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Pages in the Gamehiker Member OG 5 Archive
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Author: Luigi of the Pipes[edit]


~A pair of headlights race down a night-backed road, a barely visible car following. The camera flies into one of the headlights, permanently blinding all viewers/readers. It continues through the headlight and goes through every detailed part of the inside of the car for absolutely no reason except that it costs a lot and looks pretty, while showing a bunch of credits that no one really pays attention to. The camera exits out the tail pipe and turns to look further down the road. There is a brief moment when the headlights illuminate a man, then a loud thud. The car screeches to a halt. The man's body (completely in shadows) is somehow mutilated in such a way as to spell:



~Some time later, the police, an ambulance, and, for the hell of it, a squad of fire fighters pull up. A policeman walks up to the car. (The recently redubbed) Luigi of the Pipes rolls his window down and peers up, a painfully guilty expression on his face. The policeman does a double take.~

Luigi: Sir?

Policeman: Do you have a twin, sir?

Luigi: Not in this OG.

Policeman: A brother who looks really similar? Maybe someone you know who would dress up like you?

Luigi: Not in this OG... why?

Policeman: Step out of the car, please.

~Luigi gets out. The policeman leads him over to the victim.~

Luigi: Wait...

Policeman: Anyone you know?

Luigi: That's me.

Policeman: It would seem, except for the possibility. ~calls his chief and explains~ Sir, this is going to seriously bog down the system. We're going to run some DNA tests and figure out who this is.

Luigi: It's me.

Policeman: We'll need to keep you at the station.

Luigi: Oh.

~Hours later~

Scientist: It's impossible. The tests claim that both of these men are Mr. Lucas Hanimar.

Holistic Detective: I couldn't wrap my head around it, so I've called in an expert.

Young Boy: He'd need a bloody time machine.

Holistic Detective: There you have it.

Scientist: I hate to admit it...

Holistic Detective: So guy goes back in time and gets killed by himself. Pretty sad way to go. We should tell him how much time he's got left.

Scientist: Couldn't he just not go back in time and prevent it?

Holistic Detective: Oh, he'll go back in time. You can't change the past... or the future. How much time does he got?

Scientist: . . . one year.

~The next day~

~Luigi glumly walks up to Yami Yoshi's house, where Yami has recruited the OGers into helping him put up his new deck and pool. Yami stands on the ground with a giant megaphone, while MJ, GORE-ILLA, Golem, and Rhyk stand on the deck, about to jump into the empty pool.~

Yami: Now, guys. The deck isn't completely screwed down yet, so...

Golem: Yeah yeah. If it hasn't collapsed yet, it won't.

~A butterfly floats down and lands on the end of the deck. The support structure collapses, and the furthest board falls down. Their eyes go wide. Another board falls, and then another. Golem and Rhyk turn and run off the deck. MJ backs away quickly, then jumps back as the boards under him start to fall. GORE trips, lands on the boards that haven't quite collapsed, and then lays very still.~

Yami: Nice. Now I have to get a new deck. (angry)

MJ: Hang on, ugly ape guy! We'll pull you back!

Rhyk: Screw that! He has jets on his feet.

GORE: They're still not working. ~sweats intensely~

~MJ steps one board closer to GORE, hears a very loud creaking, and backs away again.~

Luigi: ~sigh~ I got him... ~uses Force powerz to lift GORE off the deck~

GORE: I'm suing.

Yami: Okay, good. Now if you could just put the deck back together and-- hey, where'd he go?


Masamune: At last, we can finish this.

Vorpal: FOR MISTY!

Masamune: FOR ME!

~Masamune and Vorpal finish the climactic battle from the last GMOG.~

Vorpal (crappy Japanese voice): But first... let us drink... Mountain Dew!

Masamune (crappy Japanese voice): Are you ready... for my six pack... of FURY!? ~chugs~

Vorpal: Flying two liter... HAI YAH! ~chugs as well~

Masamune: You have proven yourself... a worthy opponent. May we meet again!

Vorpal: Word!

Ashley: You guys are dumb.


~Rebe sits at a desk and pulls a locket out of her pocket. She flips it open to show a picture of a stout, bearded man and a tall, pointy eared woman. She looks at it a moment, then turns and starts writing on yon nearby paper.~

Rebe (on letter): Dear Mom and Dad,
Hope you are having fun at whatever that place is where crazy relationships like yours are welcome. Wish I was there, but know you wouldn't want me to be.
My crazy boyfriend has been flirting with other women again. I think he's forgotten that we were even dating... Well, were we even dating? Even I can't remember. I can't just leave him, though. He'd probably sell his soul for a really shiny penny... sorry, really shiny dime without me.
Well, hoping you write back with advice (and money, ha ha ha).
Rebe Jade.

Rebe: ~sigh~


OoC: I'm not allowed to start OGs anymore, I know.

Author: Mario Jr.[edit]

(MJ is at the beach, standing next a Star Gate™ . He is carrying his baby boy in his arms and standing next to him were Andi and Marin. Soon the others showed up in their separate cars, bikes, airships or whatever the hell their mode of transportation was.)

GORE: What is it now MJ? This better be good.

MJ: I came tell you guys that tomorrow’s my birthday. Oh, and I'm leaving OGing for awhile.

*scattered groans*

Masa: You interrupted a perfectly good OG for THAT?

GORE: Good riddance.

Luigi: Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

MJ: Ah screw you guys! I'm trying to be serious here. Look, some unexpected things came up. I gotta go back home to tell ma and pops the good news and help Andi raise our son. You guys will just have to do without me.

(MJ presses a button on his remote control with his free hand and conjures up a giant warp pipe from out of the ground. He then helps Andi climb inside and her their son and down they went.)

Masa: Waitaminute! What's with the Star Gate™?

MJ: Oh that piece of plastic? That's just a souvenir I'm bringing back from Earth.

(MJ shoves the entire Star Gate™ , DHD™ and all, into the pipe.)

MJ: Come Marin.

Marin: Actually, MJ… I think I’m going to stay behind.

MJ: Jigga what?

Marin: I mean, that is… *turns to Vorpal and Masa* If there’s still room in THE THREE POINT FIVE COMPAÑEROS.

MJ: Meh, suit yourself. *jumps into pipe*

Author: GM[edit]

(We now interrupt the story with a lame newbie post. In an apartment in the area where the story takes place, a man named Giuseppe Mastari, also known by the self-given title of Game Master, or GM for short, is doing what he usually does; play video games for about eight hours straight. He was up to his fifth hour when he got a call a phone call. He paused the game and picked it up, since he kept the phone by the TV so he wouldn't have to get up.)

GM: Hello?

Don Miguel: Hello Joe.

GM: Oh, hey. Anything new?

Don Miguel: Well, yeah. I'm gonna break up with Katie.

GM: Hmm. Why?

Don Miguel: Oh, I don't know. We were having some trouble recently, but then when I went to her house earlier today, there was a group of guys there, and they, well, started to chase me.

GM: That must suck.

Chris: Yeah, it did. Luckily I found The Kenny, and he scared them off.

GM: Cool. But yeah, I'd break up with a girl if she sent a lynch mob after me.

(Don Miguel Galucavich, despite being a little weird, has had 15 more girlfriends than GM ever had, even if the relationship didn't last that long. Also, since Don Miguel only had 15 girlfriends, that was saying something about GM. Also, despite his name, Don Miguel Galucavich was neither Latino or Russian. His parents were just weird when it came to names.)

Don Miguel: So, what about you. What's happening in the Fantastic Life of Joe?

GM: I'm destroying all humans.

Don Miguel: What?

GM: New game.

Don Miguel: Oh.

GM: It's pretty good.

Don Miguel: I see. *pause* OH! GM, I have something to tell you! It's another one of my brilliant creations!

GM: Better than that flying chair?

Don Miguel: Quite possibly! Okay, for a while, I have been thinking, of the way a girl's mind works, when it comes to guys.

GM: I think they made a movie about that.

Don Miguel: So, I've done some studying, and I've come to the conclusion, that one factor, is scent. Y'know, pharamones, and stuff like that. Well, I've created a perfume, that when worn by a guy, will make him more attractive, to women.

GM: Really? Does it work?

Don Miguel: Well, I'm wearing some right now, but I don't know if it works yet.

GM: What's it made of?

Don Miguel: Oh, well, let's see. A mixture of regular perfumes, a teaspoon of alcohol, ground up little green tree-shaped air fresheners, and this is important...

GM: Yeah?

Don Miguel: ...A couple of drops of the wearer's own urine.

GM: ...

Don Miguel: So after the buyer adds in a couple of drops of his own urine, the perfume is complete. Now, I'm thinking of setting up a stand in front of my house later today. Want to come help me sell some?

GM: ...So, let me get this straight. You invented some piss perfume-

Don Miguel: I prefer to call it "love perfume".

GM: *pause* Some piss perfume that makes men more attractive to women. You haven't tested, so it might not even work, yet you want to start selling it? Today?

Don Miguel: Yep.

GM: Why?

Don Miguel: Well, since this is a love story, my love perfume might be a factor. It's about time we joined in on this.

GM: ...

(Later, in front of Don Miguel's house, the two of them were sitting behind a "Love Perfume" stand. It also gives me the chance to describe them. GM was a Caucasian male with black, white-tipped spikey hair, like the quills of a porcupine. He wore black, boots, black gloves, and a black duster with a large red hammer/sickle symbol on the back. He wasn't a communist, he just liked the symbol. However, this did cause him to be the victim of sneak attacks from the "patriotic". He also wore a large Pope hat. Don Miguel was also a Caucasian male, though scrawnier than GM with brown, slightly messy hair, glasses, green pants, and a white lab coat that was actually from a Halloween costume.)

Don Miguel: Yep, any minute now...

GM: I should've brought a book.

Author: Mario Jr.[edit]

(And then black woman bursted in from out of nowhere, black hair and red highlights flying everywhere.)

Tiffa: Where MJ at? Why hasn't he STILL introduced me to y'all yet? And why is my hair this color? And why the HELL everytime a black women is introduced why she have to be angry!? In fact, why has every female character MJ has ever created some raving luntic that wanna box everthing she see? Because MJ's a racist sexist hoe who watches to much MadTV!

Marin: Tiffany! Tiffany! Calm down! What are you doing here anyways?

Tiffa: Well, gee, I forgot now.

Marin: Well, you're here now, and the pipe back home is gone so I guess you're stuck here with us. You're welcome join us for the remainder of the OG if you like.

Tiffa: For real? You don't mind if I join y'all?

Marin: Not at all! There's plenty of room in my posse.

(All the guys look at Marin weird.)

Marin: I said POSSE!

Author: Masamune[edit]

~Meanwhile, underneath the pool~

Fred: Are you sure this will work?

Lupus: Of course. We'll simply plant this bombinator like so. Once we do, the OGers above will all be destroyed.

Fred: Only those up there anyways.

Lupus: Well yeah. Once they're gone, the others will be mad or something and kill eachother. I dunno.

Fred: Oh.

Lupus: This will do it!

~Meanwhile, above~

Yami: Have you noticed this OG is going nowhere?

GORE: Yeah, pretty much. Usually there's a villain or something by now. Or something interesting.

Luigi: ....

Rhyk: This isn't much of a party though.

Golem: Well, maybe we should start the Party Goers up. Call everyone together, hold a big party. Like the old days.

Luigi: ....

Yami: Stupid Party Goers, ha. I'd never be a party goer. Even if you wrote a big novel about your adventures and offered to let me in on it, I'd laugh at your face probably.

GORE: He makes a compelling point.

Marin: *walks over* Hey guys. This is Tiffa.

GORE: You already introduced her.

Marin: But you ignored me.

Yami: Yeah? So?

Marin: *curses*

Yami: So I'm gonna- POOF! *jumps in pool*

GORE: Hey, its swimming time. Cool.

Yami: Pfft, for me. You losers can go barbecue the steaks.

GORE: Fat chance. *runs to jumps in anyways*

~before he even hits the water, a HUGE EXPLOSION GOES OFF~

Golem: Holy-

Rhyk: A bombinator!

Marin: Yami is-

Golem: GORE! *points to GORE surrounded by a huge chasm of lava just because*

Rhyk: I ain't going over there.

Tiff: Not it.

Luigi: Eh. *starts walking over*

Golem: You'll be killed!

Luigi: I can't die. Not yet anyways. *calmly walks over and drags GORE to safety*

Rhyk: That wasn't very dramatic.

Marin: But Yami is...

Luigi: Yes. Dead.

~moment of silence~

Golem: So, how about those steaks?

Author: GM[edit]

(Back at the love perfume stand...)

GM: No one's coming.

Don Miguel: Joe, we've only been here for fifteen minutes.

GM: I'm not a patient person.

Don Miguel: Just wait at least an hour longer. If no one comes by then, we can pack up.

GM: An hour's too long. Wait...

(GM smells the scent of BBQed steak. GM loved steak, but he also had other ideas.)

GM: Seems that someone's having a party. Maybe I can lure them here. At least then I'll get some money out of the deal.

Don Miguel: I don't know. It smells like it's coming from that place across the street. I heard an explosion coming from there earlier.

GM: Well, if there are any terrorists or evildoers, or anything, I think I can take care of them. I'm off!

Don Miguel: Okay. Don't do anything stupid! Bye bye!

(So, GM jogged across the street.)

(Meanwhile, in the half-destroyed pool area.)

Golem: Okay! Steaks are on the grill! They're grilling nicely!

GORE: Are you going to narrate while you cook?

Golem: If I feel like it.

GM: ...Steaks huh?

Golem: Yes they are!

GM: Mmm Mmm! I sure do love steaks.

Golem: Yes you do... Wait, who are you again?

GM: Suckerpunch! BAM!

(The stranger suckerpunched Golem in the face. While he was dazed, GM took the steaks from the grill and began to run.)

GM: Ah! Hot! Hot! HOT!!!

GORE: Hey! That guy's stealing our steaks!

Luigi: So? Don't you have more?

Golem: No! Someone has to go after him!

Rhyk: I'm not going after him.

Tiffa: Not it.

GORE: You two refused to help me earlier! That means you have to chase that guy now!

Luigi: Eh. I'm not hungry anyway.

(That's when GM got caught in a bear trap and fell!)


Marin: Why did Yami have bear traps in his yard?

Rhyk: To keep out the bears, of course.

(Rhyk motioned to the bears on the other side of the fense.)

Soldier Bear: *in bear language* [Sir! One of their traps is down!]

Kaiser Bear IV: [Yes! The Bear Empire shall rule this house soon enough!]

(The intruder soon found himself surrounded.)

GM: Eheheh... So, anyone interested in some love perfume? ...Oh, c'mon! There's suppose to be a love story! Where's the love!?

(Back at the stand...)

Don Miguel: Maybe I should've tested it before selling it. And maybe I should've sold it at a place more public. Or maybe I should've just stayed home and finished my android...

(Suddenly, something fell from the sky and landed right in front of the stand. It was Yami. Maybe dead, maybe not. Either way, there was smoke rising from him, he was covered in soot, and he wasn't moving.)

Don Miguel: ...Hiyo, sir! Have you ever had trouble when it came to your love life?

Yami: ...

Author: Mario Jr.[edit]

Marin: Okay... Now where did Tiffa go off to? Don't tell me I have to babysit her like I did MJ.

(Marin starts looking around and spots Tiffany across the street looking at perfume.)

Tiffa: So the wearer puts a few drops of his own urine in the perfume and it somehow makes him more attractive to women?

Don Miguel: Yup.

Tiffa: Can this work vice versa?

Don Miguel: I think so.

Tiffa: Great! I'll buy two please.

Marin: What the hell are you doing?

Tiffa: I buying some Love Perfume, get off my back!

Marin: Don't you know that's just a scam. First he'll get you to smell it. Next thing you know, you wake up on the curbside and your purse is gone.

Tiffa: Aw, but he's cute! He'd never do anything like that to me.

Don Miguel: *cheesy grin*

Marin: You must be kidding...

Don Miguel: I'd never do that... I'm a nice guy and I run an honest business.

Marin: Selling piss perfume in stand outside your house?

Don Miguel: Well actually, I prefer the term Love Perfume.

Marin: Whatever. We're getting out of here Tiffany. *grabs Tiffa by the arm*

Tiffa: Hey!

(As Marin drags Tiffa off, Tiffa manages to slip out a "call me" gesture to Don Miguel.)

Author: Luigi of the Pipes[edit]


~Nothing happens.~


GM: Damn you Konami code!

~GM is royally pounded upon.~

Kaiser Bear IV: [Now, ursa!]

~Two hundred Soldier Bears run into Yami's yard while the others are distracted. The scene goes into slow motion as the Soldier Bears race for the front door, several of them falling into bear traps along the way, or getting distracted by conveniently placed beehives. By the time they reach the door to Yami's house, there are only six Soldier Bears left and Kaiser Bear IV himself.~

Kaiser Bear IV: [Let's see... it's locked!]

Soldier Bear: [Okay, sir. I'll break it down.]

Kaiser Bear IV: [B-break it down? You idiot, this is finely carved Super Happy Tree wood. Only a truly sacriligeous Yoshi would cut that thing down just for a door. We shouldn't disrespect his handiwork. Look for the hide-a-key.]

Soldier Bear: [Where would a Yoshi put a hide-a-key, though?]

~A random Soldier Bear points to a gigantic rock in the middle of the lawn with "HIDE-A-KEY" carved into it.~

Kaiser Bear IV: [Joo foolz! That's obviously a red herring! He couldn't push that rock over to get the key.]

~Grumbled agreement.~

Soldier Bear: [Let's just grab the grill and run for it.]

Lupus: Hold on, my fine fur-bred friend. Fred, hook this gentleman up with that spare key Yami gave us.

Fred: You mean that chocolate one?

Lupus: . . .

~Twenty-four hours later~

Fred: Here we go!

Kaiser Bear IV: [For your efforts, human, we will spare you vicious maulings.]

Lupus: Oh, I'm thinking much bigger than that... Just sign this contract, and your little "Bear Empire" can become the next "Bear Planet"! You just have to sign your soul in blood.

Kaiser Bear IV: [My blood?]

Lupus: No, that's unsanitary. We've taken six worm-fed chickens and had them peck at a rope which is connected to a knife which will cut through another rope which will drop a needle that will scratch this CD badly enough that the owner will break it in half in his frustration, producing thousands of tiny shards of CD that will cut through another rope which will dip this feather pen into this bottle of imitation blood for your convenience.

Kaiser Bear IV: [Oh.]

Fred: He does this all the time, don't worry.

Author: Mario Jr.[edit]

Tiffa: Hey! Let go of me!

Marin: *sniffs the air* What's that smell? *sniffs again* Tiffa! You didn't put on that Piss Perfume did you!?

Tiffa: Maybe...

Marin: Tiffa, that's just sick! ... And yet... I can't help but feel strangely attracted to you.

Tiffa: Um, Mare... Are you alright?

Marin: Just shut up and kiss me already! *pounces on Tiffa*

Tiffa: Gah! *falls over*

(Meanwhile, back in Yami's backyard...)

Sapphire: Something smells good... *gets up*

Golem: Nuh-uh! You're staying here.

Sapphire: I don't take orders from you.

(Sapphire pushes Golem into the still empty pool. His head hits the concrete and he gets up rubbing his tender head.)

Golem: *sob* You're so right, Saph....

Kuria: I smell it too. I'm going to go check it out. *leaves*

Vorpal: Guys, I have a bad feeling about this. maybe we should stop them.

Tiffa: Get your crazy white ass off of me!

(Tiffa pushes Marin off just in time to see Sapphire charging out of nowhere in their direction. Tiffa manages to duck out of the way only to be tackled by Kuria. Soon, women from everywhere within a five mile radious start dogpiling on her and through a small crack of airspace, she could see a 200 pound woman standing on a nearby roof, getting to dive right on top of them.)

Tiffa: Oh sh--

(The scene freezes at that very second as the following message appears.)

Love Perfume assumes no responsibility for awkward lesbian accounters with best friends, friends' sister, friends' girlfriends just plain women you don't know.

(Don Miguel turns off the TV.)

Don Miguel: So what do you think?

GM: It was kinda long.

Don Miguel: Well, I wanted make it clear that it works just as good for heterosexual men as well.

GM: Yeah, but did you really have to add the part with the talking bears and the Stargate?

Don Miguel: I guess I still have some editing to do. Got any better ideas?

GM: Sorry but I better go. MJ won't stop nagging me to join this new OG at Gamehiker.

Author: Luigi of the Pipes[edit]

OoC: Sorry for the length and depth of this post, but...


GORE: Good steaks.

Golem: Yeah.

GM: ~tied up next to the pool~ Mmph.

Sapphire: Steaks, huh...

Kuria: I'm more of a vegetarian, really.

Rhyk: Are there any cold ones?

All: . . .

Rhyk: What? Robots don't follow the law.

Rebe: My mom and my dad had a drinking contest once. Mom won.

Golem: Oh.

Luigi: . . .

~Masamune and Vorpal go flying out of a window of Yami's house, sliced to ribbons.~

GORE: Holy crap!

Rhyk: Looks like they've been through a cusinart.

Golem: A what?

Rhyk: Blender...

Sapphire: Who did this?

Rhyk: We'll worry about that later. These two need medical attention. ~picks up Masamune and Vorpal~ Ugh... you two aren't going to help me any. Damn heavy swords...

Kuria: I'll help.

~They carry Masamune and Vorpal away.~

Sapphire: I'll get Marin, I suppose. ~turns into Lady in Red and flies away~

Golem: Bah. If that freak's coming, I'm going. ~leaves~

GORE: Same here. Gotta deal with this guy anyway. ~picks up GM and leaves~

~Luigi and Rebe trade glances.~

Luigi: I'm going in. Ashley might still be in there.

Rebe: I'll come with you.

Luigi: No. I can't die yet, but you can.

Rebe: So? If she's my daughter too, then...

~Luigi glances at the ground.~

Rebe: I'm sorry.

Luigi: ~shrugs~ Let's go.


Marin: Screw it. Yami's dead anyway, and we've got more girly stuff to do.

Tiffa: Whee!

Lady in Red: Oh, fine.


~Luigi and Rebe search the house. Luigi repeatedly waves Rebe out of danger.~

Rebe: ~stretches the corners of her mouth, making goofy faces~ So... what am I? Comic relief?

???: [Relief. Pain free. Rolaids.]

~They turn.~

Kaiser Bear IV: [Kaiser Bear IV.]

~Lupus walk up.~

Luigi: Lupus! Where's Ashley?

Lupus: Don't worry about her. I sent Fred with her to get some ice cream.

~Six other bears walk up.~

Luigi: Hello. ~thumbs laser sword on~

Bears: [Hello.][What am I?][Comic relief?]

Luigi: Um... get behind me.

Bears: [Get behind me.][Is it enough?][No...]

Rebe: If the bears took out Masamune and Vorpal...

Bears: [Took out.][Bears.][Vorpal...]

Rebe: What chance do we have?

Luigi: Realistically?

~Luigi's laser sword's battery dies.~

Luigi: . . .none. . .

~The bears lunge at Luigi and Rebe, while Kaiser Bear IV and Lupus stand aside. Luigi and Rebe barely hold off the bears with flashy punches and kicks. Rebe gets slashed across the stomach.~

Rebe: Aaaaaahhhgod!

Luigi: Rebe!

Bears: [Hello.][Realistically?][Comic relief?]

Luigi: Why are you doing this?!

Bears: [Because we can.]

Lupus: Because they must.

Kaiser Bear IV: [We must weed out the weak humans to create our Bear Planet. Like we weeded out those two...]

Luigi: Vorpal and Masamune aren't dead. Heck, Masamune can't die. Neither can I... yet.

Kaiser Bear IV: [I am Kaiser Bear IV. Surely you don't think they could have beaten me.]

Luigi: If you hadn't caught them off guard, yes.

Kaiser Bear IV: [Here's a secret, then. We didn't catch them off guard.]

Luigi: Oh...

Rebe: Damn.

Luigi: We'll just be leaving, then.

~A pair of flaming wings shoot out of Luigi's back. He picks up Rebe and flies for a window. The bears grab hold of him, slashing and biting, but he makes it out, shakes the bears off, and crash-lands in a jungle about a mile away.~

Luigi: Ugh... sorry. Too weak... to move. Shouldn't have let you go in.

Rebe: I chose.

Luigi: I wasn't... supposed to die now... Aaaahhh... ~faints~

Rebe: You won't.

~Rebe stands up and puts her fingers in the cut on her stomach. After a bit, the cut disappears. She runs her bloody fingers over Luigi's wounds, then walks away.~

Rebe: Ugh... my clothes are like spaghetti... ~steals Luigi's robe and ties it closed around her~

Luigi: ~wakes up~ Um... we're alive?

Rebe: Yeah. Don't ask. Let's go.

~Rebe helps Luigi up.~

Rebe: I'm kinda curious. Why do you keep saying you can't die yet?

Luigi: . . . Last night, I hit myself while I was driving home. Apparently I went back in time or something. But they said that the me who got hit was 23, and I'm 22 now...

Rebe: So just don't go back in time.

Luigi: It's not that simple. You can't change the past, or the future.

Rebe: That's ridiculous!

Luigi: It's true!

Rebe: No. You're acting like we don't get to make choices in life. You can't make me believe that.

Luigi: But...

Bears: [Can't make me believe...][Ridiculous!][True...]

Luigi: . . .

Bears: [. . .]


Rhyk: We've done what we can.

~Golem and GORE enter.~

Golem: Hey. Where's Luigi and Rebe?

Rhyk: They stayed at Yami's house.

Golem: You left them alone with those monsters?!

Rhyk: So did you!

Golem: If they're dead, so help me...

GORE: Let's just shut up and go, guys!

~Rhyk picks up a phone and calls Lady in Red.~

Rhyk: Hey, Sapphire. How far can you fly?

Lady in Red: About a half a mile, if I push it. Why?

Rhyk: Nevermind. You're useless. ~hangs up~

~The phone rings again. Rhyk picks it up.~

Rhyk: Hello? Yes, I'll accept the charges.


All: ~gaspses~


Kaiser Bear IV: [Hold him down!]

~Two bears bite into Luigi's shoulders.~

Luigi: Gaaahh!

Rebe: Luigi, help! ~is being mauled~

Lupus: You'll have to excuse him. He's busy dying.

Kaiser Bear IV: [Who is this guy, anyway?]

Luigi: Luigi of the Pipes... Lucas Hanimar. I bum off your salary.

~The bears bite harder.~

Rebe: Luigi!

Bears: [Kill her!][Eat her bones!]

Rebe: Eat this! ~uppercut~

~Rebe is further mauled.~

Luigi: No!

~Luigi grows fiery wings again, warding the bears off of him. He lifts into the air.~

Luigi: I swear, if she dies... If someone as faithful and beautiful as her dies...

~The trees around him part, causing a beam of sunlight to perfectly light Luigi, making him look like an angel of death.~

Luigi: Then there is no God.

~He picks up a stick and goes crazy on the bears. He then picks up Rebe and flies back to Yami's house.~


~Golem, Rhyk, Kuria, and GORE run to Yami's house.~

Rhyk: Scanners indicate that Luigi's laser sword is moving around. I guess you won't have to kill me now, eh?

Golem: Hmmph.

GORE: Or it's just inside of some monster's stomach.

~They all turn to look at GORE.~

GORE: I'm just saying.

Golem: Nice, GORE. Very classy.

~Lady in Red floats down.~

Lady in Red: Flew four miles, Rhyk. Never write me off as useless.

Rhyk: Done. Now keep up. ~jets pop out of his feet and he flies away~ Lives are at stake!


Luigi: ~wakes up again~ Why... aren't we staying dead?

Rebe: It's my blood. I'm... a dwelf.

Luigi: What?

Rebe: Half-dwarf, half-elf. Elves and dwarves are long-lived. But the traits kinda mix weird with each other, so all I get is this healing power. And I need to use my blood to do it.

Luigi: Cool.

Rebe: It's not cool! Elves and dwarves hate each other! Not only am I supposed to hate myself for that, but everyone else does too! And all the traits that dwarves and elves have cancel each other out, so I'm practically human. I don't even have pointy ears...

Luigi: At least you don't have a beard.

Rebe: Don't tell anyone. Especially not Masa. He hates elves.

Luigi: Okay.

Kaiser Bear IV: [How cute.]

Luigi: You guys don't give up.

Rebe: Where's Lupus?

Kaiser Bear IV: [He went to find Fred.] ~shrugs~

Luigi: We'll start on the left.

Rebe: Right.

Luigi: No, l--

~The ceiling rumbles. The bears look up as GORE comes crashing in and lands on top of them. Kuria fires arrows down while Golem and Rhyk jump in.~

Golem: We need a distraction, Rhyk!

Rhyk: Then cover your eyes!

~Rhyk pulls out a giant camera and takes a picture, with flash. GORE starts pummeling the bears.~

Golem: Rhyk! Another distraction, please!

Rhyk: Oh, nooow you're nice to me. Eyes, please! ~takes another picture~

~Lady in Red flies in, grabs Luigi and Rebe, and flies back out. The bears stumble around.~

Bears: [Kaiser, we're blinded!]

Kaiser Bear IV: [Follow their scents!]

GORE: You saying I stink? Little ol' GORE-ILLA? ~slaps the bears away, then smells under his arm~ Well, maybe a little...

Kuria: Kaiser, no!

~They turn to see Kaiser Bear IV, standing on Yami's gas stove with a match.~

Kaiser Bear IV: [No what, OGer?] ~turns on the stove~ [No, don't kill us all?]

GORE: Everyone behind me! I'll cover us with this table!

~The others jump behind GORE and run outside as the stove explodes. The explosion sends GORE and Kaiser Bear IV flying.~


Lady in Red: GORE-ILLA...

~GORE staggers out of the house.~

GORE: Man, that was... coooooool... ~faints~

Rhyk: His burns are too bad. He can't survive this.

Rebe: Yes he can... with my help.

Golem: Well... ~looks around~ Now where are we supposed to hang out?


~Kaiser Bear IV's scorched corpse lands next to Yami Yoshi's dead corpse.~

Kaiser Bear IV: How you doin'...?

Don Miguel: Excellent. More ingredients for my love potion.

Author: Mario Jr.[edit]

(Tiffany meets up with Marin at a Basketball court.)

Tiffa: Okay, now what?

Marin: Well since Luigi's post are so long and confusing, I've decided to go into a tangent until a more solid storyline come around which probably won't happen to page four or something.

Tiffa: What kind of tangent?

Marin: I've decided to start my own basketball team I want you to be my star player.

Tiffa: But I've never played basketball in my whole life!

(Marin sighs and grabs the bridge of nose between her eyes.)

Marin: Tiffa. How many times do we have to go over this. You're black. You can play basketball.

Tiffa: What kind of racist shi--

(Tiffany getsw cut off when Marin hurls a basketball in her direction. Tiffa catches it, dribbles it down the court, takes a jump shot, and makes a perfect basket.)

Marin: (grins)

Tiffa: (Sweatdrop) damn you Marin...


(Meanwhilew, deep inside Cheyenne Mountain...)

Daniel Jackson: So what you got for usthis time?

Samantha Carter: Some archeologist sent us this sarcophagus.

Jack O’Neil: Looks Egyptian. We’ve had loads of these sent to us before. Remember the one they found in Mexico? That was fun.

Samantha: Yes but this one was found in Japan.

Daniel: Well there are theories that cross-pollination between the Japanese and Egyptian cultures millions of years ago.

Samantha: Really?

Daniel: Nah, I’m just making crap up.

Tel’C: *raises eyebrow*

Samantha: … Can you translate it?

Daniel: I can take a crack at it. Okay let’s see: Beware all fool-hearted mortals. Do not open this sacred sarcophagus or face the wrath of Kiffus, the Great Nekolfos.

Jack: Nekolfos?

Daniel: Neko is Japanese for Cat, that’s what’s so interesting. As for the rest that word, it’s just gibberish. I’m going to open it.

Samantha: I don’t think that’s such a good idea.

Daniel: Oh, like any harm came from opening an old coffin.

Samantha: Actually it did. In fact, last time you got raped by a millennia-old Goddess. And Jack over there was made into her little love slave.

Daniel: You just had to bring that up…

Jack: Heh, heh, the memories…

Teal’C: I concur with Colonel Carter.

Jack: Oh she’s just a dumb woman and he‘s a queer with a gold thingy on his forehead. Just open the damn thing.

Daniel: Yay! *open it*

(Suddenly the room was engulfed in a blinding white light. When the light finally died down they saw an androgynous figured with powder white dreadlocks and wrapped almost completely like a mummy. The only part of his face they could see with his blood red left eye and his mouth that was twisted in an wide, evil grin. He had on a twin set of golden, claw-looking weapons and nearly every joint of his body seemed to have some sort of blade jutting of it. On top of his head was his most distinguishing feature.)

Jack: Cat… Ears…

Kiffus: Saru Kumin Nefertina!?

Jack: Sorry. No speaké Haffa.

Teal’C: That’s not Gao’uld.

Daniel: Well, then we’re f@#ked.

Teal’C: Indeed.

Samantha: Tch! Men.

(Kiffus proceeds to kill every last living person in SGC. When he was finished he looked upon all the carnage he had created and saw that it was good. Then a shadowy figure approached him from the darkness. He he was about to attack the intruder but was force back by some sort force field.)

Kiffus: Danai!

Shadowy Figure: Don’t waste your energy trying to destroy me. I am not your enemy. Actually, I am desperate need of your help. I could use a warrior like you by my side.

Kiffus: Saru Kumin Nefertina?

Shadowy Figure: Yes, your sister. Well, the one you called “Nefertina” has been captured by the OGers. A rather nasty bunch that has a history of kidnapping people and brainwashing them into joining their ever growing cult. If you ever wish to see your sister again, you must kill the OGers, especially the one called Marin Mario. *hands the Nekolfos a photograph*

Kiffus: ???

Shadowy Figure: Oh, sorry about that. That was picture of my ass. Here’s Marin. *hands him Marin’s picture*

(The Nekolfos studies the photograph closely. Then he gives the strange man a Neko-Neko salute and disappears in ball of white light.)

Author: GM[edit]

(Before we can continue our story, we must flashback to a month ago. We must because I say so. Anyway, a month ago, it all started with a simple phone call.)

Don Miguel: Hiyo, Joe.

GM: Hey. Anything new?

Don Miguel: Well, I met this girl.

GM: Another one, huh? Good goin', pal. Back in the saddle.

Don Miguel: Right... Her name's Katie. She's pretty cynical, but that just means I can have interesting discussions with her. We're going to see a movie tomorrow.

GM: Nice.

Don Miguel: So, what're you doing?

GM: Nothin'. Just lying around, staring at the stars...

(In other words, GM had just smoked a joint and was now on the roof of his apartment building, lying on the concrete and staring straight into the sky.)

Don Miguel: OH! I almost forgot. Can I ask you a few questions?

GM: You a cop?

Don Miguel: What?

GM: Heh. Nah, I'm kiddin'. Ask away.

Don Miguel: Okay. Joe, do you know, what an android is?

GM: A type of robot, right?

Don Miguel: Close enough.

GM: Nice.

Don Miguel: Well, what would you say, if I told you, that I know, how to build one?

GM: I'd say more power to ya', buddy.

Don Miguel: Okaaay... Anyway! I'm planning to make one, right after, I get off the phone!

GM: That's cool.

Don Miguel: Now, it's going to be a sentient being, so I should come up with a name for it.

GM: Snake.

Don Miguel: Uh, what was that?

GM: Name it Snake. Snakes are awesome.

Don Miguel: So they are.

GM: Especially cobras. Yeah, cobras are awesome, with the hoods and all that... Hey, give the android a hood! And a tail!

(Don Miguel wanted to ask him other stuff, but after that, he thought that a stoned GM wasn't the best person to take suggestions from.)

Don Miguel: Well, that's nice and all, but, oh, they're showing Episode 2 on channel 5, gotta go, bye bye!

(He hung up)

GM: Whatever man...

(Don Miguel spent the most of that month working on building an android. He had the knowledge to build one, thanks to the internet, but whether he could understand that knowledge varied. Due to a childhood incident involving a door, his IQ could rise or sink at random. This was the cause of much frustration and several failed androids. It took him ten tries, including a break where he made his flying chair and his "love perfume". His tenth try, which he completed when GM didn't come back from across the street and he closed shop for the day, was a success. He created an android.)

(The first thing the android saw upon its birth was static. However, its vision began to clear, and he saw the image of his creator.)

Don Miguel: I can't believe this is actually happening... The android works... I'm a genius! I am a genius!

Android: ...

Don Miguel: Oh, I should say something. Um... Hey, how ya' doing?

Android: All systems 100% functional.

Don Miguel: Good to hear. So, uh, I am your creator and new friend, Don Miguel Galucavich, and, as you're already programmed to know, your name is Cobra 10.

"Cobra 10": Incorrect.

Don Miguel: Incorrect? What do you mean? Your name is Cobra 10.

"Cobra 10": Incorrect. My memory bank lists this unit as "Cobrax".

Don Miguel: Cobrax? That can't be right.

(When Don Miguel was programming the android, he spelt its name "Cobra X", with a Roman numeral instead of the number. However, not only did he forget to capitalize the X, he also forgot to put in a space between the word and the letter. Now, the android knew its name as "Cobrax", pronounced "Co-bracks".)

Don Miguel: Oh well. I like that name better. It'll seem more natural when you develop a personality more complex than the "unfeeling robot" one you have now.

Cobrax: What are your orders, Don Miguel Galucavich?

Don Miguel: Orders? Orders, orders... I should have planned this out more. Well, I guess I wanted to see if you worked. I'm gonna get you some clothes, so you can go into sleep mode for now.

Cobrax: Ai ai, sir. Don Miguel Galucavich.

(Then Don Miguel remembered something.)

Don Miguel: Wait! Don't go into sleep mode yet!

Cobrax: Sleep mode aborted.

Don Miguel: I want you to remember what I'm about to say. First of all, love, is when people like each other very, very, much. Second, you were created, to see, if I can build an android. However, once you start developing a free will, personality, and all that stuff, well, I'll help you find a job.

Cobrax: All information recorded, however, it does not seem relevent.

Don Miguel: Oh, it is. I don't want you, to go around, angsting and whining about the reason for your creation, like the characters in those Japanese cartoons Joe likes to watch.

Cobrax: Understood.

Don Miguel: Okay, now you can enter sleep mode. Until you wake up, bye bye.

Cobrax: Ai ai, sir. Don Miguel Galucavich.

(Back in the present day. A still tied-up GM hops his way over to Don Miguel's house, where Don Miguel was setting up his Love Perfume stand.)

Don Miguel: Hey, Joe! Oh. What happened to you?

GM: A bunch of people beat me up for twenty-four hours straight. It's nothing a healing cheat couldn't fix though.

Don Miguel: Twenty-four hours? Where'd they find the energy to keep going for that long?

GM: Beats me, but I'm still gonna kick the crap out of every last one of them if I see them again. In fact, I outta be planning my counter attack. But first, can you untie me?

Don Miguel: Right.

(He unties GM.)

Don Miguel: ...OH! Joe, you're not gonna believe this!

GM: What is it this time?

Don Miguel: Joe... I've resurrected a corpse!

GM: ...You did what now?

Don Miguel: Follow me! This way!

(So Don Miguel led GM into his backyard. Tied to a tree via a chain collar around his neck was Yami Yoshi's corpse. Only it was alive. He was no longer Yami Yoshi. He's dead. It was... Zambi Yoshi.)

Zambi Yoshi: Uuaaaaaaaarrrrgghhh!!!

GM: Yikes.

Don Miguel: Great huh? I ws going to use parts of the body for the Love Perfume-

GM: Why?

Don Miguel: I don't know, but instead, I decided to see if I can revive him. I heard they did that with a dog.

GM: How'd you do it?

Don Miguel: I hooked him up to a car battery.

GM: And you got this zombie as a result?

Don Miguel: Yep. I've got a bear corpse too. I think I'll try to... Joe?

(GM went over to Zambi Yoshi and got on his back. For some reason, the zombie didn't try to eat him. He then took out his sword, a multicolored blade with no name, because GM couldn't think of one, and prepared to slice through the chain.)

Don Miguel: Joe! What are you doing!?

GM: I'm gonna borrow your zombie for a little while. Maybe I can use him to exact my revenge on those guys!

Don Miguel: Wait! Don't! Joe!

(GM cut the chain, freeing Zambi Yoshi. GM rode him as he crashed through Don Miguel's fense.)

GM: Don't worry, I'll give some money to get that fixed.

(GM an Zambi Yoshi rode over the horizon, on a mission of vengeance.)

GM: Hell yeah! Hi ho, undead Silver!

Zambi Yoshi: Uuaaaaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhh!!!

(Don Miguel watched from his yard as the two of them disappeared. Cobrax approached from behind. He was a tall, dark-skinned male with dark brown hair. It seems that Don Miguel was feeling creative when he built him, since besides the name, he took GM's advice about the tail. The android had a long, brown snake tail, yellow slit-like eyes, and his long hair sorta resembled a cobra hood. As for clothes, he wore a black tee shirt with the sleeves torn off, some faded jeans, and a pair of old army boots Don Miguel got from the Salvation Army.)

Cobrax: Has there been a security breech?

Don Miguel: Sorta. Cobrax, I want you to look after GM.

Cobrax: There is nothing in my memory about "GM". Please identify.

Don Miguel: You know him as Giuseppe Masteri. He went east, riding an undead Yoshi. Make sure he doesn't cause too much trouble. If he does, try to contain him, but whatever you do, don't kill him.

Cobrax: Ai ai, sir. Don Miguel Galucavich.

(Cobrax took off and flew east. Yes, he can fly. Don Miguel's IQ was particularly high when he added that feature.)

Don Miguel: ...Oh crap! I forgot to tell Joe about Cobrax! Oh, stupid, stupid!

Author: Vorpal[edit]

OoC: I return to you now... at the turn of the tide! ---

Narrator: Of all the stories told by man and... otherwise, there has been none so touching, so heart-felt, so emotionally nail-biting as the story of the Hobo and the Girl. In the year 2037 it will become the standard for love stories. By 2038 it will be considered to be a cliche device. And by 2154 it will be replaced by the story of the Wombat and the Android Platypus, but that is beside the point. ... Okay, so this little monologue has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of this post. ... So sue me.

Lawyer: I'm on the case!

Narrator: Aw, crap!


~At the local Hosptial~

*Sapphire, Golem, Kuria, and Rhyk sit out in the waiting lobby, where they are all playing a provided game of Chinese Checkers*

Golem: Man... are there any colors that have all the pieces?

Kuria: Looks like we'll just have to improvise.

Sapphire: I never really liked Chinese Checkers anyway...

Rhyk: So how do you think they're all doing?

Kuria: Well, they all had an infusion of some of Rebe's blood. The doctors said they have no idea why, but all their wounds are healing at remarkable rates.

Golem: So... like... we'll be able to move on with the plot soon?

Kuria: I'd say probably within the next post or so.

~In the Hospital Room~

*Vorpal, Masamune, Luigi, Gore, and Rebe lie in separate hosptial beds in one large room together.*

Vorpal: Man... what happened? Did I like *chuckles* pass out?

Gore: Man you got so lucky with this one girl!

Vorpal: Are you serious, braw?! Oh-ho-ho, man! Sweet!

Gore: Or at least I think it was a girl... hard to tell with bears...

Vorpal: Oh, dude... not cool.

Masamune: Man, I remember being a lot more torn up than I am right now.

Rebe: I, uh... my blood has some , uh... healing factors in it that, uh...

Vorp/Masa/Gore: Huh?

Luigi: Uh... like Wolverine!

Vorp/Masa/Gore: Oh!/I get it now/Coulda told us that from the beginning.

Rebe: *mouthes to Luigi* Thank you.

Luigi: *smiles then winces*


GM: So like... I totally forgot who I was going to get vengeance on.

Zambi: Urrrgh...

GM: That... really doesn't help.

Zambi: Br... br...

GM: You cold or something?

Zambi: Braaaains...

GM: Oh! I get it... he's a zombie... and he wants brains...

*Expanse in front of Yami Yoshi's house had dead bears scattered all over*

GM: Well... uh... I guess you can gnaw on a few brains... then...

Zambi: No, I was referring to your brains. You need to get them fixed if you can't remember a simple thing like who beat you up.

GM: What'd you just say?!

Zambi: Uh *shifts eyes*... Grrragl!


~Basketball court~

Marin: You know... in retrospect... I should have thought this basketball team thing through...

Tiffa: *twirling b-ball on one finger and rolling it across her arm to her back to her other arm and then on another finger* What do you mean?

Marin: Nobody else here.

*Tumbleweed passes through court*

Tiffa: Well, what about him?

Marin: Who?

Tiffa: Him! *points behind Marin*

Marin: *Turns around* Gah! *abruptly jumps back against Tiffa* Who-who are you?

*The sky behind the figure is dark and cloudy and thundering, but to all other sides the sky is blue and clear with birds flying by and singing*

Kiffus: *smiles wickedly* Saru Kumin Nefertina... I have come for you.

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*Masamune, Vorpal, GORE, Rhyk, Sapphite, Kuria, Rebe and Luigi all leave the hospital shortly. GORE, Vorpal, Masamune, Luigi and Rebe are all licking lollipops.*

Vorpal: Well now we can finally commence the plot!

Sapphire: What plot?

Masamune: She's right. We already beat the bears. We could always cross into GM's or Marin's subplot.

Vorpal: Nah, that would make things too simple. We're just going to have to end this story early.

Kuria: C'mon, I'm sure there's a new villain around here just waiting to commit some crime!

GORE: Hmm...

Vorpal: Where can we find a supervillain at this time of day?

GORE: Right here!

Rhyk: Seriously?

Golem: Yeah, you tried that villain thing in the first GMOG with me, or was that my evil future self? I forget. Anyway the bottom line is it didn't work out.

GORE: C'mon, I got it down now!

Masamune: Really. Do something evil.

GORE: Hmm... (smacks the lollipop out of Masamune's hands and into the gutter)

Masamune: YOU'RE A MONSTER!!! (runs off crying)

*GORE then runs into a store and comes out wearing a purple drape as his evil pimpin' cape. Then he runs into an antique's store and comes out with some sort of magical scepter.*

GORE: You fools! Do you really think you can cause harm to GORE-ILLA the Great?!!

Vorpal: (smiles and pulls out his sword) Yes I do! Now prepare to meet your maker! OGers, assemble and attack!

GORE: Wait wait.

Vorpal: What?

GORE: You have too many people.

Vorpal: So?

GORE: Not fair.

Vorpal: You're a villain, though! Unfairness is your job!

GORE: Heroes can't be unfair. Gimme some of your friends to be evil minions.

Vorpal: No way! Their authors wouldn't approve!

GORE: Fine then, I'll take the ones whose authors haven't posted (snatches Golem, Rhyk and Sapphire). You're lucky your author just returned.

Vorpal: Oh you're gonna get it now.

GORE: (evil smirk) Ah yes, I forgot someone. (takes Kuria) What now, huh?

Vorpal: Oh you just crossed the line!

GORE: That's my job. Every villain's gotta leave his mark! Now let's fight!

Vorpal: (looks around on his side only to see Rebe, a hobo, and a pirate quivering behind a mailbox) I hate you.

GORE: That's the idea. Now get 'em!

*Kuria fires a bunch of arrows at Luigi but they all miss because he can't die yet. Sapphire changes into Lady in Red and overpowers Rebe. Finally Masamune is beaten with the mailbox by Rhyk while Golem points and laughs. That leaves only GORE and Vorpal.*

Vorpal: This has gone too far! What have I done?!!

GORE: The best thing that ever happened to me! (punches Vorpal out) Now, minions, to our evil hideout place!

*Laster, GORE, Golem, Rhyk, Rebe and Kuria sit at a council in a high-tech base located in some swamp.*

GORE: Behold, the first meeting of the... Doomhikers! BWOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!



Rebe: (coughs)

Author: Vorpal[edit]

GORE: I'm sorry?

Rebe: *coughs again*

GORE: Is there a problem?

Rebe: Yeah... I wasn't in your evil group...

GORE: What!?! I coulda sworn *reads previous post* Well I'll be... you aren't, are you?

Rebe: Nope:

GORE: Well then that makes you my hostage!

Rebe: Great...

GORE: You don't seem too thrilled.


Zambi: Brrraaain!

Vorpal: *wakes up with Zambi Yoshi's face right in front of him* AUGH!

GM: What!?! Where did you take me Zambi?

*Masa and Luigi come to, too*

Masa: Ow... my head.. Hey... Yami Yoshi's not dead after all!

*hunk of flesh falls off of Zambi*

Masa: Or... maybe he is...

Luigi: Rebe is gone! GORE must've taken her captive!

Vorpal: You know... it seems weird that they would all just turn on us like that... I mean... we usually turn on each other... but it's for something... not just to turn on someone... They tried that in Party Goers 10... and we all know how that one went... heh heh... right?

GM, Masa, Luigi: Mmm... No...

Zambi: Mrrfle..

Vorpal: I'm going to deduce that someone or something made them turn on us.

Luigi: But what?

*A scream is heard*

*Masa, Vorpal, Luigi, Zambi & GM run in the direction of the scream, which also happens to be the same direction the darkened sky is*

Kiffus: Thousands of Years we've been apart, Nefertina. Now it is time for you to join your brother, and we shall rule this world together.

Marin: Who do you think you are?

Kiffus: *reexamines picture given to him by the shadowy figure* Ah, Marin Mario. I was told of you and your cult. You shall no longer defile my sister!

*The other OGers run up, along with Cobrax still trailing behind*

Kiffus: And the OGers... I swear you will all be annihilated.


~At the Doomhikers headquarters~

GORE: So... Uhm.... I don't really know what to do now.

Shadowy Figure from before: You want to steal Yami's cheesecake now that he is dead.

GORE: Yeah... that sounds good... Hey wait-a-minute... who are you? How'd you get--

*Shadowy Figure presses a button on a remote, and GORE is immobilized*

SF: HAHAHA! With the OGer's fighting among themselves and Kiffus, I will soon have Tiffa, and then... whatever some other poster figures out what my big scheme should be... probably something to do with cheesecake and ruling the world/galaxy/universe... *talks into remote* Steal Yami's cheesecake, take out any OGers you may encounter on the way *steps back into the shadows*


GORE: Hey guys... we're going to steal.... *major close-up* Yami's cheesecake!

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