Decorated Cannon Beetle

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#73 Granitus decorum
Decorated Cannon Beetle
Type Lithopod
Size 100mm
Debut Pikmin 2

The Decorated Cannon Beetle is a species of Lithopod who's mature form has not yet been discovered.


The larval form of a variant of cannon beetle known for a diet consisting of stones. This particular species prefers stones with high iron contents which is responsible for its bright red coloring. It will often release large stones to throw at its enemy. What is interesting is that these stones are released with a powerful magnetic field that will effectively cause it to follow anything with high metal content. As such they are of particular threat to spacesuit wearing explorers like Olimar and the others.

Their boulders can be of use to those smart enough to know how. The boulders can effectively be led into other creatures, killing the creature and ridding the person of the threat. Alternatively the boulder can be led in a complete circle and be made to hit the Decorated Cannon Beetle that fired it. Aside from their large rocks, the beetle has no other means of defense. As such simple direct attacks will easily bring one down.


  • The Decorated Cannon Beetle yeilds 4 pokos or 8 seeds, but requires 7 pikmin to carry.
  • Louie's Cooking Notes: Slice the meat into tender cutlets and vigorously apply a lime and pepper rub. Panfry until lightly crusted. Accopany with watercress and drizzle with freshly prepared tamarind sauce.