Wonder Wario

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Wonder Wario, known is Wonder Wario the Stupid, is Unit B of two powerful clones created by aliens in 1987. He is presumably a clone of Wario as he looks exactly like Wario save for an extra W on his cap. He is described as "a gullible, idiot sod". He is obsessed with food (especially cake), cartoons and fighting but is not fond of liars. Apparently he can also turn into a Super-Stupid at will, and when angered he can turn into a Hyper-Stupid.

Additionally he has two partners. They are W.W. the Hedgehog, who was created with a combination of Wonder Wario's DNA and Sonic's, and W.W. Man, a robot created to be superior to Wonder Wario.


Wonder Wario appeared towards the end of Super Mario Brothers Fanventure 2: Trapped in Sub-Con to help in the battles against Wart. However, he was left behind when the others were sucked into a portal to S-Space.

He later joined up with Golem and Timnis in Sonic the Hedgehog Fanventure. He used the "Blue Blur" upgrade to get the powers of Sonic the Hedgehog and also accidentally broke the Special Zone at one point.

Other Appearances[edit]

Wonder Wario and his partners appeared as Team W.W. in Party Goers Heroes: Romantic Ideals.