Leon Powalski

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Leon in Star Fox Assault.
Leon Powalski
Species Chameleon
Eye color Blue
Debut Star Fox 64

Leon Powalski is an assassin that flies for Star Wolf. The background of Leon is rather ambiguous, but he seems to have some long-standing rivalry with Falco Lombardi. He appears to be the most sadistic and coldest of the group.


Star Wolf was hired by Andross to deal with Star Fox during his attempt to takeover the Lylat System in Star Fox 64. The team encountered Star Fox on Fichina while leading a fleet of Venomian ships, at which point Leon took to targetting Falco. Despite their advantage, the Star Wolf team was defeated. They fight again on Bolse, only to lose yet again. After most of Andross's forces had been defeated, Star Wolf arrived to defend Venom and were defeated yet again.

In the nine years after, Leon Powalski was the only founding member (besides Wolf) to stay on the team. When Star Fox invaded Sargasso looking for Pigma, Star Wolf attempted to take down Star Fox, but was inevitably defeated. However, as the Aparoid threat become more apparent, Star Wolf came to the aid of Star Fox, although Leon seemed indifferent to the cause. Afterwards, Star Wolf provided Star Fox backup two different times, including the battle on the Aparoid Homeworld. After the planet exploded, the Star Wolf team was nowhere to be found.

As Star Wolf continued their antics, the Cornerian military put bounties on each of their heads (Leon having the lowest bounty, at S$1000000, despite being one of the only two remaining original members). They established a base on Fichina to hide from the Cornerian military.

During the Anglar invasion of Star Fox Command, Star Wolf decided to try stopping the threat themselves. As a team they were doing it so that the bounties on their heads would be removed, and they would be seen as heroes for a change. As an individual, Leon seemed to be particulary excited by the large number of targets he could kill.

Leon and Panther soon split off from Wolf and travelled to Katina in order to pick up Krystal, who was planning to join Star Wolf. However, Fox intervened and convinced Krystal to come back to Star Fox instead. None of the Star Wolf members were seen again for the remainder of that storyline.

Possible Fates

In three endings the Star Wolf team lead successful raids on Venom. In Endings 4 and 9 they succeed in destroying the Anglar Emperor and become heroes throughout the galaxy. In Ending 3 their raid is successful but the Anglar Emperor escapes into the Asteroid Belt, where Star Fox finishes him off. Fox does however promise Star Wolf that he would try to get their bounties cleared as compensation.

Other Appearances

  • Leon appears in Super Smash Bros. Brawl when hidden conversations are activated by one of the Star Fox characters on the Lylat Cruise stage by special taunts, where Arwings and Wolfen fighters are caught in a battle. Leon has some interesting moments, at one point admiring Wolf's claws and how they tear things apart, leading Panther to wonder if he's jealous of the "shredder or the shreddee". A trophy of Leon also appears in the game.


  • Command description: "A member of the Star Wolf squadron. His image is ruthless and cold-blooded, but perhaps a friendly face lies under that exterior... Or perhaps not."
  • His first name is simply taken from the last few letters of "chameleon", his presumed species.