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Real Name Lt. Douglas "Dodo" Doodle
Species Raven
Birth Year 1991
Weaponry Beak
Abilities Flight
Occupation Sidekick
Origin Mushroom Kingdom
Creator Nintendo/Squaresoft
Introduced by Masamune
Debut Party Goers 14

Dodo is a glorified sidekick that went from working for one self-loving master to another. He is usually seen working with Masamune and the two share a close bond. Has the worst luck with statues.


Masamune's closest friend and trusted advisor. Although technically 'lieutenant', such formalities have been dropped between the two. He originally worked as a lackey for Valentina up until her marriage with Booster. He was found by Masamune, who reluctantly befriended him. On board the ship, the S.S. Swordefeller, he manages most day-to-day duties. He does not often follow Masamune around, but when he does he can usually hold his own against normal foes.

Good Timeline


Dodo accompanied Masamune in GMOG1 against Golem's forces, but ended up in a plot hole where he spent some time until he was ejected in GMOG3.

In Gamehiker Member OG IV Dodo accompanied the OGers into Boston, where he ended up facing off against SteveT himself. He scored a short-lived victory, but was defeated by his inability to figure out which suit of armor was Steve. He then briefly served as Vorp-Man's sidekick, 'Martin' until he revealed his identity. He then accompanied the other sidekicks, Slort and Rhyk, to help Mario Jr. save his sister.

In Gamehiker Member OG VII, Dodo joins the Sidekicks Rights movement. This forced Masamune to cope with doing his own laundry. Though Dodo's goal was originally to get better treatment, a takeover in the team by Straw Man and eventually Buio Giuseppe led to Dodo being forced to fight Masamune and the other Gamehikers. In the end, when faced by the angelic zombie ninja pirate dwelves led by Cap'n Sensei, Masamune used his own body to shield Dodo from harm, affirming their friendship.

Dodo appears in Gamehiker Member OG VIII with the rest of Masamune's crew while they tried to hunt down the key to the oven containing the heart of Donkeyman. For a time Dodo ended up paired with Kuria as they faced off the Kaiser Bear clan. He ended up getting separated from Kuria and getting chased by the Soldier Bears for a long time. Nobody cared to find out what happened to him, but future appearances dictates that he survived somehow.

In the year prior to Gamehiker Member OG X, Dodo entered into politics and became the Secretary of State under the Ditto McCloaker administration. The result has strained his relationship with his old boss, resulting in Masamune hiring Penny Hawtstuff and Rhykette to replace him.

In GMOG Holiday Special: Merry Christmas Straw Man!, Dodo is turned into a chubby human by Straw Man's new narrative powers and serves as a sidekick to Vorpal once again. However, Dodo is secretly working behind Vorpal's back for the Human Rights Movement. Despite his treachery in this department, Dodo retains some loyalty to Vorpal and, during a battle with Lynel in Hell, jumps in front of the liger's blades to protect Vorpal.

At some point, Dodo was killed as a side effect of Ashley's narration powers. This caused Ashley to 'narrate away' her powers and agreeing to allow Masamune to name their son after him.

Bad Timeline

Dodo served as first mate on Masamune's ship until one day Murasame attacked the ship. Dodo was killed in the ensuing battle. The effects drove Masamune to angst and bitterness. His next flying ship was dubbed the 'S.S. Dodo'.

Neutral Timeline

Dodo was Masamune's running mate in the 2000 presidential election. Despite the fact that they lost, he secured the position of Secretary of Education. He took this position to heart and made great efforts in reforming the schools. He again served as Masamune's running mate in the 2004 election. Despite once again losing, he maintained his Secretary position.

Years later, after having died, Masamune named his son Dodo.


Steve: Screw this, I'm leaving.

Dodo: Yeah, walk away! Walk away! Bitch.
-Gamehiker Member OG IV