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Revision as of 22:10, 19 March 2009 by TheKirbyOfDeath (talk | contribs)
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Species Human
Occupation Sidekick
Origin Anti-Space
Debut Gamehiker Member OG IX

WarioFan is a big geeky geek geek... geek. He loves Nintendo a lot.


The clan of WarioFans has aided Señor Burro for a long, long time.

Good Timeline

The Gamehikers encounter WarioFan63 in Gamehiker Member OG IX: TRAITOR?!?!?!?!?!?! as the sidekick of Señor Burro after his predecessor, WarioFan64, dies. He accompanied his master and the Gamehikers in their quest to stop SteveT, Vorpal, and Masamune - and later Luiigii of the Pipes. During the final battle, his master was killed and he ended up traveling to R-Space, which led to him becoming a huge Nintendo fan as well as the sidekick of Vorp-Man. Despite his best efforts, he can never manage to convince the gang that there's stuff worth looking at on the Wii Shop Channel besides palm trees.

WarioFan Mind Control OG

WF calls for his favorite manslaves. He hopes they sing Invisible Touch this time.

Has no relevance to continuity whatsoever. In this OG, WarioFan gains a Virtual Boy 2 and uses its powers to aid Nintendo in killing its old fanbase in favor of the CASUAL GAMERS. Eventually, he realizes the error of his ways, but Nintendo uses the Virtual Boy 2 to control his mind. Take that, you sucker.