The Council

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Seven beings that were named after vacuums and represent the fundamental forces of nature: Electromagnetism, gravity, the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, entropy, taxes, and sexual tension (at least, in The Party Goers: An OnGoing Story). They are orbs of varying colors, with the white one (Kirby) being their leader. They probably did some important stuff in the Party Goers series, but I wasn't there for that.

The Council is seen in Gamehiker Member OG X, this being a group composed of the Creators and composed of an unknown number of members. This Council is composed of God, Jon Weisheit, Father Time, Ushutar the First, and many others who chose not to speak. When visited by the Gamehikers and Nintenfreak, they take the form of R-Space beings in a boring conference room. Kirby appears as their clerk, but given the complexities of Q-Space being lowered to R-Space, this position may have been metaphorical (since a clerk does all the work) rather than literal.

As residents of Q-Space, the dimension merger in Member OG 8: This Title is irrelevant left them susceptible to attack by outside forces and led them to disassociate theirself with the events in this timeline. By The OGers: The Third Generation, all but Kirby had left this timeline and were instead replaced by villains who never got their chance in the Bad Timeline, namely Uruguay, a Caykzor, Carrotcake King, Sarugerm, Donkey Congo, and Tortilla the Hun. After their utter defeat, they are subsequently replaced by the SteveTrio and Team Thrakun.