Harvest Goers '07

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Start: May 27, 2007
End: June 11, 2007
Timeline: Unique
Writers: Golem, Director, Luigi of the Pipes, ChibiTohru-chan, Masamune, GORE-ILLA, Ditto McCloaker, Fred_Of_The_Bed.
Main Cast: Rhykette, Director, Chibi, Luiigii of the Pipes, Flutter, EVIL Scientist Dude, Golem, Helga, Thrakun, Farmer Jon, Vicar McCloaker, Kirby, Mr. Noskin, Fred, Harvest Goddess, Harvest Demon, Harvest Sprites.


Third or fourth attempt at a Harvest Goers, this one actually succeeded by virtue of the fact that it turned out to have nothing about farming and reached an abrupt climax. It has spawned a sequel that strives to be less complicated than its predecessor (well that turned out to be a huge LOL). This was clearly only created so that Golem could impress Chibi, because Chibi is a fan of the Harvest Moon series.

Plot Summary

Rhykette buys a considerable portion of farming land around the town of Nothing. She then offers it to prospective farmers so that the land will become beautiful and not be auctioned off to Governor Kirby, who wants to build a mall there.

While Chibi does practical farming and is somewhat successful, Luiigii of the Pipes endeavors to find a magical mushroom that can be used to fuel tractors without becoming an "ecoterror." Helga, meanwhile, has been given the most toxic and inhospitable plot of land, which is also lived on by Thrakun. Golem, working for Kirby, infiltrates Chibi's farm and tries to trick her and the others into ruining the land.

Farmer Jon, intent on taking the entire countryside for himself, kills the not-so-old man Shade and sets into motion a murder investigation by Flutter, Vicar McCloaker, Director, Helga, Mr. Noskin, and Fred. Jon is ultimately arrested and later killed by his mysterious wife, Martha. At the same time, Chibi learns that Golem is working against her and becomes distraught. Golem decides to search for a middle ground between the farmers and Kirby, so as to make both sides happy.

Luiigii uses the wrong kind of magical mushroom in his tractor and ends up going back in time twenty years. Unable to return to his time, Luiigii goes insane trying to find an escape and decides that the best way to do so is to prevent his future self from buying a farm. He assists the past Jon in taking all of the land by making a deal with the Harvest Demon and becoming Martha. When Luiigii still fails to stop himself, he decides to assist the Harvest Demon in destroying everything.

The Harvest Demon double-crosses Luiigii and uses a brain-washed Chibi (ironically, brain-washed BY Luiigii) to sacrifice him. Brimming with power, the Harvest Demon heads into town to confront the Harvest Goddess, who has been brought forth by Golem and Chibi's renewed friendship. After a dramatic battle with the town members, the Harvest Demon kills the Harvest Goddess. Luiigii's ghost possesses the Harvest Goddess and finishes the Harvest Demon off with help from Farmer Jon (who is still alive somehow).

With the Harvest Demon out of the way, the farmers resolve to make the land great and stop Kirby at all costs.