Sergeant Shy Guy

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Revision as of 23:34, 14 February 2009 by GORE-ILLA (talk | contribs)
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Full Name: Keith Kilpatrick Kibble
Species: Shy Guy (now Ghost Guy)
Nationality: Some Shy Guy village
Creator: Legion
First Appearance: Member OG Zero: Before the Cheesecake


Not much has been said about Sergeant Shy Guy's background, except that he originally was a low-ranking member of a Shy Guy platoon during the Mushroom Kingdom Race Wars, until he met the newly-dead Ghost Guy Legion. Legion was able to take control of SSG's troops and use them to win battles for Shy Guykind. From then on, Sergeant Shy Guy became Legion's personal sidekick/whipping-boy. It is uncertain if these events apply to all timelines or just to the Bad Timeline due to Legion's death taking place in 2004.

Bad Timeline

Sergeant Shy Guy mostly followed Legion around throughout his various Member OG appearances. He had several notable moments, such as taking on the entire Person Gang in a mech suit at the end of Member OG 6: VGF Moon. He died near the end of Member OG 8: This Title is irrelevant when he strapped explosives to himself and leaped into a group of enemies during some confusing melee scene, although the epilogue post showed he had become a Ghost Guy as well, and Legion laughed at him for this. I don't think he appeared afterwards.