Flying Monkey

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An airship in the shape of a monkey positioned as if it were swimming in the water. Its ownership changes constantly, but it is usually associated with GORE-ILLA or EVIL Scientist Dude.


The ship was initially constructed by the EVIL Scientist Dude. It is quite versatile and can shift into alternate forms (such as a land-roving Roving Monkey, or an aquaticly-designed Swimming Monkey). It can also be used for traveling through space and lava.

Good Timeline[edit]

The Flying Monkey makes a brief appearance at the end of Gamehiker Member OG IV: Cheesecake of the Gods, owned by EVIL Scientist Dude. He later uses it to ferry the other villains around in Gamehiker Member OG VIII: The Final Parody. However, after Luiigii of the Pipes goes crazy and nearly kills EVIL Scientist Dude, he steals it and uses it to begin his conquest of Anti-Space in Gamehiker Member OG IX: TRAITOR?!?!?!?!?!?!.

EVIL Scientist Dude regained the Flying Monkey some time afterwards, and it was used to transport the members of the new Team Monkey in Gamehiker Member OG Holiday Special: Happy Father's Day, Masa!

Bad Timeline[edit]

Dark GORE later gained the Flying Monkey and used it to terrorize the Party Goers with the aid of his sea monkey army in Party Goers 17: A Party, A Party, Who's Got a Party?. After Dark GORE reverted to being the good GORE, EVIL Scientist Dude reclaimed the vessel.

Its first appearance in the Member OG series was in Member OG 2: The Jewel Heist, when EVIL Scientist Dude presented it to Dark GORE as transportation for the Bad Timeline's Team Monkey. They continued using it until Member OG 4: GORE-ILLA's Quest, when it sunk into the molten remains of the Western Hemisphere. They later rebuilt a second Flying Monkey for use in the following OGs.

However, the original Flying Monkey was restored by PL-0TT at the end of Member OG 4. The original Flying Monkey was then used by the OGers until it crash-landed on Krad in Member OG 6.

The Flying Monkey II was still in use by EVIL Scientist Dude in 2030, when he used it to seek out the third generation of OGers, until it was blown up by Vlad oh wait or was it? I gotta reread that one.
