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Ramsey Tungsten
Species Ulbrechtus
Birth Year 1978
Affiliation Spyglass Organizaion
The Third Generation
Hair color Black
Eye color Green
Abilities Techno-Savvy
Occupation Operative
Origin Ulbrechtus
Creator AaronGuy
Debut The OGers: The Third Generation

Ramsey is one of the younger operatives in the Spyglass Organization, which is, as the name might imply, an organization based upon observing natural and unnatural occurrences in the universe. Information is collected and analyzed, both for scientific and historical purposes. However, if a reading that doesn't make sense, or a reading that implies a disaster of cosmic proportions occurred, special Operatives are sent out to discover the purpose of these readings.


Bad Timeline[edit]

After a few successful missions, Ramsey was sent on what appeared to be a simple data collection mission to find the remains of Earth, a planet that was destroyed at the end of the 20th century. Instead he found a planet very much still around and in a great deal of turmoil. After falling in with The Third Generation and having Moondo share his body, he decided to remain on Earth. As a result he was really the only one of the group to really, at first, believe in what they were doing. For that reason, it might be easy to see him as the leader of the group, though he has yet to act on that.