Super Mario Brothers Fanventure 2: Trapped in Sub-Con

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Start: March 16, 2001
End: May 7, 2002
Timeline: Pre-Timeline Split
Writers: Fire Mario, Golem, Wasuki, RealGTX, Flutter, Bowser102, Nintenfreak, Wonder Wario.
Main Cast: Golem, Flutter, Nintenfreak Jr., Fire Mario, Bowser 102, RealGTX, Wasuki, Wonder Wario, Wart.


The second part of the Fanventures series, in chronological order. It was actually the first of the OGs in that series to be ended. It is set in the world of Super Mario Bros. 2. Chronologically, Super Mario Fanventure World comes next.

Plot Summary[edit]

Golem, Flutter, Nintenfreak Jr., Fire Mario, Bowser 102, RealGTX and Wasuki find themselves trapped in Sub-Con, the Super Mario Advance version. They adventure through the game and in the process learn that Wart is escaping to the outside world, in order to invade it. The Fanvers are able to escape Sub-Con eventually, but a pair of Shy Guys possess Flutter and Nintenfreak Jr. to make them betray the others.

A giant Robirdo is unleashed upon Tokyo. One of the Ghost Guys leaves Flutter to instead possess Wasuki, but both ghosts are eventually driven away. The Fanvers battle Wart and the Robirdo with the aid of Yoko and Gumpei, two assistents of Shigeru Miyamoto. After summoning a Super Dragon Yoshi, Wart is soon sucked back into Sub-Con with his army, to be put on trial. However, Golem and the other Fanvers (except for the new recruit, Wonder Wario) are sucked into a portal as well and wind up trapped in the Mushroom Kingdom.


~Golem gets a huge grin on his face as he's forced to pick up one of Robirdo's huge eggs.~

Golem: ~looks at himself~ I know I'm in the hands of an experienced gamer.

~He then procedes to walk around with the egg, with the urge to find a sunny spot. Golem attacks the egg open, and it begins to sizzle.~

Golem: O.o;;;;

Flutter: *spots some little kids playing game boy advances* Hey watch this. *puts on a gorilla mask and the kids run off and leave their game boy advances*

NF: Isn't that illegal?

Flutter: Not if we found them.

Flutter: Errr... Golem here can't do anything! He's slow, weak, and his jump isn't much...

B102: We need transportation!

Golem: Oh, right... ~takes out rubber band pen from his pocket~ Here! It should take us!

Flutter: You have everything, don't you? Pokémon, automobile pen...

Golem: Shouldn't someone go after Wasuki?

RealGTX: We can't have someone alone--too dangerous.

Flutter: What if we have two people alone?

Golem: You're hypothesis is genius. Tell me more.

Flutter: If only Sherlock Holmes were Japanese.

Golem: Then what?

Flutter: ~shrugs~

Gumpei: To the bikes!

Yoko: I hope they're hover bikes.

Gumpei: That would be so awesome.