Louis of the Tubes

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Full Name: Louis of the Tubes
Birthdate: 1473
Species: Human
Nationality: English
Creator: SteveT
First Appearance: The Festivity Attenders: Deluge of the Doppelganger

When Louis LXIV was kicked out of the Festivity Attenders, he was replaced by SteveT. When SteveT was then kicked out, he was replaced by Louis of the Tubes, a recently rejected friar who had stumbled into their headquarters looking for a drink. Louis was removed from the monastery for having a particularly heated romance with a broom.

Unfortunately for Louis, he made quick enemies with CHUMP-ANZEE after eating his stash of bananas. In retort, CHUMP-ANZEE tricked Louis into stumbling upon the lair of FOUL Alchemist Fellow, where the fellow in question planned to perform horrifying weight-gain experiments on him. He was rescued by the recently ressurected SteveT and his new ally Hrunting, who then kidnapped him because SteveT had used a Flashforward Bombinator to learn that Ashley would refuse to join him as his minion and felt like taking it out on Louis.

While this implies that Louis is Luigi of the Pipes's ancestor, it is presently unconfirmed.