WarioFan 13

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Eternal rival of WarioFan


The background of Wariofan13 is one wrapped in confusion and almost certainly exclusive to the Good Timeline. His own personal timeline is a mess and one wrapped inside of a circular paradox. Chronologically he first appears in about 2008 after he is flung into the past due to a portal created by Jed's body. After landing in the most perfect gaming crib, it is immediately destroyed when Luiigii of the Pipes and Lobsterio utterly destroy it during one of their many, many frequent battles. Wariofan13 vows revenge. In GMOG Sidequest: MAGIKOOPA??? he forced GM to work for him as part of his plot to defeat the OGers and prevent them from accessing Magikoopa's archives, while also secretly planning to take GM's implant when he was killed during the fighting. After his plot is thwarted by Magikoopa's plot being better, he kidnaps Sapphire and Jed and summons Golem to choose which one lives. Instead Mr. T shows up and punches him helluva far.

As a result, another time traveler, Old Golem shows up, becomes a god in Gamehiker Member OG X: The Shrack of Neely and creates an alternate non-canon future. Wariofan13 initially enlists as a member of the Sweet Sixteen and helps to gather the Plot Devices, which is used to make Old Golem a god. Wariofan13 worked with the villains for some time after that, later using his soul-switching technology to switch the souls of Masamune and Murasame. Twenty-five years later he was still working with Murasame, who had WF13 switch the souls of Jed and a now corrupted WarioFan 63 so that they could use Jed's scythe. However things went awry when Misty showed up and WF13 was inadvertently sent back in time to where his story first begins. Remembering Old Golem's role in the future, Wariofan13 intended to usurp his role as the central figure of all existence and a god in the future, unaware that the two Golems were from different timelines.


As a brilliant boy genius, he keeps a host of technologies at his disposal and seems to be somewhat more competent at using them than even EVIL Scientist Dude, though that remains debatable. One of his more notable gadgets is the Soul-Switching technology which is supposed to emulate the ability that a normal Wariofan has when working with Senor Burro. Presumably his original origin (beyond his own paradoxical time loop) would have been the latest Wariofan after Wariofan63 through Wariofan14 had died. However no one will ever know now. He is also inexplicably the son of Gorman. Despite the fact that he's technically Wariofan63's arch rival, the two seem to be largely indifferent to one another, though Wariofan63 hates him for being a poser.