Star Wolf

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Star Wolf
Wolf, Leon, Panther
Pigma, Andrew
Debut Star Fox 64

Star Wolf is a team of intergalactic mercenaries that have served as recurring antagonists in the Star Fox series. They are the rivals of Star Fox and are led by Fox's own rival, Wolf O'Donnell.


Nothing about the team's history has been divulged, such as whether or not Wolf has been the founder and how long the team has been around. Star Wolf first appeared in Star Fox 64, during Andross's campaign against the Lylat System. They were employed by Andross, and the original team consisted of Wolf, Leon Powalski, Pigma Dengar and Andross's nephew Andrew. It was implied that Star Fox had faced the Star Wolf team in the past. Depending on the path, they could be battled twice during the game, at Fichina and either Bolse or Venom.

The team's ranks shifted over the next eight years. Andrew and Pigma were both fired and replaced by Panther Caruso. In Star Fox Assault, the three of them were holed up at the Sargasso Space Zone, where Wolf was known as "Lord O'Donnell". The Star Fox team initially confronted them for information on Pigma's whereabouts, and Star Wolf ultimately teamed up with Star Fox to repel the Aparoids in order to save themselves and the galaxy. Star Wolf helped during the final battle with the Aparoid Queen and were not found following the explosion of the Aparoid Homeworld.

In Star Fox Command, it was shown that they had survived and had amassed high bounties on their heads for their criminal activities. The team's exact actions differed depending on the path, but they usually sought a way to stop the Anglar invasion so that they would be considered heroes and could be cleared of their charges. This led them to seek a special device which could neutralize the acidity of Venom's oceans, which was needed to attack the Anglar headquarters and the Emperor Anglar. They also tried to recruit Krystal after she left Star Fox.

Possible Fates

Star Wolf had prominent roles in three of the game's storylines.

  • In Ending 3, Star Wolf was able to find the neutralizing device, and they used it to attack the Anglar HQ at Venom. They successfully destroyed the based and forced the Anglars into the Asteroid Belt, where Star Fox was able to finish off the Emperor Anglar. Although Krystal had initially chosen to rejoin Star Fox during the war against the Anglars, following the war's conclusion, she ran off and joined with Star Wolf.
  • In Ending 4, Star Wolf destroyed the Anglar Emperor on Venom with Krystal's help. They were considered heroes by the populace with the exception of Krystal, who was vilified for her betrayal of Star Fox. This caused her to strike off on her own and become a bounty hunter under the name of Kursed.
  • In Ending 7, Wolf initially worked with Fox and Falco to find the neutralizing device on Venom. However, Wolf then betrayed them and left with the device. They manipulated Pigma into keeping Star Fox busy while Star Wolf was able to use the device to initiate the attack on Venom. They destroyed the Anglar Emperor and became heroes. The humiliation that Fox and Falco felt as a result was great enough that they left Star Fox behind for a future as G-Zero racers.

Other Appearances

Video Games

  • Wolf O'Donnell appears as a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and using his taunt at the Lylat Cruise level could initiate a conversation involving the other members of Star Wolf (specifically Leon and Panther). This game also depicted Wolf with his own version of the Landmaster, although this has not been shown so far within canon.

Canceled Appearances

  • The Star Wolf team was originally conceived as recurring antagonists for Star Fox 2 on the Super NES. The roster was the same as the team in 64 except that instead of Andrew, there was a more lemur-like pilot named Algy.


  • The name "Star Wolf" dates back to the conception of the franchise, as it was one of the potential titles for the original Super NES game that Shigeru Miyamoto thought over before settling on Star Fox.
  • The ships they ride are usually Wolfens (or a Wolfen II), but in Command each member instead had a personalized spacecraft.
  • When Star Wolf first appeared, they had the exact amount of members as Star Fox did at the time, so that they could each pair off. Wolf was Fox's rival, Leon was Falco's, Pigma was Peppy's and Andrew was Slippy's. However, starting in Assault the team has had one less member than Star Fox (with Panther acting primarily as Krystal's rival).