Flimbo's Quest

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Start: Wed Jun 04, 2008
Timeline: Uncertain
Writers: Golem, Retro, Fred
Main Cast: Duck, Scarecrow, Sue, Pog


Sitting on a park bench one day, Duck expresses his hatred of the world and tries to push his views onto Scarecrow, who is too busy burning himself with heat-vision goggles. Not too long after does, a thief steals the world's most precious hairball from a store nearby, and tries to get away. However, Duck & Scarecrow stop him and end up winning some secret contest, installing them both as the new police commissioners of the city. Along with their intern Sue, they decide to battle crime and personally respond to the next call they get, which just so happens to be right outside their building. Two deaf gunman attempt to destroy the police headquarters but are talked out of it and sent away, but only to be struck down by a large tractor trailer carrying "dangerous" cargo to Mexico. The team learn that the cargo is, in fact, a group of gnomes lead by their prince, Pog, who wants to return home to Gnomeland for his own reasons. The group force him to show them the way to Gnomeland, and the journey begins. After driving their car off a bridge but saving it by transforming it into an airplane, the team head to the Lumberjack Mill to get a bite to eat. Not long after they stay however is Scarecrow blown to bits by a rigged hand-drying machine in the bathroom, planted there by a Lumberjack hit man. Duck saves his remains and they all flee into the New Jersey Pine Barrens since they were locked out of their car. While camping, they stumble across the infamous Jersey Devil.


Duck: A seemingly average duck with a rather large passion for hating the world and everything in it. He is, oddly, very intelligent for a Duck and has a dry and twisted sense of humor, but can handle a delicate situation well, and can serves as the group's leader at times. Not a whole lot seems to surprise him, and in fact hardly ever exclaims anything, perhaps since he is either very mellow, or simply depressed.
Scarecrow: A seemingly average scarecrow with some technical expertise and a reserved nature. Although around Duck most of the time, he hasn't adapted any of his own ideas. He can be rused easily but is probably smarter than Duck in some ways.
Sue: The seemingly average intern of Duck and Scarecrow at the precinct. She is quick to anger, probably why Duck uses her as the bud of so many of his jokes, but is reliable in a pinch. She usually asks the questions that Duck or Scarecrow are too bothered to ask themselves.
Pog: The seemingly average Prince of Gnomeland. Pog was part of some cargo that was being delivered to Gnomeland for undetermined reasons. He is rather snobby, being a prince and all, but unusually perceptive. Pog isn't really a gnome, but a human orphan.


Flimbo's Quest is a game for the Commodore 64 I think. It doesn't really have much relation to this OG, though.