Party Goers 8: Parting is Such Surprising Sorrow

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I never paid attention to this one and only posted once. Someone else do this part. Started at ezboard Gamehikers before the new version of Party Goers 7 had been completed. It became part-Harry Potter parody and slowly suffocated in one of the most agonizing OG deaths ever. However, Golem also included a "several posts in one" basically showing future posts he would have made that basically wraps up everything else that would have happened in the story with Golem and evil Old Golem. This OG remains notable for introducing Old Golem as well as the brief Member OG crossover.

Plot Summary[edit]

Golem has just finished high school and is being stalked by a mysterious van belonging to the Plumber People. However, Ditto McCloaker finds him first and gives him an invitation to DigiPen School of Parting and Adventuring. He is whisked away to the school, where other new students include Luigi of the Pipes, Gamehiker and the ignored-outside-one-post T. Flying Fish. Other students include Baby Mario, Yoshi Manfoy with his goons Tirkle and Fuzz and Sapphire, the latter ones each only appearing in one post by their respective authors acting as if they were always students. They also meet the headmaster Moondo, as well as Professor Vorpal, who has a grudge against Golem. Although Golem remembers many of them from his time-traveling adventures in the previous OG, they of course have not truly met him yet.

At the same time, Rhyk is discovered by Golem's old high school friends Cordelia, Cal, Nick and Rick, and they head off to DigiPen to find Golem. However, all of them are captured by a mysterious old man who has gained control over the Plumber People, and is later revealed to be an elderly Golem from the future. He refers to Cordelia as "Isis" and makes a few attempts to kill her that fails, and also sends the school into lockdown to stop Moondo from interfering. However, Luigi of the Pipes and E. Gadd are able to escape while GORE-ILLA arrives from Member OG to meet with Golem and try to find a way to save them from having their souls stolen by Lupus in what he thought was the future.

In Golem's culimination of future posts, Baby Mario hijacks the van and they use it to break free. They eventually confront Old Golem, and Cordelia displays some hidden power. Foiled, Old Golem reveals his identity before escaping in his TASTS. Golem decides to leave DigiPen. It ends with the Council making some weird discussion about a Golem Shell. Only one other post was made afterwards, introducing Big Al into the story who was told by his future self to join DigiPen.

OG Trivia[edit]


Vorpal: Uh... SILENCE! Now, this is Sims class. You may not know what this has to do with video games, since there is no silly platform-hopping, sword-swinging, or spell-chanting. But I will teach you how to raise civilizations... achieve worship... and even parcel out death.

Golem: Will we get to meet Doshin the Giant?

Vorpal: Why do they always ask that?