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The Boundary Pokémon
#646 - Kyurem
Debut Pokémon: Black Version
Pokémon: White Version
Species Info
Type Dragon.gif+ Ice.gif+
Height 3 m (9'10")
Weight 325 kg (716.5 lbs.)
Color Gray
Gender Ratio Genderless
Ability Pressure
Hidden Ability
Egg Group Unbreedable
Icon Sprite
File:I646.gif File:646sprite.png
Base Statistics
Hit Points 125 Speed 95
Attack 130 Sp. Attack 130
Defense 90 Sp. Defense 90
Training Info
Catch Rate 003 Hatch Steps 30,720
Base Exp. 297 Effort Points HP
Happiness 0 Att
To Lv.100 Slow SpA
Kanto # Johto # Hoenn # Sinnoh #
< 646 >
Unova # Johto (IV) #
< 152 >

Kyurem is a mysterious, frozen legendary Pokémon that was introduced in the fifth generation games. It appears to be related to Reshiram and Zekrom in some way, and it is the last Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex which does not require a Nintendo event.


Kyurem is believed to have landed in Unova on a meteor that crashed near Lacunosa Town years ago, forming a crater at the Giant Chasm. The creature from the meteor was known to the people of Lacunosa as a scary Pokémon that appeared on cold nights and stole way people as well as Pokémon. Walls were eventually built around Lacunosa Town to keep it away, and all of its people began staying indoors every night.

Kyurem itself has a frozen body and can produce ultracold air. Although it generates a powerful, freezing energy within itself, Kyurem's body became frozen when this energy leaked out.


Mainstream Games

In Pokémon: Black and White Versions, Kyurem appeared in the hidden second cavern of the Giant Chasm. This area could be accessed only after the player walked in a circle around the crater area and then found the lake there. Kyurem would then roar and cause a large snowstorm which quickly covers the area and also opens the path to the cavern in which it waits.

Other Appearances

Video Games

  • In the Super Smash Bros. series, Kyurem has appeared as one of the Pokémon that can be summoned at random from the Poké Ball item starting in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U. When summoned, it uses Cold Air to unleash several bursts of freezing wind across the stage. Its appearance in the 3DS/Wii U game is accompanied by a trophy. In Ultimate, Kyurem is also represented by an Advanced-rank Support Spirit (which boosts the power of throws and meteor strikes), and there are also Ace-rank Primary Spirits of Black and White Kyurem that can only be gained through summoning. When fought against in a Spirit battle, Kyurem's Spirit would possess the Ice Climbers and focus on special moves in a timed battle with a frozen floor.


  • Its name could be derived from "kyuurei" (Japanese for rapid cooling) as well as "rei" (Japanese for "zero") or "mu" (Japanese for nothing).
  • Kyurem appears to be related to Reshiram and Zekrom in a similar way that previous legendaries such as Rayquaza and Giratina have related to the main legendary Pokémon of their respective generations. Whereas Reshiram and Zekrom are based on the concepts of yin and yang, Kyurem could instead represent "wuji", which is a black circle where yin and yang are absent.