Gamehiker (site)

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Revision as of 19:36, 31 January 2008 by Masamune (talk | contribs)
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A site dedicated to being a video gaming encyclopedia, a haven for mostly Nintendo enthusiasts. Notable here due to hosting the current home of the OG Forum.

In OGs

Despite most OG characters being heroic people at times, all of them are fundamentally tied to It is their bread and butter and though they never talk about it - whenever it's in danger, they're quick to mobilize and save it. This is usually in response to the actual site going through server problems.

In GMOG Sidequest: ENGLAND???, Masamune decides running the site is too hard and opts to sell it to Satan. Instead it gets sold to Donkeyman who turns out actually has no real interest in it, but the other Gamehikers quickly mobilize to save the site from sure destruction.

In The Quest for Masamune...'s Server, the server is nearly destroyed and Kester is trapped inside it. Thrakun attempts to sell it to Satan (Disguised as Fryguy from Nintendo Database), but is ultimately foiled. At the end, Masamune doesn't seem particularly bothered by it, instead deciding to continue RPing.

In GMOG Sidequest: FRANCE???, the site is in no particular danger - but they decide to go on an epic quest to find the source of Nintendo artwork, which always seems to be in France. Actually this is more of a Fire Emblem parody, isn't it?