The OGers: The Third Generation

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Start: Pre-November, 2004
End: January 28, 2009
Timeline: Bad Timeline
Writers: GORE-ILLA, Golem, SteveT, Luiigii of the Pipes, Masamune, Coltxdoom, AaronGuy, Fred
Cast: GORE-ILLA, EVIL Scientist Dude, SteveT, Ashley, Slort, Masamune, Ramsey, Aither, Luigi 64, Moondo, Straw Man, Lynel, Murasame, Magikoopa, Sapphire, Cobalt, Donkeyman, Fusion Kids, Wizzrobe
Archive: Archive this story you damn kids! Or I could do it, whatever.


This was originally started on the Legends Alliance forums when they temporarily hosted the Gamehiker Forums in 2005. GORE started it in hopes of forming a new generation from the Legends Alliance writers. However there wound up being only two new writers- a one-poster, Colt; as well as the OG's big new asset, the Great Character Find of 2005, SteveT. It moved as slow as possible over the following years, mostly written by writers from previous generations such as Masa, Luiigii and Golem, as well as GORE. Consisting of mostly people running from place to place, it doesn't seemm to be near the end that it truly becomes interesting. The OG was finally ended in early 2009 and has bee followed by 3G2: Green Hair is in Style.

The Party Goers were the First Generation. The OGers were the Second Generation. But after their final triumph... the year 2020 came and a third generation of heroes did not appear. With no one to resist them, the world fell into disorder and into the hands of villains. In time the social structure of the world was chaos. Eventually GORE-ILLA, a hero of the second generation and his creator, EVIL Scientist Dude (a former villain) decided to go finding this third generation theirselves, in the year 2030. Their first step is to look for any surviving first-generation heroes, as well as any second-generation heroes.

Plot Summary[edit]

It begins as GORE-ILLA and EVIL Scientist Dude search for a new "third generation" of OGers in the year 2030, to overcome the forces of evil that have taken over the world. They use a set of photos taken by XB-0TT in the future to identify and recruit these people. Rhyx is awakened but he is quickly confused by not being mentioned as one of the chosen ones for the new generation and splits. At the same time, Ashley sets out looking for her missing father, accompanied only by her father's Goomba companion, Splog. They come across SteveT, who becomes set on recruiting Ashley as his evil minion. However, she is first found by GORE and company, who try to force her into helping them (at first they seem to want her to locate her siblings, who are in the pictures, but later on it's retconned that there was a picture of Ashley too). Also, Masamune is hired by the mysterious El Cent-Saurio and Chibi-Devil to put a stop to this third generation. A mysterious girl named Colt also robs a gas station for drug money.

Things come to a head when they reach Rocketsville. Ashley, whom had been basically kidnapped by GORE and EVIL Scientist Dude, rejects their offer and walks off to live her own life after the Flying Monkey is downed. After being attacked by the bounty hunter Vlad, GORE and ESD are saved by the mysterious young boy Aither, whom they eventually find and recruit. The alien Ramsey arrives on Earth to investigate it for the Spyglass Corporation and is taken in by Team Rocket's Rocketsville authorities- as are Masa and his crew after they are shot down, and Ashley. After an escape, all of these parties as well as GORE's party and SteveT's party, meet up and unite for the moment. Though initially angered, SteveT decides to pretend to befriend the third generation so that he could kill them at the precise moment that they remind him too much of the Festivity Attenders, and he also brings along his minions Straw Man and Lynel. They then attempt to liberate Rockestville II, formerly Las Vegas. At this point Luigi 64 is revived by Team Rocket's boss Magikoopa to infiltrate and betray the OGers. Their first plan fails and they wind up on the run, but they stumble into an underground shrine to the Party Goers where Golem resides.

At this point the first of the plot twists comes into play- that "Slort" is actually Ashley's missing father, Luiigii of the Pipes, who transformed into a Goomba after a mental breakdown resulting from finding out that Ashley would wind up hooking up with Masamune. Golem sees Luiigii as the only person who could understand him and brings him to a meeting of The Council, who are comprised of Kirby and leftover Gamehiker Member OG villains. The Council agrees that the third generation should be stopped or they would have to destroy and remake the world to maintain balance. Luiigii comes to agree with this, especially after discovering that GORE-ILLA was the murderer of the OG Six. The rest of the third generation find out, which leads them to reject GORE and EVIL Scientist Dude, and instead follow El Cent-Saurio and Chibi-Devil, who send them on a mission to Turquoise. There they find the Fusion Kids, whom have gone insane and attempt to kill the OGers. The OGers are eventually able to defeat the kids, at which point Sapphire and her surprise husband, the Donkeyman, agree to lend the third generation aid as long as they do not travel with El Cent-Saurio anymore, as Sapphire knows the Censor Man and has a grudge with him. As they leave with GORE and EVIL Scientist Dude, Cobalt Blue is entranced by a picture of Ashley and is determined to join with them, ultimately inventing the diguise of Gentleman in Red which matches the photos to join.

By this point, Masamune had left with Ashley to take on Murasame and avenge the death of Dodo. At the same time, those still traveling with GORE made way to Rocketsville for the final siege on Rocketsville HQ. GORE himself wound up being caught in one last battle with MON-KILL that ended with MON-KILL becoming street graffiti while Masamune, with help from Ashley and the Gentleman in Red, engaged Murasame and his minions in epic battle. It ended with Masamune fatally wounding Murasame, but this causes Merlin to remove their curses so that they rapidly age and die. Masamune is able to commandeer the Omnipotence in his last moments after kissing Ashley and sending everyone else off, and crashes it into Rocket HQ. The OGers then try escaping the collapsing HQ on a submarine only to find Magikoopa. However, at this point possibly the biggest plot twist comes into play when Luigi_64 actually rejects Magikoopa and chooses to stay with the OGers. At that point the final battles break up on the Omnipotence as Uruguay leads an invasion force to destroy Earth for The Council if the OGers refuse to stand down. The Third Generation- ultimately consisting of Ramsey, Aither, Ashley, Gentleman in Red, Luigi 64 and Colt, whom had just been randomly returned to the story - rejects this and wind up in a battle with Cent-Saurio and Chibi-Devil that ends with the two being defeated and plumetting to their presumed doom with the Luiigii Goomba, who ultimately chooses to help the third generation and is shown to survive later.

The invasion itself is wiped out by the Turquoise reinforcements, with Donkeyman personally splattering Uruguay. In the meantime Magikoopa and Wizzrobe (whom had randomly shown up as a member of Masa's new crew) had been fighting off SteveT. The third generation than began playing a band-like piece together (the true Music Goers?!) when SteveT landed after an attack from the two magicians, and seeing that the group now reminded him enough of the Festivity Attenders, proceeded to brutally murder GORE-ILLA. Everyone is able to escape while a mysterious figure holds off SteveT and entraps him in cement for the time being, and then tends to GORE in his dying breaths. EVIL Scientist Dude, who was only in the whole business to help GORE, cannot stomach aiding the OGers any longer and departs, saying they will eventually meet again as enemies. With Team Rocket disbanded, the six members of the third generation, now on their own, head off to fight the next great enemy, Lupus.

At the same time, however, Rhyx had come to believe that this third generation was flawed and had assembled his own set of OGers to enforce the Council...

References/Homages to Other OGs[edit]

Party Goers[edit]

  • Cobalt adopts the identity of "Gentleman in Red", a identity similar to his mother's "Lady in Red" during her OGing years.
  • Masamune has a flashback of Party Goers 17, where Luigi 64 is sent into hell. At first he has the flashback from Luigi 64's perspective, but quickly fixes the mistake with the right flashback from his perspective.

Festivity Attenders[edit]

  • SteveT has frequent flashbacks to his creation. Pieces of these flashbacks would be later reassembled to create the first Festivity Attenders story.
  • One of Masamune's bird crew is Wizzrobe, the very same who gave Steve life in Festivity Attenders.
  • Donkeyman calls Sapphire by the name Ruby, a reference to his ancient love of Ruby Red, a member of the Festivity Attenders.

Member OG[edit]

Gamehiker Member OG/Other Good Timeline[edit]

  • SteveT is made into a pilot because Straw Man thinks he's a "Model T Pilot Bot" that hasn't been invented yet, a reference to Galaxy Goers where Professor Smarter Than You thinks SteveT is a Model T Pilot Bot.
  • Several villains from the Gamehiker Member OG series are shown as members of a council.
  • Masamune mentions dating Ashley's mom Rebe a few years back, but Slort reminds him that was a different OG (actually the Gamehiker Member OG series). This one of many moments where Masamune forgets what timeline he is in.
  • Also, Donkeyman refers to Sapphire having helped him rescue his heart, depicting the Bad Timeline variation on the retrieval of Donkeyman's heart, which was originally shown in Gamehiker Member OG VIII: The Final Parody.

Other OGs[edit]

  • Luigi has a nightmare about Ashley and Masamune becoming an item, which causes him to go insane and become Slort. This is similar to how Link finds out he's his own father and goes crazy and becomes Tingle in The Triforce of Time Theory. This is an OG reference, really. Because of... Tingle OG.

Things To Know[edit]

  • In a chatroom, it's cool to say "Let's talk about 3G". This has also formed the more popular variation, "Let's talk about Batman".


SteveT: What's with the old turban?

Clerk: It was my grandfather's. He told me I always have to wear it when I'm selling things down here.

SteveT: Why?

Clerk: It adds ten points to my swindle skill, I mean, tradition. Plus ten tradition.

SteveT: You have +10 tradition?

Clerk: Yes. Yes I do.

SteveT: Normally, I'd argue about that, but that turban is just so charming and makes me want to spend money.

Clerk: Spending money in this shop is tradition! -SteveT