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Abbreviation for the "Third Generation" of OGers, aka the lead characters of The OGers: The Third Generation and sequel(s).

...That was only completely redundant.

Heaven's Messengers[edit]



  • Age: 12
  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Human
  • Abilities: Aither has the ability to use lightokinesis, an ability that allows him to generate and manipulate light. The ability has some similarity to pyrokinesis in its ability to generate heat and as a result, extremely bright lights can burn his skin. Due to his abilities, he can perceive spectrums of light invisible to the human eye. He may also have some latent prophetic powers.
  • Background: The son of Erebrus and Night, two members of the MPVP who ended up reformed. Despite being two people of darkness, Aither was born with the ability to control light. He briefly met Mousie before being recruited by EVIL Scientist Dude to join the Third Generation - what significance this may have had is unknown.


  • Age: 18
  • Gender: Female
  • Species: Human
  • Abilities: Though never injected with Goombelli blood, she has inherited some of her father's abilities, notably a distinct invulnerability to fire. She has a latent intuitive ability that may allow her to anticipate attacks, which makes her a better sword fighter and able to use a laser sword to its full potential.
  • Background: Ashley is the only daughter of Luiigii and Rebe, though she has two older adopted siblings. The fact that her father was never around has left her with a jaded attitude towards others. When her father went missing (or rather, turned into a Goomba) she joined the Third Generation, but soon fell in with Masamune's crew. The two became close, though Masamune ended up dying in a duel with Murasame. She became a member of the Third Generation on the pretense of still looking for her father.


  • Age: 52
  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Ulbrechtus
  • Abilities: Ramsey possesses a keen intellect and an extremely advanced knowledge of technology. He can easily disseminate how an object works and with enough time, how to build it. His shared mind with Moondo facilitates his ability to utilize gadgets. Like the rest of his race, he is slightly stronger than humans and his claws are quite deadly.
  • Background: A member of the Spyglass Corporation, an alien society that monitors the universe for abnormalities for unknown reasons. Ramsey was sent to determine why Earth still existed, despite officially being destroyed. He ended up falling in with the Third Generation and became one of the only members to truly believe in their cause, with the result that he decided to remain on Earth with them.

Luigi 64

  • Age: 20
  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Human
  • Abilities: Luigi 64 has demonstrated himself to be a crackshot when it comes to guns and makes good use of them. What other abilities he may have gained during damnation are unknown.
  • Background: Once the original Party Goer, Luigi 64 proved to be a bad influence on his younger friend, Golem and ended up double crossing the lot of them. For a long time the two went their separate ways until he ended up stuck in Hell due to Dark Ditto. He spent three years there (thirty in the outside world) before he was finally released by Magikoopa, who recruited him to spy on the Third Generation. Despite agreeing to work with Magikoopa, in the end Luigi 64 stayed true to his new allies. Though his personality and mannerisms haven't changed much, his experiences in the hereafter has made him seek atonement.

Gentleman in Red

  • Age: 19
  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Half-Burro
  • Abilities: Being the spoiled rich kid, Cobalt has access to all kinds of expensive weaponry and keeps a lot of it on his person where he has room. Primarily he is an expert swordsman and was trained in all kinds of swordplay by not only his father, but also some of the greatest swordsmen in history. It's possible that he inherited some of his father's abilities.
  • Background: After Sapphire received her soul again, she wandered lost an alone until she met Donkeyman, who was reminded of his old love from centuries ago. Somehow the two married and had a son, Prince Cobalt. He spent most of his early childhood alone with his mother, but on his sixth birthday his father allowed him to join the crew of the Flying Arabdude to serve for ten years ferrying the deceased to the next world. Some time after his return to the mortal world, he met up with the Third Generation. When he was refused a place among their ranks, he became the Gentleman in Red and joined their ranks.


  • Age: 21
  • Gender: Female
  • Species: Human
  • Abilities: As a product of genetic experiments, Colt possesses superhuman strength and reflexes, making her possibly the strongest member on the team. Her experiences through time give her a special insight into technology, though she's not as mechanically minded as Ramsey.
  • Background: Not much is known about Colt's early life, since technically it hasn't happened yet. At some point she became the subject of experimental 'human evolution'. She came into possession of a time traveling device and used it to explore history, taking whatever she wanted in a purely hedonistic lifestyle. Her journey came to an end when she tried to steal Magikoopa's Neo Geo and ultimately she joined the Third Generation as their final member.

Hell's Gatekeepers[edit]


  • Age: 30
  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Robot
  • Abilities: Due to his robot origins, Rhyx possesses a considerable number of abilities. His metallic body makes him resistant to most attacks and gives him increased strength. He is also armed with multiple weapons systems.
  • Background: Following his service of Author 9 in the MOG series and his transformation into Syphnity, Rhyk was picked up by EVIL Scientist Dude and rebuilt as Rhyx, the Robotic Heroic Yeoman to Xenodestiny. Awakened by the doctor to aid in the collection of the Third Generation, he promptly ran off in search of his own 3G, as the one XB-0TT had seen was not the same one he had. He brought together his team with the intent of replacing GORE's, but they ultimately abandoned him and now he's set out to gathering them again.


  • Age: 31
  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Human
  • Abilities: Possibly one of the best surviving swordsmen around. Aside from his personal arsenal of guns, he also possesses two Japanese katana, one that bears his name and the other which wields a mysterious power. Despite being a normal human, he possesses incredible strength.
  • Background: Though the son of Murasame and Kaminaru, he never truly knew his father. Living in a world ruled by an assortment of evil people made for a rough life for him and when his mother died, he ended up being raised by Chief Sigmund of the Talon Police. For a time he served under his adoptive father, but after an accident that left him scarred, he struck out as a mercenary. He has a six year old daughter that accompanies him. Though he is out to avenge his father's death, he also seeks to find his long lost wife.


  • Age: ???
  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Mariorocks
  • Abilities: In order to counteract a Mariorocks natural tendency to simply die, Rocky possesses a highly advanced regenerative factor that allows him to shrug off almost any attack. Consequently it gives him an almost endless amount of stamina.
  • Background: One of those wacky minions of the Donkeyman, Rocky was a Mariorocks who escaped the fate of his fellows and chartered the help of a renegade TRO scientist to become more than just cannon fodder. He is a showboating, shade-wearing hero of destiny who has caught the eye of TWIFATIT's scientists in their work on Lupus clones.

Pages in category "3G"

The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.