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**A young Toad boy who lives in the Rose Town inn, which is run by his mother. He has a collection of action figures that he often plays with, including toys of Mario, Princess Peach, Bowser and Geno. When the real Mario arrives at the inn, Gaz convinces Mario to play with him but accidentally knocks him out with Geno's Finger Shot. That night the Geno doll is possessed by a Star Spirit and runs off. Geno later returns with Mario to tell Gaz of his mission, and Gaz gave him his Finger Shot weapon to keep him safe. After the Star Spirit left Geno, the doll was presumably returned to Gaz.
**A young Toad boy who lives in the Rose Town inn, which is run by his mother. He has a collection of action figures that he often plays with, including toys of Mario, Princess Peach, Bowser and Geno. When the real Mario arrives at the inn, Gaz convinces Mario to play with him but accidentally knocks him out with Geno's Finger Shot. That night the Geno doll is possessed by a Star Spirit and runs off. Geno later returns with Mario to tell Gaz of his mission, and Gaz gave him his Finger Shot weapon to keep him safe. After the Star Spirit left Geno, the doll was presumably returned to Gaz.
*'''Grate Guy'''
*'''Grate Guy'''
**'''HP:''' 900, '''Attack:''' 60, '''Defense:''' 40, '''Magic Attack:''' 25, '''Magic Defense:''' 40
**Grate Guy is the younger of the Clown Bros and rode around on a giant ball. Though he is friends with Booster and hangs around the tower often like his brother, Grate Guy also owns his own exclusive casino in the Land's End area. Both Clown Bros were sent to stop Mario while Booster escapes to Marrymore, but they were both beaten in battle. Grate Guy still welcomed Mario to visit his casino if Mario had gained a Bright Card from his brother. In battle he had special defenses against Fire and Sleep attacks, but was weak against Thunder attacks.

Revision as of 08:11, 21 April 2007

Main Characters



Minor Characters


  • Birdo
    • HP: 777, Attack: 160, Defense: 130, MagicAttack: 6, Magic Defense: 100
    • Birdo is found in Nimbus Palace, where she is still in her egg. She offers to give Mario and his friends the Castle Key 2 if they agree to play with her, by which she means a battle. First in the battle Mario's group must devote their attacks to cracking Birdo's egg open. After being freed, Birdo begins fighting back. She holds up her promise and surrenders the key after being defeated, but she also warns Mario not to forget about her.
  • Boomer
    • HP: 2000, Attack: 200, Defense: 140, Magic Attack: 35, Magic Defense: 26
    • Boomer is a deadly, cannon-like machine bult by Smithy in his factory. Boomer is hotheaded but honorable. Despite his cannon-head, he actually wields a sword that he uses to go samurai on opponents. Boomer's weaknesses change with color; when his armor is red he is weak to special attacks, and when it is blue he is vulnerable to normal attacks. He battles Mario's group on the chandeliers of Bowser's Keep (similar to Bowser in the beginning of the game), and is the last obstacle prior to facing Exor. After being defeated, Boomer accepts the defeat with honor but rejects Mario's sympathy and makes his Chandeli-ho drop him to his doom.
  • Boshi
    • Boshi is a blue punk Yoshi with a sweet tooth for Yoshi Cookies. He takes over the Mushroom Derby racetrack on Yo'ster Isle and forces only one Yoshi to race him at a time with Yoshi Cookies as wagering stakes. And since Boshi never loses, no one can make him think otherwise- until Mario arrives and helps Yoshi conquer Boshi. Boshi then gives up and lets all the Yoshis join in on the races. He is last seen walking away with Croco in the ending.
  • Box Boy
    • HP: 900, Attack: 180, Defense: 110, Magic Attack: 80, Magic Defense: 40


  • Chancellor
  • Chef Torte
  • Chester
    • HP: 500, Attack: 170, Defense: 100, Magic Attack: 80, Magic Defense: 20
  • Cloaker
  • Clerk
    • HP: 500, Attack:160, Defense: 100, Magic Attack: 47, Magic Defense: 0
    • The Clerk is one of Smithy's employees in the factory and has worked there for ten years. He oversees the production of Smithy's new army and is often accompanied by a pair of Mad Mallet bodyguards. The Clerk faces the last challenge of his career one day when he meets with Mario and Mallow as they enter the factory. The Clerk doesn't recognize either of them, but when Mallow threatens him to close down the factory Clerk retaliates by attacking them. The Clerk was destroyed in the ensuing battle.
  • Count Down
    • HP: 2400, Attack: 0, Defense: 80, Magic Attack: 120, Magic Defense: 80
    • (Ding-A-Ling) HP: 1200, Attack: 180, Defense: 120, Magic Attack: 20, Magic Defense: 50
    • This massive clock serves as a security sentinel in Smithy's Factory. and is the first boss encountered in Smithy's Factory. Count Down unleashes a wide variety of techniques depending on what time it is. And the two bells on his head, the Ding-a-Lings, also have powers of their own. Has Special Defenses against Fear, Poison, Sleep and Silence, but is weak against Jump and Thunder attacks. Luckily this clock is smashed by Mario and his crew during their trek through the factory.
  • Culex
    • HP: 4096, Attack: 250, Defense: 100, Magic Attack: 100, Magic Defense: 80
    • An optional boss who is the game's most powerful enemy and is modelled after a generic Final Fantasy boss. Culex's lair can only be accessed by unlocking a door in Monstro Town using the Shiny Stone. He hails from another dimension and is the Dark Knight of Vanda, in service of the Black Mage. When Mario meets Culex, he was preparing to return to his own dimension due to finding Mario's dimension uninhabitable for him, but agreed to taken on the dimension's strongest warrior (i.e. Mario) beforehand. In battle Culex is accompanied by four elemental crystals. After being defeated, Culex rewards Mario with a Quartz Charm and acknowledges Mario as a comrade-in-arms before returning to his home dimension.


  • Director
    • HP: 1000, Attack: 190, Defense: 120, Magic Attack: 57, Magic Defense: 80
    • Another of the officials in Smithy's Factory, the Director is similar to the rest of the Factory Staff and is accompanied by Poundettes in battle. Mario and Princess Peach confront him as they make their way through Smithy's Factory. Peach pleads with him to stop creating all these harmful machines, but the Director refuses and engages the group in battle. The Director's attempt to melt Mario and his group down so that production may continue failed, and he was destroyed.
  • Dodo
    • HP: 1000/800, Attack: 140, Defense: 100, Magic Attack: 9, Magic Defnese: 60
    • A fat and lazy, oafish bird who serves Valentina. Too frightened to actually stand up to her, he does take out he is anger on her statues. Valentina has Dodo pose as the long-missing Prince Mallow and Valentina's fiancee as a part of Valentina's plot to usurp the throne as queen of Nimbus Land. There are two optional chances to battle Dodo before the final battle with Valentina (first if Dodo discovers Mario is not a statue, and the second battle when Dodo is being chased from Nimbus Palace, although there is a Super Star nearby that can be used to defeat him automatically for that battle). In the final battle, Dodo fights alongside Valentina. At one point he abducts one of Mario's partners (whoever is in the center) for a one-on-one battle. After a crushing defeat, Dodo and Valentina flee Nimbus Land. Dodo later serves as the priest conducting Valentina's marriage to Booster and carries Valentina around in the ending parade.
  • Domino
  • Dr. Topper
  • Dyna and Mite
    • The children of Ma and Pa Mole living in Moleville. Dyna is a mischievous young girl, and Mite is her baby brother who is usually seen strapped to Dyna's back. In the game's story, they are trapped in the Moleville Mines following a cave-in. Mario and the others soon arrive to rescue them, and they successfully escape the mines via mine cart. Dyna had fun, although Mite was a bit shaken up by the experience.


  • Earth Crystal
  • Earthlink


  • Factory Chief
    • HP: 1000, Attack: 200, Defense: 120, Magic Attack: 70, Magic Defense: 90
    • The top employee of Smithy's staff and the last enemy battled prior to gaining access to Smithy's lair. He is both a ninja and a brilliant inventor, differentiating him from the other heavily-armored staff members. In battle with Mario's group, the Factory Chief is accompanied by his ultimate invention, the Gun Yolk. However, both he and his invention are defeated.
  • Fire Crystal
  • Frogfucious
    • Frogfucious (named after the Chinese philosopher Confucious) is the wise and ancient frog guru of Tadpole Pond with a taste for the theatrics (such as using a Lakitu with a fishing line to make it look like he can fly) and a love of cricket-based food. He was also k. Frogfucius also adopted the baby Nimbusian Mallow as his grandson, raising him to believe he was a frog since he had no idea of Mallow's true origins. It wasn't until Mallow met Mario that Frogfucius revealed the truth and sent Mallow away to search for his real parents. Frogfucius continued to live in his solitude at Tadpole Pond and gave Mario's group advice when they needed it (and rewarding them when they brought Cricket Pie or Jam).


  • Garro
    • Garro was a Nimbusian scultor who was friends with King Nimbus and designed royal sculptures for the palace. However, after Valentina took over, he was only allowed to make sculptures of her. Garro discovered the real Prince Mallow and then smuggled his partner Mario into the palace by making him look like a statue called (telling the guards the statue was of Valentina's cousin "Marietta" while telling Valentina herself that it was a special piece called "A Plumber's Lament"). After Mario and his friends overthrew Valentina, Garro made golden sculptures of Mario and his comrades that were displayed in Nimbus Palace.
  • Gaz
    • A young Toad boy who lives in the Rose Town inn, which is run by his mother. He has a collection of action figures that he often plays with, including toys of Mario, Princess Peach, Bowser and Geno. When the real Mario arrives at the inn, Gaz convinces Mario to play with him but accidentally knocks him out with Geno's Finger Shot. That night the Geno doll is possessed by a Star Spirit and runs off. Geno later returns with Mario to tell Gaz of his mission, and Gaz gave him his Finger Shot weapon to keep him safe. After the Star Spirit left Geno, the doll was presumably returned to Gaz.
  • Grate Guy
    • HP: 900, Attack: 60, Defense: 40, Magic Attack: 25, Magic Defense: 40
    • Grate Guy is the younger of the Clown Bros and rode around on a giant ball. Though he is friends with Booster and hangs around the tower often like his brother, Grate Guy also owns his own exclusive casino in the Land's End area. Both Clown Bros were sent to stop Mario while Booster escapes to Marrymore, but they were both beaten in battle. Grate Guy still welcomed Mario to visit his casino if Mario had gained a Bright Card from his brother. In battle he had special defenses against Fire and Sleep attacks, but was weak against Thunder attacks.


  • Hidon
    • HP: 600, Attack: 110, Defense: 90, Magic Attack: 60; Magic Defense: 30
  • Hinopio
    • Hinopio is an odd Toad living in the Barrel Volcano. There he runs makeshift versions of an item shop, an armory and an inn. As ramshackle as his shop may be, his services are a great asset so far in the Barrel Volcano and so close to the final boss battles.


  • Jagger
    • HP: 600, Attack: 120, Defense: 80, Magic Attack: 0; Magic Defense: 50
    • One of Bowser's former Koopa Troopas, like most of Bowser's minions he is scattered across the land when Exor crashes into Bowser's Keep. Jagger winds up training under the martial arts master Jinx in Monstro Town in hopes of becoming strong enough to defeat Smithy. He will challenge Bowser and his companions to a sparring match if they meet. He has special defenses against jumping, fire and poison attacks and no weak points. After Jagger is defeated, Bowser helps Jagger to feel better by promising to take of Smithy himself. Jinx will then reveal himself and challenge Mario's group. If Jinx is beaten three times, Jagger will follow him in learning the Mario style of jumping.
  • Jinx
    • HP: 600/800/1000, Attack: 140/160/180, Defense:100/120/140, Magic Attack: 0, Magic Defense: 80/90/100
    • The head of the dojo in Monstro City. Jinx has amazing amounts of physical power packed into his tiny frame (being small enough to hide in a flower pot). He even has one-hit KO moves. Additionally, Jinx has no weakness and has special defenses against all special attacks save for jumping ones. After Mario defeats his pupil, Jagger, Mario can challenge him to a series of three battles. Jinx unleashes more power each time. After being defeated a third time, Jinx will admit Mario the superior, award him with the Jinx Belt, and rename his dojo after Mario. Jinx then trains in the Mario style of jumping.


  • King Calamari
  • King Nimbus
  • Knife Guy


  • Luigi
    • Surprisingly, Mario's brother only has a handful of cameo appearances in the game. First he appears as the host of the game's instruction manual. Later at Star Hill, one of the wishes seems to be from Luigi as he wishes to be a great plumber "like my brother, Mario". Finally, he is seen leading the parade in the game's ending.


  • Ma Mole
  • Mad Adder
  • Magikoopa
  • Manager
  • Megasmilax
  • Monstermama
  • Three Musty Fears
    • A trio of ghosts (a Boo, a Dry Bones and a Glum Reaper) who haunt the inn at Monstro Town. If Mario sleeps in their inn, they will speak to him in his sleep and challenge him to find three flags that they have each hidden in one of the game's areas. When Mario spends another night there after finding all three of the flags, they will visit him again and award him with the Ghost Medal.


  • Pa Mole
  • Pandorite
    • HP: 300, Attack: 30, Defense: 20, Special Attack: 20, Magic Defense: 20


  • Queen Nimbus


  • Raz and Raini
    • A young Toad couple living in the village near the palace. Later in the game they get married at Marrymore (only after Mario and his friends break up Booster's festivities there), and afterwards go on a honeymoon to Yo'ster Isle.


  • Seaside Town Elder
  • Sergeant Flutter
  • Shy Away
    • Shy Away was a Beezo in service of Valentina. He is first found in Bean Valley, where he is raising several Piranha Plants. He eventually brings the Megasmilax to life and, after it is beaten, flees to Nimbus Land to warn Valentina. However, he accidentally leaves behind a note with a seed attached. However he gets held up at a locked door and only arrives to warn Valentina just moments before the arrival of Mario and his friends. After Valentina's defeat, Shy Away can be found at the end of an invisible platform in Nimbus Land, where he bribes Mario with some fertilizer.
  • Snifits #1-3
  • Snifit #4



  • Water Crystal
  • Wind Crystal


  • Yoshi
    • Mario's dinosaur friend appears at the Yo'ster Isle racetrack. As in other games, Yoshi allows Mario to ride on his back. Yoshi translates the speech of his fellow yoshis for Mario. Mario can also ride him in races against Boshi, in order to make the Yo'ster races fun again. Yoshi also appears when the Yoshi Cookie item is used.