Babyface McTraitorpants

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Full Name: Babyface McTraitorpants
Creator: GORE-ILLA (Actually I think some of the others came up with the concept)
First Appearance: Child of Fat

Babyface McTraitorpants is a new GCPA member who was introduced in the Bronze Cobra Conspiracy arc. He is actually, as his name suggests, a traitor planted in the group by the Bronze Cobra Conspiracy at a time when they needed another member to complete their human pyramid.

He monitors the GCPA in order to kidnap Mr. T for the Bronze Cobra Conspiracy. He easily earns their trust and admiration by setting up good deeds to do (such as pushing one of the pirates into a fire and pulling him out the other side, then saying an enemy had pushed him in). Everyone loved him, not noticing his constant attempts to sabotage the crew, although Stampede at first suspected him of treachery immediately after Babyface joined and even challenged him to a duel. Stampede eventually turned around on the issue, however.

Babyface eventually made his move with the others were busy in a battle with Bob Saget. He was able to knock out Mr. T by drugging his milk (a technique he learned from A-Team reruns) and hijacked the Golden Cheesecake with T aboard. The other pirates think he took the ship out to be cleaned, despite his clear announcement of his treachery as he passed them by.