Party Goers 12

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Revision as of 15:38, 28 July 2007 by Vorpal (talk | contribs)
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One of the lost Party Goers stories. This one involved an invasion from Anti-Space.

Err, they went to Anti-Space, I think. It had to do with Dark Ditto being on Kutalal, a planet in S-Space.

Vorpal's Recollection (which is why this summary is Vorpal-heavy)-- The Party Goers crash land on Kutalal. Vorpal, the villain from Party Goers 11 is knocked into some sort of delirium, causing him to be a good guy, and join the Party Goers. Ditto becomes the story's main villain, with his base, Ditto's Domain being the primary objective. Ditto creates alternate versions of the Party Goers called the Party Crashers, this includes a version of Vorpal named Blade.

Ditto introduced an interesting concept in this OG which has not been able to be duplicated (because we were OGing fools back then) where he, being the villain, gave timed response posts. Within certain rooms of Ditto's Domain, he'd set up an elaborate puzzle, and he'd give a certain number of hours for us to figure out the puzzle, resulting in (presumably) one of two different outcomes in his next post, if someone figured it out, or if no one figured it out, or didn't post within the specified time.