:
Dear Past Big Al:<br />
If you are reading this, then I assume that time cannot be changed. Anyway, you must return to the Earth Area, fifteen years ago and Secure a Job at a place called DigiPen. There you will meet Golem. However, you cannot let him know your identity; use your nickname, Nintenfreak Jr. Also, You must go six weeks into the past, and mail this letter to yourself. Don't ask who wrote it.
If you are reading this, then I assume that time cannot be changed. Anyway, you must return to the Earth Area, fifteen years ago and Secure a Job at a place called DigiPen. There you will meet Golem. However, you cannot let him know your identity; use your nickname, Nintenfreak Jr. Also, You must go six weeks into the past, and mail this letter to yourself. Don't ask who wrote it.
Your self,
Your self,<br />
Big Al
Big Al

Latest revision as of 19:55, 18 February 2009

Pages in Party Goers 8: Parting is Such Surprising Sorrow
1 - 2

Luigi of the Pipes[edit]

Lockdown... Luigi: Looks like it's time to take drastic action, Professor. We gotta get outta here and...

E.Gadd: Don't you know what lockdown MEANS, sonny? The doors are sealed shut.

Luigi: But we don't USE the doors.

E.Gadd: Ah, yes, well... *pulls out the candlestick behind him, dropping them into an underground shaft* Light this for me, would'ja?

*Luigi sparks a tiny flame at the tip of his finger and holds it to the candle's wick. E.Gadd turns and reads some inscriptions on the wall.*

Luigi: What's this? Looks like a map around the grounds, but at the same time...

E.Gadd: Heh heh, it's upside-down and reversed. Confuses the best of them.

Luigi: Ah.

E.Gadd: Alright... we can get straight to the headmaster's office by going left.

*Luigi starts walking to his left. E.Gadd sticks out a short leg and trips him.*

Luigi: OWCH! WHAT THE--?!

E.Gadd: I said, go LEFT.

Luigi: Oh, right... reversed... *stands up and goes right. E.Gadd trips him again.* OWCH!!!

E.Gadd: My mistake! I was already flipping it mentally when I told you the directions. Heh heh...

Luigi: -_-0 *stands up and goes left. E.Gadd trips him again.*

E.Gadd: Wait, hang on... maybe I...

Luigi: This could be awhile...

Luigigamer Golem[edit]

What?! OoC: Karp! I forgot to post something. I should've explained the lockdowns. ^_^;;; I'm not posting this to pick on Weege an' Gadd. >.<;;;;

Moondo: Apocalypse lockdown... All exits leading out blocked and outside walls reinforced. Security breach lockdown... All hidden passages cut off at their source. The Wyseguise passage needs to be fixed, it keeps closing a few minutes after the actual lockdown...

Then, the best. Headmaster lockdown. Headmaster's office is shut off from everyone else in every possible way. Now as fun as working on papers would be...

~unlocks drawer, opens it, looks at gadgets inside~

Luigi of the Pipes[edit]

D'oh! *SEVERAL minutes later*

Luigi: *bruised and broken* For the lovva, let me read it!

*E.Gadd steps aside to allow Luigi view of the map.*

Luigi: Left. It says left.

E.Gadd: Are you sure?

Luigi: Now's not the time to be second guessing! Let's go!

*They dash through the tunnel, then skid to a stop and go back to the map.*

E.Gadd: Now's not the time to be second guessing, eh?

Luigi: Right...

*They head right through the tunnels, until they finally arrive at a door proclaiming it to be "Elevator to Moondo's office" E.Gadd steps up, flips up the panel with the buttons on it and presses a concealed third button.*

Elevator: We're sorry. This elevator has been detected by administration and subsequently shut down. If you keep this up, Professor Gadd, you can and will be forced to resign. You have been warned.

E.Gadd: Heh... they don't take very kindly to all the access I've given myself around here ^_^0

*Luigi nods and whips his lightsaber off of his belt. A silver shaft of light emits from the end as he hits the switch, which is promptly shoved into the crevice between the two elevator doors.*

E.Gadd: Looks like you've got everything under control, then. I'll head back to the dormitories and see if Moondo's given us any news yet. *walks away*


*E.Gadd walks through the Luigi-shaped hole in the door and peers up the elevator shaft.*

E.Gadd: LUIGI!

Luigi: What? *Luigi loses his grip on the shaft walls and comes tumbling down. E.Gadd narrowly slips out the doors.*

E.Gadd: I can't get back in! The trapdoor's locked! Blasted Moondo's finding EVERYTHING!

Luigi: Huh... *grabs sides of the shaft again*

Luigigamer Golem[edit]

I'll reread my post this time. ^_^; OoC: Gets a bit un-PGish at the end. :\

Luigi: ~echo from the shaft~ Just why did we need to come down here if there is a lockdown? Isn't that for the purpose that we DON'T do this?

Gadd: Hmmmm... >.O ...My boy, I had a good explanation, but... Herm...

Old Man: Gadd tried to access the elevator to Moondo's office? I activated the security breach lockdown... Ah, yes. That Wyseguise exit is rickety. Haven't they fixed it already? Hmm, nevermind. Now that everything else is set... ~looks to Luigi, then to Cordelia and the others, who are sitting in a corner of the van~ ...I need to do the job I came here to do.

Cordelia: ~thinking~ What could he want with us?!

Old Man: ~walks closer to Cordelia, kneels down to level with her face~ You look troubled. ~takes out a dagger that is dark green and polished~ Don't worry, it'll be quick and painless. Well, relatively.

Cordelia: O.O

Old Man: I don't have much time, so let's just cut to the chase. ~puts dagger near her throat, but when he tries to slit her throat, her whole body glazes over in an instant and the dagger flies back, nearly killing Old Man and puncturing the van~

Cordelia: ~thinking~ What was that?!

Old Man: Ah, so your powers have grown even stronger than I have thought. I can't risk changing my own history and going back in time any further... I shall find a way to do my job. ~walks back over to computer~

Cal: ~shows free hands to Rick, whose hands are also free, while keeping both of their hands out of the way of view~ >D

Old Man: Retie their binds, please. ~a robot from the opposite corner ties Cal and Rick back up~ Geez, it's stuffy in here.


Sigh. Golem: Wait, I understand now.. isn't Professor Vorpal out to get me?

Mario: Why would Professor Vorpal be out to get you?

Golem: Because he hates me. You didn't see the way he treated me in the Sims class. He called me a celebrity! I'm not famous.

Mario: That's right. You aren't. So what are you worried about?

Golem: *shrugs* Something just seems wrong, that's all. But anyway, we need to find an activity that will allow us to focus our party energy. What is the big inter-house gaming event?

Mario: Well..

Golem: Because whatever it is, the winning team can throw a party! And naturally, with the unfair bias in our favor, we'll win!

Mario: Good point.

Ditto: That's usually how it works.

Golem: Huh? How did you get here? And do you know what happened the last time there was a Headmaster Lockdown?

Ditto: ..Though with the lockdown, it's safe to say that the gaming event is cancelled.

Golem: What? But aren't I supposed to prove what a natural I am?

Ditto: Uh...


In the Royalcrown dorms..

Sapphire: This lockdown stuff is quite disturbing. I think I'm going to go to the schools database listings and find out what I can about the last time this happened, so i can subtly save the day from behind the scenes, plus take points away from other students in the process. A prefect's work is never done... c_c

Professor Peach: Yes.. though the database system is temporarily disabled.

Sapphire: Darn. Oh well, not that I mind actually reading and the dusty old Library that's been so convienently hidden away...

Luigi of the Pipes[edit]

Cutting Sword Made of Light ~Plungerhead House~

Golem: Well, then, if we can't compete in the usual competition, I say we have one right here, right now! *Golem walks to the closet and opens it up, then starts scrummaging around for some board games*

~Moondo's Office~

Moondo: Come on Luigi... where are you?

*A shaft of light shoots up from the corner opposite of Moondo's desk. It begins to cut around in a circle.*

Moondo: Cutting sword made of light! I knew I was missing a lockdown! *runs around the office frantically until he stumbles on a book* "Vision of the Future"... hmm... *skims through* Cortosis ore... shuts down any lightsaber with a... something circuit... Must find cortosis ore!

~Elevator shaft~

*Luigi, feet spread to hold the edges of the shaft, continues cutitng. E.Gadd clings to his back, waiting.*

Luigi: Almost... through. I can feel it now.

*The circular cut falls away. Luigi peeks up into Moondo's office.*

Moondo: Hee yah! *smacks Luigi over the head with a blackish ore. It shatters, knocking him out. He and E.Gadd tumble down the shaft* No terrorists are gonna get me! Oh... wait... That's the new student and Gadd -_-

Luigigamer Golem[edit]

"There must be a button I haven't pressed yet..." ~Van~

Old Man: So... The only way to get rid o' her is to not--~window on computer pops up~ What? The headmaster lockdown has been broken through? Well... what can we do about this...?

~Headmaster's Office~

Moondo: ~throws down rope ladder~ Here! Now carry 'im up!

Gadd: ~Er-HM...~ :rolleyes


Golem ruffles through the closet for a board game.

Golem: Hmmm...Game of Life...Monopoly...Chess....OOO! The Simpsons Clue! Didn't know they had that. Let's play a classic: Battleship!

Mario: Yeah!

GORE-ILLA: Sounds like lots of fun!

Golem: I don't remember seeing you before.

GORE-ILLA: First day, actually. I got warped to this message board from VGF recently after fighting you.

Golem: ?????

GORE-ILLA: It's a long story. A group of OGers including me were on a quest to recover Yami Yoshi's stolen cheesecake from Lupus The Turk. There were lots of twists and turns, but eventually, we assembled an OG Army to battle Lupus after he became a Cheese God, but then he had an army of his own: you guys from The Gamehikers Boards! We were driven into hiding for seven years, when you discovered and attacked us. A combination of our attacks flung me into this dimension, where in enrolled in DigiPen to find the real you. The details can be found at www.vgf.com/cgi-bi/ubb/ub...000076;P=7

Golem: But I've never seen you before!

GORE-ILLA: Yes. It must have been the future version of you. That's why I must warn you: Beware Lupus! I'll go now.

Golem: You can't! The school's having a lockdown, and we need people to compete in our party game tournament!

GORE-ILLA: I have a better idea. (puts Battleship away and pulls out a Gamecube.) Let's play the King of Party Games: Mario Party 4! I'll be DK!

Mario: Dibs on Mario!

Golem: Fine, I'll be Luigi.

Toad: (on video game) Let's party!

*Elsewhere at the elevator shaft...*

Luigi of The Pipes and E. Gadd climb the ladder to Moondo's office.

LoTP: (rubbing his head.) Okay, Moondo. we've got questions, and you've got answers.

Bro of Cezzendre (Golem)[edit]

Luigi: First off, why the lockdown?

Gadd: Uh, son, I don't think...

Moondo: I didn't do this. Why would I place a lockdown on myself?! ~starts looking through top drawer of desk~

Luigi: Okay, that makes sense. You must be able to tell us where to un-lockdown the place, right?

Moondo: Yes, yes! With that beam sword of yours, we'll be able to make it out of here. ~quickly shuts drawer and shoves hand inside jacket, placing shoulder firmly against it~ Just slice down that door ~takes hand out of jacket, points to door facing the front of his desk~ and we'll be in the main hall, where we make a left and head straight outside, with the help of your beam sword. But we should be careful, as anyone who has access to lockdown the school probably has access to the security systems.

Luigi: Why would you worry about that?

Gadd: Son, we have lockdowns with steel a few inches thick. I'm pretty sure the security must be just as well souped-up.

Luigi: Hm, right. ~starts cutting through door~

~Plungerhead House~

Golem: Wait... ANOTHER Cheese God at VGF? Wouldn't happen to be related to a fellow named Dentu, would he?

GORE-ILLA: Who? I don't think so... But don't worry about it now.


Old Man: ~reading from computer screen~ Headmaster lockdown breached?! ~thinking~ I'll leave Moondo alone for now. It doesn't matter how far he gets, he can never enter the Plungerhead house. ~takes out rubber band pen~ And when I find a way to get rid of Cessi, I'll be done here.

Cordelia: ~kicks van doors open~

Rick, Cal, Nick: How...?!

Cordelia: Now! You can let us go, or I can do that thing where you get hurt!

Old Man: Get her!

~Human-shaped robots hug Cordelia, but not before she gets outside. In the confusion, Nick manages to shove over and destroy Old Man's computer. Rick, Cal, Nick, and Rhyk hop out of the van. Rhyk places a heavy metal kick on the robots hugging Cordelia, hitting her slightly in the process, but seriously damaging the robots, too.~

Cal: And all this time I thought we would just be scenery.

Old Man: NO! And I had it this time, too! ~clicks rubber band pen, which opens up into a newsstand~

Cordelia, Rick, Cal, Nick: What the--?!

Rhyk: HEY! ~bolts in front of the door~ >:

Old Man: Yes? :rolleyes

Rhyk: You better put this thing back into pen form and give it back to him right now!

Old Man: Eh?

Rhyk: You know what I mean!

Old Man: You have an ACdex, use it. Besides, I haven't time to waste, you know. Not getting any younger.

Rhyk: >:

Old Man: ~takes out tazer, readies to fry Rhyk's circuits with it~

Rhyk: ~trips Old Man, catches him in a tight grip as he drops the tazer~ Guys, go see if he has any nets like the ones those robots used on us.

Luigi of the Pipes[edit]

Dun dun duh dun dun *Luigi kicks the door in, peers out into the hall, then rolls forward on his shoulder and flicks a stream of flames into the security cameras, blinding them. He quickly races left, E.Gadd and Moondo following.*

Luigi: Told you I was fit for Plungerheads! You'd never see a sidekick doing this!

E.Gadd: Actually...

*Luigi rams into the door full force with his lightsaber, ripping at the hinges. The door caves in, and the trio race out into the lawn, then pause for a breath.*

Luigi: What kind of security systems?

Moondo: Well... There's the sentry guns...

Luigi: Guns?

Moondo: And the laminatium-armored robots...

Luigi: Robots?

Moondo: And the giant meteors that can be periodically pulled down...

Luigi: Meteors?

Moondo: And the...

Luigi: Never mind, I get it.


Timmy of a Thousand Masks (Golem)[edit]

Say... ~Moondo, Gadd, and Luigi hide in nearby woods.~

Moondo: Now how can we save the others inside...?

Luigi: ...
~looks to Moondo~
...You mean me? You should be asking Gadd, he's the--

Moondo: >D You forget, you're a--

Luigi: I know, I know... ~sigh~ ...I'd better get on it...

GORE ILLA (Ugh I can't believe I used tildes)[edit]

~PlungerHeads Dorm~

GORE-ILLA sits in the bathroom, holding a high-tech watch.

GORE-ILLA: Yes! With this watch, I can travel freely between The Gamehiker's and OG Forums.

Golem: (from Lounge) Hey, GORE! Are you okay in there?

GORE-ILLA: Uhh...Yeah. (to himself) I sense the others are in trouble. I must return to VGF. (presses a button and dissppears. A second later he returns) That
was fun! Now to get back to Mario Party 4...


LoTP, E. Gadd, and Moondo run through the forest, LoTP taking the lead with his lightsaber.

Moondo: What's that sound?

E. Gadd: Huh? (is tackled by a brown figure.)

Moondo: A monkey?

LoTP: I'll take care of it.

Moondo: Hurry! It's biting me!

LoTP charges the monkey and slashs at it with his lightsaber. The monkey backflips over the lightsaber, bounces off him, and trips him with his tail.

LoTP: Why you little- (slices the monkey in half)

E. Gadd: You should be more cautious next time.

Moondo: Thanks, Luigi. Am I bleeding?

LoTP: I think- Oh my God.

Moondo: What's wr- Holy Monkey!

E. Gadd: What are you loo- Egads!

The trio finds themselves surrounded by a large swarm of monkeys.

To Be Continued.....

WaVCR Channel (Yeah this is Golem too)[edit]

Wah! Moondo: --Ah...!-- I've gotta get back to my office...

E. Gadd: Violent fellows... what're they doing 'round these parts?

Luigi: Don't really think I can take 'em ALL with my lightsaber... ~spots a familiar figure on the opposite side of the monkeys he is facing~

Gamehiker: Holee--what are you doing?!

~Monkeys turn around to face Gamehiker, Mog comes out from behind some bushes~

Moondo: ~to self~ A distraction! Perfect!

Gamehiker: Do they do anything or what?

Luigi: ~looks to Gadd~ What do you think we should do?

Gadd: ~looks to Moondo, who isn't there~

Luigigamer Golem[edit]

Ah. Does anyone mind if I just tie this off in one post? It wouldn't end everything abruptly, but rather, show important events over the span o' the story. Or should we just ignore this?


Go ahead ^_^ actually... I'd like to start working on another Party Goers sometime...

Luigigamer Golem[edit]

Ah. OOC: I was writing one during the school year, but I didn't get too far. Mebbe I could post that here. Also, sorry for the mediocrity o' the post you're about to read, as selected scenes cannot anywhere near replace a story. Mebbe we can actually flesh it out some time. ^_^ Sorry for the cheeziness o' some o' the scenes, too.

~in a jungle-like area~

Moondo: Here it is: the backup terminal! ~ahead there is a small building (think of a porta-potty sized thing)~

LotP: ~as Moondo opens the door to the building~ And we're still on school grounds?!

Quote:~at the computer terminal, once inside the system, everyone looking over Moondo's shoulder~

Moondo: It's coming from the side of the road?!

~sparks fly from computer~

Quote:~in the Plungerheads house~

Baby Mario: This guy's van is so hi-tech that we're able to bust into its system!

GORE: What, like... you're going to drive it?!

~by the van~

Luigi: ~looking at Luigi of the Pipes, who bears a striking resemblance to himself~ Who're you?!

LotP: Heh...

Gadd: No time for introductions!

Rhyk: ~hops to action-ready pose~

~in the Plungerheads, the van blasts through the wall with lasers and such, everyone inside hops out~

Baby Mario: Free at last!

Gadd: ~gives LotP a disappointed stare~

Old Man: ~looking at Golem~ YOU!

Golem: ~looking at Cordelia, Cal, Rhyk, etc.~ You?!

~at the ruins of the Plungerheads~

Old Man: ~with army of robot plumbers (AKA Plumber People) behind him~ ...Nice try!

Cordelia: ~unconcious, starts levitating~

Old Man: What?! I've come too far to find that this is the wrong--

~Everyone is blinded by a white light, after which the van and the plumber robots are gone, and Cordelia wakes up after she falls to the ground~

Old Man: S-Space remains unchanged... but a mysterious force misaligns Real Space! I guess it's time I revealed myself. ~takes out TASTS pen, stares at Golem~ I'm... YOU! :evil ~clicks pen, hops in newsstand, teleports out (nobody does anything because they are strewn about the ground, powerless)~

~outside of Digipen's main door~

Golem: Well, nice visiting.

Moondo: Huh?

Golem: Can't stay. ^_^

Moondo: Ah. :) ~to self~ Should have seen that one coming... but they said I had to get him to stay... ~to everyone again~ Well, nice seeing ya!

~in the truck from the beginning, on the way home~

Ditto: Don't worry. Your future is in YOUR hands.

Golem: Thanks...

~truck crashes on the side of the road~

Ditto: ~has jumped from the car after yelling to Golem~ :eek

~outside Golem's house~

Moondo: Just tell them what you did.

Ditto: I will not! I didn't do anything! I didn't crash that truck and you know it!

Moondo: As obvious as that may be, I can't let you turn this down... ~takes out gun~

~A white ball the size of a watermelon with black shoes and a distinguished mustache and look walks to a chair meant for a human and hops in. He sits at the head of a large table, the setting all very much like a board meeting for some important company. 6 other balls sit around, some green, some yellow, some pink, and other assorted colors. They are all pale and distinguished, though.~

Yellow Ball: Here are the reports of the current plan, sir, Kirby.

Kirby: ~the white ball~ Mmm. Very well done. The Golem Shell lays dormant in a state convincing of a coma in a hospital. And the real one is in our hands... waiting to be shaped. ~skims over report~ Where is the information about when the mind for the Golem Shell will be ready?

Yellow Ball: Sorry, sir, but the mind is ready. All we need to do is get someone to put it in the Golem Shell. After that, he will arise from the coma.

Kirby: Ah. I shall contact Moondo. Meeting adj--wait. ~skims over report again~ So you have confirmed that Golem destroyed R-Space's timeline?

Yellow Ball: Yes. A new one has been forged and started imbetween Party Goers 7 and Party Goers 8.



Narrator: In a Dimension, which we will refer to as C-Space, there is a small planet, roughly one-third Earth's mass and with 84.3% of Earth's gravity, several years into the future, Big Al, Who met Golem in the past, has recieved a letter from himself from the future. The letter contained a matter of great importance. However, his Family doesn't think so.

Enthree: No. You can't go. You've just finished up work here.

Big Al: Look, I'm sorry, but I can't ignore this warning.

Enthree: Let me see this!

Dear Past Big Al:
If you are reading this, then I assume that time cannot be changed. Anyway, you must return to the Earth Area, fifteen years ago and Secure a Job at a place called DigiPen. There you will meet Golem. However, you cannot let him know your identity; use your nickname, Nintenfreak Jr. Also, You must go six weeks into the past, and mail this letter to yourself. Don't ask who wrote it.

Your self,
Big Al

Big Al: I know, how you feel. I'm pushing thirty-eight. I don't know why I couldn't have asked me to do it in the past. But remember, I'll be back as soon as I left. See, there I am right now!

Future Big Al: Hey, I see you got my letter. Tell the Dean he deserves it.

Big Al: Huh?

Future Big Al: You'll see.

Enthree: This is great and all, but how are you going to goto the past and into another dimension?

Future Big Al: Right over there. *points to phone booth*

Enthree: How did you know that?

Future Big Al: Future Future Big Al told me. he was told by Future Future Future Big Al, who was told by Future Future Future Future Big Al. It's all a big loop, really.

Big Al: Right *steps into Time Traveling Phone Booth* I'd like to make this Time Travel Collect.

Narrator: With a Zip and Zoom, and Too the Moon, Big Al is in the Past. Then he travelled into the past with his Time Stone, that he picked up on Earth five years into the future. To Big Al, that's fifteen (time moves about three time faster where he's from).

~At a City~

Big Al: Where am I? Hm... Judging by the scenry... I'd bet this is Baltimore. But... Who do i know in Baltimore?


OoC: I realize Golem is at DigiPen.

Pages in Party Goers 8: Parting is Such Surprising Sorrow
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