Great Fox

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Great Fox
Name Great Fox
Type Spacecraft
Creator Space Dynamics
Owner Team Star Fox
Debut Star Fox 64

The Great Fox is the mother ship used by the Star Fox team throughout most of the Star Fox series.


The Great Fox was a large ship that was originally commissioned by James McCloud for use by the Star Fox team. Although he did not live long enough to see it used, the ship proved invaluable to his son Fox McCloud when he took over the team. The ship did not come cheap, however, as it came with a 80-year payment plan that necessitated the Star Fox team's constant mercenary jobs.

The ship came equipped with ROB 64, hard wired straight into the ship computer for maximum efficiency. The Great Fox's primary purpose was to act as a central hub for all of Star Fox's missions. It generally did not engage in actual combat and instead provided assistance with supplies. The Great Fox was known for its large launch bay, which was known to have held at least four Arwings, the Blue Marine, and Landmaster as one time.

The ship was generally not defensive, although it featured two large cannons in the front capable of dealing out heavy damage. Its limited maneuverability still made it an easy target for smaller fighters, thus forcing the ship to rely on the Arwing fighters to protect it.

Over the years following Star Fox 64, the ship fell into disrepair when the team's jobs became scarce. However, thanks to the money from the Sauria mission in Star Fox Adventures, the team was able to heavily remodel the Great Fox, making it better than ever. At the end of Star Fox Assault the Great Fox was taken over by Aparoids and was destroyed when Peppy Hare piloted it directly into the shield protecting the Aparoid Homeworld.

A newly designed Great Fox was built and used in the Anglar War in Star Fox Command. ROB 64 was again the pilot of the large vessel. It was capable of deploying fighter craft and firing missiles on enemies. It did not have any defenses to speak of, rather relying upon more versatile craft to protect it.

Other Appearances

Video Games

  • The Great Fox has appeared in all of the Super Smash Bros. games. Stages such as Sector Z, Corneria and Venom (the former being from the first Smash Bros., while the latter two are in Melee) are all set atop the Great Fox. The Great Fox is also seen in the background of the Lylat Cruise stage in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, in a space battle above Corneria. The Great Fox also appears in "The Subspace Emissary" mode of Brawl where it engaged the Halberd in aerial battle until the Halberd heavily damages it by pinning it against the Glacial Mountain, forcing the ship into a retreat. Additionally, a trophy of the Great Fox has appeared in every game from Melee onwards, with Brawl also having a second trophy for it focusing on its appearance in Assault.


  • In Star Fox 2, Star Fox had a Mothership, which acted as a predecessor to the Great Fox.
  • One plot hole in Star Fox Command is that ROB and the Great Fox are present in every mission, sometimes with no explanation; for example, if Krystal chooses to leave Fox to join Star Wolf, ROB and the Great Fox accompany Wolf's crew in the next mission as if they had always been there. It is highly unlikely that Krystal took the ship and ROB with her when she left.