Party Goers 16 Page 1

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Pages in Party Goers 16
1 - 2 - Ending

Author: Golem[edit]

If you didn't see the Misc. Forum, I gave up VGF for Lent, so I wasn't here. Sorry for not posting 'bout it here.

---morning after the party---

Golem: Everything's back to normal... Guess I'd better toss this out ~grabs his rubber-band pen~ if I want to avoid trouble. It's just ONE of the things that brought adventure.

Rhyk: Logical, as well. Someone could mess up history with that thing, including us.

Golem: Should we burn it? I mean, we don't know what's in it...

Rhyk: Shigsy made it for you... then he must know the way to destroy it.

Golem: But he's way back when making weird Hanafuda cards! ~takes out his own from Miyamoto~

Rhyk: Then think: How would he think to destroy it?

Golem: Ah! Mario's his first and foremost work; perhaps jumping will work. ~Golem jumps on it and falls off~

Rhyk: Heheh. ^_^ We'll think of something. Meanwhile hide it somewhere good.

Robert Stack: Golem hid it in his SNES very carefully. As the day went on, it grew slightly larger...

Author: Vorpal[edit]

Yes, YES, YES!!!!! I can barely hold in my excitement!!!!!! Party Goers is back!!!!

Vorpal: BINGO!!!!

Robert Stack: What could be better than a friendly game of Bingo?

Yoshiman: One without Vorpal.

Vorpal: You're just jealous cause I win all the time. In your face, Predict!

Mr. Predict: I'm not playing.

Vorpal: Oh...

Yoshiman: I liked you better when you were trying to kill us.

Vorpal: Yeah, me too.

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

Yoshiman: Hey! I have an idear! Why don't I try to kill you this time?

Vorpal: Hey that sounds like a good idea! I'll give you some pointers. . . *whisper whisper*

Mr. Predict: Um. . . should we tell Golem?

Vorpal and Yoshiman: . . . nah, he'll figure it out.

Author: Ditto[edit]


Gee, I hope Sapphire doesn't dissapprove of this. Maybe she can insert an appropriate non-Party-Goer plot.

In any case, we need a back-up plot and a location...

Yoshiman: Wait, am I killing you, persay, or the Good Guys in general?

Vorpal: I don't know. Surprise me.

Mr. Predict: We've done the "Good Guys Go Bad" thing a hundred times already.

Vorpal: This is true. We need to add some beef to this.

Author: Vorpal[edit]

Vorpal: How about if the good guy stays good but still kills the bad guy?

Yoshiman: Nah.

Mr. P.: How about if Yoshiman goes insane?

Yoshiman: Hmm, it has its possibilities.

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

Yoshiman: It might have to wait a while, Fuzzball finished off the last of the N-Sani-T pills last night. I'm gonna need to go to the supermarket.

Fuzzball: N-Sani-T pills? I'll go!

Mr. Predict: No! Don't you remember last time?


Fuzzball: Ketchup. . . Catsup. . . Ketchup. . . Catsup. . .

Men In White Coats: Hello, sir.

Fuzzball: Are you here to help my 'Ketchup' problem?

MIWC: Yes, yes we are.

*End Flashback*

Vorpal: You're kidding.

Yoshiman: No. He was high on N-Sani-T pills.

Author: Magikoopa[edit]

must resist...cannot...type in... Party Goers...

Meanwhile, at MagiKoopa's Keep (recently traded from Bowser for a Game Boy Advance and two Sailor Moon posters)...

Birdo: MagiKoopa! I was recently spying on those pesky bunch of partying weirdoes...

Koopa springs to life and puts down his new GBA.

MagiKoopa: What? What's happening?

Birdo: Apparently, they're starting up another story in that annoying series.

MagiKoopa: Well, that'll be over soon. with the Koopa Troop at my disposal, I'll---

Birdo: Uh-uh. You let Bowser keep them. But he did leave that pile of yellow Super Mario World-ish blocks over there. You could use 'em to create your own Koopa Troop.

MagiKoopa: Wait! I've got it! See that pile of yellow Super Mario World-ish blocks over there? I could use 'em to create my own Koopa Troop!

Birdo: But what if they manage to plow through everybody?

MagiKoopa: Then I can resort to my secret weapon as a last resort.

MagiKoopa pulls out the Conch Shell and smiles. what can this mysterious-looking shell do?

Birdo: Ooh, scary.

MagiKoopa: With any luck, I won't have to use it... yet. For now, I'll just use those blocks to make my own army of baddies!

Author: Masamune[edit]

???: Hoo hoo...

Dodo: -_- you already used that laugh.

Masamune: *comes out of shadows* Doh! *snaps fingers* So much for my spooky, corny entrance.

Dodo: Might I suggest we meet up with the others an play a active part in the new story?

Masamune: What!? And miss out on all... this... nothingness... and boredom... and pointless chatter... Err....

Dodo: Well?

Masamune: Harumph, I am an accompished writer. I shall not join in some frivolous Dialogue Story. Party Goers was merely the hoe on my way to becoming the head gardener.

Dodo: Huh?

Masamune: Nevermind...

Dodo: Well?

Masamune: I'm thinkin'!

Dodo: .......

Masamune: I decided, there is only one thing to be done. I shall join this story... but not as a bad guy. I shall be the good guy and... err... be unimportant to the plot.

Dodo: Wow, what a plan...

Author: DVGBC[edit]

*somewhere in America, DVGBC was trying to explain to the media what XFL is only football and nothing else*

ESPN reporter: I saw a sign that saids "I came for the cheerleaders." and I ws disgusted.

Los Angeles CBS reporter: XFL has RECORD LOW ratings. That's why we don't give coverage on them.

DVGBC: But NHL has lower rating than this.

New York ABC reporter: He's right, we suck on broadcasting hockey. Let's hand out right to Fox.

Chicago Fox reporter: Thank you.

Sorry for taking the plot to the wrong direction (if I did so).

Author: Flutter[edit]

Golem Your Back!!! And you started the series again!!! And could you tell me what happened in the last party goers???

*with vorpal...*

Flutter: *appears* Maybe Vorpal and YoshiMan should turn evil and try to kill the good guys.

Vorpal: How did you do that?

Flutter: Well my brain clicked so I got an idea.

Masamune: I think he means appearing.

Flutter: That is a trade secret.

Vorpal: Right.

Flutter: No its true go ask that masked magican dude. I learned it from him.

Author: Golem[edit]

Flutter: ~points to Robert Stack~ You hafta be careful, though, or police will get you.

Vorpal: Oh, him.

Masa: Just recently, Golem came back to life via the mystical Ditto's powers. Then, Sapphire almost made us go kablooie but we all got out in time. Then, I was honored for my work in the story with a fireworks display of me.
~whispers to Dodo~ I've finally found my niche!

Author: DVGBC[edit]

Vorpal: Fireworks display, eh? I've seen better ones than that.

Mesa: Yep, and I own Coca-Cola.

Flutter: No you don't!!

Mesa: I'm going to help carry the Olympic flame to Salt Lake City.

Vorpal: You wish...

Author: Mega Man X[edit]

Mean while at a nearby IHOP, The Replaforce is eating....And the Talking Mario Toy.

Zero: Yum! I love these pancakes! But the tea is something else...

Talking Mario Toy: It's a me, Mario!

Vectorman: Good idea Mario! Let's order waffles!

Sonic: I'm for that!

Knuckles: Lemme see what kind they have. *Picks up a menu.*

Sonic: It's just waffles! How many could there be?

Knuckles: They have 25 kinds.

Tails: Hmmm. Let's get the one that comes with orenges!

TMT: It's a me, Mario!

Sonic: Yeah! What is it with you and the color orenge?

Tails: I dunno. Whats with you and the color blue? And what about you Mario!? Why always red!? Huh!?

TMT: ....

Tails: Yeah, i thought so!

Vectorman: Let's just get the classic waffles ok?

Zero: And tell them their tea sucks!

During all this X was looking down. His eyes closed.

Vectorman: Hey X, are you alright?

X: He has returned.

Zero: Who?

X: Golem. And he's makeing a new OG. It is time.

Vectorman: Aw X! Do we have to? Why not just give up?

X: Never! I must have revenge on them! Golem, Saph...all of them!

Knuckles: For what?

X: Stuff.

Zero: I bet you don't even know why you want revenge do you?

X: Sure i do! I want Golem dead because he has....the key! And Saph becuase she insulted me by not paying at....hey! Are you guys listening to me!?

Sonic: Sorry, the waffles got here while you were talking.

X: *Grabs a waffle* Well...anyways, i want them dead! All of the people in PG!

Vectorman: But in the last PGs wern't we good guys?

X: Yeah, but not anymore. You know why.

Zero: Oh yeah! Becuase of the thing.

Tails: What thing?

X: I'll tell you all later. Right now we must go to Golem's house and get revenge! Bwhahahah!

Vectorman: X! Not that loud! Old people are in here.

65 Year Old: Whats with all that yelling? I'm going to tell the manager to kick them out!

67 Year Old: Yeah!

Suddenly all the old people in the IHOP were yelling for them to be kicked out.

Zero: Oh great! We're gonna get kicked out!

X: By old people!? I don't think so. *Yelling loudly* Oh my! Is it that time of day!? Matt Lock is on!? And it's the one about old people!?

60 Year Old: By the paddels of Pong! Matt Lock is on!

Grandpa Simpson: MAAAATT LOCK!! [OOC: If Yoshimon can rip off The Simpsons so can i!]

70YO: And it's the one about old people! I love that one!

68YO: Everyone, to the old folks home!

100s of old people rush for the door. They were all sitting in the non-smokeing area. Too many punk kids for them they say.

50YO: Hey, can i come with you guys?

60: No!

65YO: You're a newbie! You have to be at least 60 be with us!

50YO: Please?

72YO: Let's help him guys. We were all 50 at one time.

50YO: Alright! I'm in! Tell me, what is Matt Lock?

68YO: Oh God do you need help.

50YO: And what are those bottels you guys carry around for?

63YO: You stupid newbie!

They all walk out. All but Grandpa Simpson.

X: Hey old man! Why are you still here?

GS: Because i know Matt Lock isn't on. And the name is Grandpa Simpson.

X: Wow, you're good. Well anyways, let's get in The Mach 5 and go to Golem's house!

Sonic: Uh...X? We have something to tell you.

X: What?

Knuckles: Well while you were gone we took The Mach 5 out for some fun and...

Tails: Sonic was behind the wheel. We were going really fast and then a tight turn came and...

Sonic: I didn't see it untill it was too late. We had too bail out before it went over the cliff into the sea.

X: You ideots! It's The Mach 5! It can go under water!

Knuckles: Oh yeah...

Sonic: Forgot about that.

TMT: It's a me, Mario!

X: Yeah. You guys lost it so you have to get it back!

Sonic: Fine.

Knuckles: We'll find you guys when we get it out.

Sonic, Knuckles and Tails leave.

Zero: Now what? We don't have a car.

X: We'll go rent one.

Vectorman: What do we use as proof we'll return the car?

X: *Looking at GS* Hmmm.

At the car rental place.

X: Ummm...we'll take this one.

Car Salemen: Alrigt, come into my office.

Vectorman: Hey X, are we going to return this car?

X: Hell no!

They follow the Car Salemen inside. After 30 minutes of paper work, all filled out with info thats not true.

CS: Ok, that does it. But one thing, will you return this car?

X: Oh yes! Yes we will!

CS: How can i trust you?

X: Here take this, we'll have to return fro him. *Gives him GS*

CS: Oh wow! If you turn in your grand father you must be telling the truth! Here. *Gives them the keys to the car*

X: Thank you!

Zero: And one thing.

CS: What?

Zero: Your tea sucked!

They walk out into the car lot looking for theirs. They find it. It's a 1964 Lincoln Continental [OOC: You know, the REALLY REALLY big one.]. It was black with red inside. It longer then a SUV. 4 people could fit very easyly into the front and the back. 10 people all together could get in for a tight ride. It was like brand new with ground effects, chrome grill bumper and molding, 20" tires with 19" chrome rims and it was a convertable! Plus the engin could go forever.

X, Vectorman and Zero get in the front seat. X takeing the wheel as always.

X: This is no Mach 5 but it will do nicely

Zero: Hey! We can all sit up here together! Cool!

Vectorman: Yeah, in the Mach 5 only 2 people could fit in the front and 5 in the back.

Zero: I wonder how that old man is doing?

Back inside the car rental place.

CS: Alright! They gave me an old man and when they come back i'll get a ton of money from them!

While hes saying in the backround GS has wondered off and found a Porsche 911. He gets in it.

CS: Well old man, you might as well....old man? *Turns around to see him skiding away with the Porsche 911 laughing like a madman* Aw man.

Back with the Replaforce.

Vectorman: *Turns on the radio. JLO's "DJ Play My Song" is on.* Oh yeah! I love this song! *Turns up the base*

X: Yeah, it's good. Now onto, GOLEMS HOUSE! MUWHAHAHAHA!!!

Zero: You know, i haven't had any good tea in a long time. I wonder if Golem has any tea?

Come on, admit it, you guys missed me .

Author: Ditto[edit]

OK, the stage is just about set... And now, for ze plot du jour!

~At the constantly changing Ditto Domain...~

*Ditto sits on an outcrop of rocks. In his hand is the custom Hanafunda card he received from Shigeru Miyamoto. He is also looking into an elaborate mirror. In it is an image of what everyone else has been doing*

Ditto: Ah, Guisseppie. The time draws near, old friend.

Guisseppie: Time for what?

Ditto: A new adventure. I can sense it. Golem has returned to normal life. Where the dear boy goes, amazing adventure follows. It is a law of nature.

Guisseppie: What sort of adventure? Another party?

Ditto: No. Behold, Guisseppie, don't you feel the freshness in the air? The promise of a new sun? We are on the threshhold of... A BRAVE NEW WORLD! *throws back head* HA HA HA HA!

~Ditto's cryptic words are in fact prophetic. Back in Maryland, Golem's long-forgotten pen begins to glow. Electricity snaps between it and the SNES. Perhaps it is the pure, adventurous energy that is imbued in anything Shinguru creates. Whatever it is, something begins to happen. Energy arcs out, drawn towards anything else of Shigeru's creation...~

Golem: Wow. What a day. Nothing's happened.

*the energy creeps up behind Golem, drawn to... the cards Golem and Rhyk hold in their pockets. With a flash, they are gone...*

Ditto: *Looking out from his window...* It begins...!

~Trails of energy arc toward the HQ where Vorpal, Yoshiman, Mr. Predict, and Masamune play Bingo, drawn to their personalized Shingeru cards. It reaches out and zaps them, in mid-argument~

Vorpal: Why don't I- *zzzt!* ~Disappears~

Yoshiman: Listen to me! It would be best if- *zzzt!* ~Disappears~

Masamune: What's the matter? Got the hiccups? *zzzzt!* ~Disappears~

~Replaforce drive down the road in their Lincoln Towncar~

Zero: How are we gonna find Golem? We can't just be expected to be TAKEN to where he is!

X: Shut up, just SHUT UP! We'll-

*Suddenly, energy traveling along a power line arcs downward and snaps up the group, car and all*

~Meanwhile, in Cincinatti, Team Rocket Omega and Sapphire play cards~

MagiKoopa: Hit me.

Sapphire: Okay. *hits him*

MagiKoopa: Ow. Okay, here you go! Black jack! *lays down his hand*

James: Magikoopa! That's not 21! That card isn't even real! That's the one you got from Shigeru Miyamoto! You've got all of ours! Give 'em back! *they each take their cards*

MagiKoopa: Sheesh. What a bunch of grouches.

Bomberman: So, you've been hiding them!

MagiKoopa: Mine's still the best.

~He holds his card up in the air triumphantly. However, the lights suddenly go out. Everyone looks around. Suddenly, energy tendrils rip out from a bulb, zapping each person. They all disappear, leaving scorch marks~

Ditto: It begins...!

*He takes out his own card. Storm clouds form around the bell tower of the Ditto Domain. He stands on the top of the steeple and holds his card up to the storm. Guisseppie hovers around his shoulders. Suddenly, the energy comes down from the atmosphere and strikes them. They both disappear without a trace*

Robert Stack: But where did they go? Is it possible that they were all struck by bolts of energy with such force that they were blasted from existence? If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of the group formerly known as the 'Party Goers,' please call 1-800-UNSOLVED MYSTERIES.

~They all float through some sort of vortex, before floating towards a large hole at the end of a tunnel. There is a bright light, and then...~

Golem: OOF! *lands, hard* Ooh. Wh-where are we?

*Looks around, to find himself in a world that appears to be greatly changed from his own, sort of like Termina to Hyrule*


Vorpal: AAAAAAHHHHH! *oof* Whoa! What's going on?

Yoshiman: How did we get here?

~Yet, further elsewhere...~

Sapphire: Whoa! *lands on soft ground. Team Rocket stagger to their feet around her*

MagiKoopa: *dizzy* I'll have two wings, original recipe, and a side of slaw.

Birdo: Hey! That's not funny! *pecks him*

Bomberman: What's going on?

James: *dazed, from emerging from the portal* I coulda sworn I just saw some angels... and they were driving a Lincoln Towncar!


*With a flash of light, the car bursts out of thin air, hits the ground with a thud, and continues on it's way*

X: Whoa! Rough landing! Good shocks on this thing!

Vile: Zero, is that tea all over you?

Zero: God, I hope so...


Ditto: Well... just as I predicted...

Guisseppie: What just happened?

Ditto: Look around you! We have now arrived, in... "A Brave New World!" Mwa ha ha ha ha...!

Now, let's live up to the title. It's like a Termina version of our world.

Author: Vorpal[edit]

Flutter: *still in original world* Augh! What happened to Vorpal, Yoshiman, Mr. Predict, and Masamune!?!?!

Fuzzball: *also still in orginal world* Lightning struck them and they dissapeared.

Flutter: Does that mean they're dead?

Fuzzball: *blinks*

Flutter: *blinks*

Fuzzball: AAHHHHH!!!

Flutter: AAHHHHH!!!

They both run around screaming for a couple minutes.

Flutter: I've gotta tell Golem.

The two cannot find Golem or Rhyk, but they find some scorched marks on the ground.

Flutter: Did that happen to them, too?

Fuzzball: ...

Flutter: Well, let's see. Let's use Golem's PG tracker and find where everybody is.

Flutter opens Golem's closet revealing a large computer. He quickly types: Search Party Goers

Computer: ... Party Goer found...

Flutter: Oh, good...

Computer: Metal Mario...

Flutter: No! *types Search Current Party Goers*

Computer: ... Party Goer found... Sgt. Flutter ... Sidekick found ... Fuzzball

The two stare at the screen for a while hoping that something else will po onto the screen.

Fuzzball: I suppose, we're the heroes and we gotta find out what happened to them.

Flutter: Maybe we can see where each of them were right before they were wiped off the face of the Earth...