Señor Burro

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Full Name: Señor Burro

Birthdate: July 7, 777
Species: Unknown
Origin: Anti-Space
Nationality: The United States of Mexico
Creator: Masamune
Party: Republicans
First Appearance: Gamehiker Member OG IX: TRAITOR?!?!?!?!?!?!


Señor Burro is a wonderful creature who is part-donkey and part-man. For centuries he has been a guiding light of hope for the world. Throughout his existence he has been aided by a large clan of side-kicks, all of whom are named WarioFan. Señor Burro also has had several ancestors who were in no way inconvenienced by Masamune's Anti-Space counterpart, since he doesn't have one. This caused Señor Burro to be a wonderful person and dedicate his apparent immortality to rid the world of evil.

One of Señor Burro's most well known acts was in World War -2, he helped the Axis fend off the evil Allies from taking over the world. Working closely with Saint Hitler (as he would later be known), Señor Burro saved Europe from being overrun by the American Monarchy. This made him a Mexican hero, since he was Mexican and was a hero. So people put two and two together and started saying that. In his honor, Pinatas were finally released into the wild and made a protected species, which mostly meant making sure they didn't get wet.

Timeline History[edit]

Not-Good Timeline[edit]

Señor Burro made his first appearance when Golem and the others arrived from the Good Timeline in regular space. They had been captured by Wagolem and were about to be killed by a bomb. Although Señor Burro tried to disarm the bomb, eventually his sidekick, Wariofan 64 had to grab the bomb and escape, dying in the process. He was replaced by Wariofan 63, while Señor Burro introduced himself to the Gamehikers. He aided them throughout GMOG9 and trained under Repus the Turk, but he apparently was killed offscreen with his heart then being delivered by the Director to Ricardo Montebain, who used it to become the Donkeyman.

Not-Bad Timeline[edit]


Not-Neutral Timeline[edit]

Established world peace.



-Upon Wariofan 64's death; Gamehiker Member OG IX: TRAITOR?!?!?!?!?!?!

See Also[edit]