The Guz (Author)

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Full Name: Matthew Guzman
Birthdate: I don't remember
First OG: 2005
Nationality: United States of America

Author Characters

For his Author Character, see The Guz.


Originally known as Stampede. He later became known as The Guz in sophomore year. He only posted twice in The OnGoing Adventures of the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada,and he also participated in many of the GCPA Sidequests. His traits include dropping f-bombs in every other sentence (along with randomly segueing into all caps), and often manages to work in jokes stolen from Family Guy.



Darth Moose: fools....*DRAWS LIGHTSABER*
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FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: No Name, Darth Moose and Stampede preparing for battle.
-If anyone can make sense of this... they get some amount of money.