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Official artwork of Garet
Species Human
Hair color Red
Eye color Auburn
Age 17 (as of The Lost Age)
47 (as of Dark Dawn)
Relatives Grandparents
Kay (younger sister)
Aaron (younger brother)
Tyrell (son)
Debut Golden Sun

Garet is one of the four playable characters of Isaac's party in Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age as well as a temporary computer-controlled party member as an adult in Dark Dawn. He is a childhood friend of Isaac and Jenna from Vale, and he is a Fire Adept.


Garet was raised in Vale, being the grandson of the town's mayor. He also had two mischievous younger sisters. HIs best friends growing up were Isaac and Jenna, as well as Jenna's brother Felix. Garet was known for having a bit of a rash and impulsive personality, but he was ultimately good-hearted.

Golden Sun

When Vale was struck by a disastrous storm, Garet was first seen trying to tow a chest of his possessions away from his house to save them. However, Isaac met up with him and led Garet to realize the foolishness of risking his life for material objects. Garet then joined up with Isaac in patrolling the area and trying to find Adepts who could rescue Felix from drowning in the river. Their efforts were for naught, as a giant boulder then fell and seemingly crushed Felix as well as Isaac's father and Jenna's parents. Isaac immediately ran off, and Garet decided to follow him because he believed that men had to stand together at times like these. Unfortunately, he alerted Saturos and Menardi to Isaac's presence at the same time. The two presumed that Isaac and Garet had overheard too much of their conversation and attacked them, easily defeating them both and leaving them for dead.

Isaac and Garet survived this encounter and spent the next three years studying Psynergy under Kraden in order to be more useful than they were in that disaster. The two of them and Jenna went to what seemed to be a normal meeting with Kraden (after Garet demonstrated his clumsiness by falling through the patched roof of Isaac's house), only to find that Saturos and Menardi had also spoken to him, although they did not recognize each other from three years ago. Kraden had heard some interesting rumors about the Sol Sanctum in Mt. Aleph from them and convinced Isaac, Garet and Jenna to escort him there so he could investigate their claims. Together, they were able to find the hidden chamber that Kraden believed to be the origin of all Alchemy. Isaac and Garet were then tasked with collecting the four Elemental Stars in the area for them, but after they collected three, Saturos and Menardi arrived. They took Jenna and Kraden captive, promising to release them in exchange for the Elemental Stars. To earn their trust, the third member of their gang unmasked himself to reveal Felix. Garet reluctantly decided to hand over the Elemental Stars, and Alex arrived to grab them for Saturos's gang. But when they grabbed the final Elemental Star, the Mars Star, it caused a chain reaction that made the area begin to cave in. Saturos's gang reluctantly retreated with Jenna and Kraden, leaving Isaac and Garet behind to die. However, The Wise One then arrived and was able to bring them to safety. After explaining the situation to the people of Vale, Isaac and Garet were tasked with the responsibility of the entire world, as the Wise One said that they needed to retrieve the Elemental Stars before the four lighthouses were re-lit in order to save the world. Garet saw this decision as a bit overwhelming so he placed it in Isaac's hands, reluctantly going along when Isaac accepted.

The next day, Isaac and Garet set off on their adventure after being seen off by most of Vale, including Garet's family. They were joined by two new companions, Ivan and Mia, by the time they reached Mercury Lighthouse. They arrived at the aerie too late to stop Saturos from lighting the beacon, but they were able to defeat him in the following battle. Saturos was still able to escape afterwards with Alex's help, leaving Garet regretting that they were unable to save Jenna yet. The group of four pressed on in their journey towards the next lighthouse, Venus Lighthouse. There they were able to defeat Saturos and Menardi, but the two then tossed the Venus Star into the beacon and with its energy became a massive Fusion Dragon. Isaac's group as able to defeat this form too, at which point Saturos and Menardi chose to kill themselves by tossing themselves into the beacon. They then turned their sights into apprehending Felix and Sheba, but the lighthouse was split in half by a mighty tremor, and both Felix and Sheba wound up falling to a mysterious fate. Garet then remembered Jenna and suggested they find her, but she was already gone by that time. They then returned to Lalivero to recuperate and set off on the next stage of their journey, sailing Babi's Lemurian Ship in search of the lost land of Lemuria, as well as Jenna and the last two lighthouses.

The Lost Age

In the next game, it was implied that they failed to reach Lemuria due to being unable to defeat Poseidon, and they instead pursued Felix's group across Indra and Gondowan in an attempt to rescue Jenna as well as seeking out Piers due to his also owning a Lemurian ship. They did not catch up with Felix's group, but they did find the Jupiter Lighthouse and began scaling it. However, a trap was set off which separated Mia from the rest of the group, and Garet's attempt to help her wound up getting him stuck as well. This left Isaac and Ivan alone against Agatio and Karst, whom had set up the trap to weaken Isaac's forces. Luckily Felix's group was able to arrive and convince Agatio and Karst to spare their lives. Garet and Mia were soon freed from the trap, at which point Isaac's group ran up to confront Felix's group, arriving just after Felix had used the Jupiter Star to light the Jupiter Lighthouse. Afterwards, Isaac and Felix's groups agreed to meet up in order to sort out everything that had happened between them. Ultimately, Kraden and Felix were able to convince Isaac's group that lighting the lighthouses was necessary in order to prevent the world from decaying into nothing. Garet himself admitted that Felix was much smarter than he seemed. So they all worked together in order to reach Mars Lighthouse, but their last obstacle before they could re-ignite it as The Wise One, who was angry at Isaac and Garet for disobeying his orders.

The Wise One wound up summoning a monstrous three-headed Doom Dragon to face Felix and Isaac's groups as their final challenge. Garet was initially unimpressed, failing to see how a three-headed dragon would give them more trouble than the two-headed dragon they had already beaten. But after they defeated the Doom Dragon, it reverted to reveal that it was a fusion of Isaac's father with Jenna's parents, with Garet being horrified when he recognized Isaac's dad. He began to tell off the Wise One and then wished that he could console Felix, or to at least have one more chance to taste Felix and Jenna's mother's cookies. Felix then lit the Mars Beacon, and in the aftermath of its lighting Garet felt an inexplicable grip at his arm. They wound up having to retreat to Prox, from whence they planned to return home to Vale, with the Golden Sun reformed and their adventure complete. Jenna's reunion with her revitalized parents made Garet realize that he missed his parents more than he expected to. They then returned to find that Vale had been completely destroyed, leaving Garet in a state of shock. He was depressed to suddenly be alone and was then offended when Sheba and Mia suddenly began teasing him. But then Garet saw the reason - his whole family was still alive and had come to confront him, having successfully taken refuge from the disaster. Garet was overjoyed to not be alone.

Dark Dawn

Exposure to the Golden Sun gave all the heroes who were at the Mars Lighthouse something resembling immortality, and they stopped aging when they reached adulthood. Garet matured much over the next thirty years, eventually having a son named Tyrell with an unspecified mother. Garet wound up living with Isaac in a small cabin on the Goma Plateau that overlooked Vale's remains, from which they researched the Golden Sun's effects on the area as well as the formation of mysterious Psynergy Vortexes that drained Psynergy from nearby Adepts. Garet also taught his son how to use Psynergy alongside Isaac's son Matthew. Garet had grown into a more responsible being who was somewhat overprotective of his son and was actually the one who had to restrain Isaac's scheming. He also grew a mustache.

Isaac and Garet had made plans to explore Sol Sanctum directly with a soarwing that they had Ivan make for them using a mountain roc feather that they obtained while traveling with Kraden some time ago. Ivan's daughter Karis also came to visit them when they received the soarwing. But before they could use it, Tyrell impulsively took it to the roof of the cabin and decided to test it himself. Tyrell predictably spun out of control, which led Isaac to guide him from afar to a safe landing near a cave within the Tanglewood forest. Garet panicked, but Isaac remained calm and saw this as a chance to test Matthew and Karis's progress in learning Psynergy by exploring the forest. Garet was angry at how lightly Isaac was taking this and concerned about putting the youths in danger, although they were around the same age he had been during his first quest. It was eventually agreed that Isaac and Garet would accompany Matthew and Karis in exploring the forest, acting as silent guides and only helping them when they truly needed it.

Together, the four were able to navigate Tanglewood and discovered the cave where Tyrell landed. Upon entering, they realized that Tyrell had been sucked dry by a vortex, which enraged Garet. Isaac apologized and defended himself by saying that the cave had been safe in the past. They were able to retrieve Tyrell and returned to the cabin, where they faced what they would do now that their soarwing was broken. They initially decided to sent Matthew and Tyrell on a quest to get them a new feather from the mountain roc, which Garet saw as a good chance to straighten out his boy. After remembering that Kraden was in the area and planning to visit, Garet observed Isaac while his mind was at working coming up with the plan to have Kraden act as the children's guide in their quest. When the time came for Matthew, Tyrell and Karis to depart, only Garet saw them off and warned them not to do anything reckless.

Unspecified events occur at the cabin over the course of the game. Himi receives visions that warn of Isaac (and presumably Garet as well) being in great danger, which lead to Takeru setting off in search of them, although it is unknown if he ever reached them. When Matthew, Tyrell and Karis returned at the end of the game, they stopped in the middle of the bridge leading to the cabin when they noticed a giant Psynergy Vortex floating in their vicinity. The game ends there, leaving Isaac and Garet's fates up in the air.


Garet is a Mars Adept, which makes him attuned to fire-based Psynergies. However, most of his abilities are a variable depending on his class (which can change depending on which Djinn are assigned to him) and which special items he has equipped. The only Psynergy Garet knows by default is Move. Like Isaac, he wields swords, axes and maces in battle.

Other Appearances

Video Games

  • In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Garet appears as a Novice-rank Primary Spirit who boosts the power of fire attacks. When fought in a Spirit battle, Garet's Spirit would possess Roy and fight on a floor made of lava. He would also start the battle equipped with a Fire Flower.


  • A recurring bit in the first Golden Sun is Garet's desire to see the ocean, which starts when Kraden first tells him about the ocean early in the game. Later, Garet is amazed to see what he thinks is an ocean at the Kalay Docks, but someone else informs him that it is technically not an ocean. Garet does not see the true ocean until they set sail in the game's ending, when he is excited to finally see it.
  • The romance in his life (as with the other Golden Sun characters) is never officially explored, although Garet's grandfather is seen wondering whether Garet likes Jenna or Mia more in the first game. Dark Dawn would later show that he did not end up with either of them.