Carrotcake King

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Full Name: McJiminy Clarkson
Birthdate: 1968
Species: Human
Nationality: Europe
Creator: GORE-ILLA
First Appearance: Gamehiker Member OG 2: On the Road Again


The Carrotcake King was like the brother on Everybody Loves Raymond- always jealous of the success of carrotcake's brother, the cheesecake. Thus he plotted to find a way to make people eat and enjoy the rancid carrotcake, and shun the cheesecake. To this end he also sought the one who was the legendary Cheesecake King, so that he may kill him and usurp his power.

Good Timeline

He engineered his plan in Gamehiker Member OG 2 when he impersonated the Robot King and banned cheesecake from the world. He also began abducting the Gamehikers with the aid of the Plot Hole, as he believed that one of those cheesecake-crazed freaks might possibly be the Cheesecake King. In the following battle with the Gamehikers, Carrotcake King lost his body. However, his soul survived and began searching for a new host.

Initially, the Carrotcake King possessed GORE-ILLA and continued his deadly schemes. But he was driven out by the reunited Team Missile. He then attempted to possess Vorpal, but he would up entering the body of Roy instead. He has been trapped in the body since, but once more continued his schemes. Roy/Carrotcake King was believed dead after tumbling into a cake vat, but he returned in Gamehiker Member OG III with an army of Caykzors that he sent to attack Cleveland (due to an odd quirk of his). But he was betrayed and overthrown.

He then briefly appeared in Gamehiker Member OG IV, where he pleaded with Don Cornmuffin (the Codfather) to destroy the Gamehikers for him. Then in Gamehiker Member OG VII, Roy returned as the leader of the sidekick rebellion. The Carrotcake King was also no longer alone in Roy's body, as the ghosts of Uruguay and Kaiser Bear IV were in there too. With all these different personalities in Roy, it's somewhat hard to say which of them is dominant, if any.

Bad Timeline

The Carrotcake King became a member of The Council by the Year 2030 in a publicity stunt to convince youngsters that carrotcake was hip and cool. He has possessed the body of a Team Rocket grunt after his body was eaten. Also worked on his Yoda impersonation.