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Official artwork of Isaac
Species Human
Hair color Blonde
Eye color Blue
Age 17 (as of The Lost Age)
47 (as of Dark Dawn)
Relatives Kyle (father)
Dora (mother)
Jenna (wife)
Matthew (son)
Voiced by Aya Hara (2008)
Debut Golden Sun

Isaac is the main hero of the Golden Sun series. He first appeared as the main playable character in the first Golden Sun, and then in Golden Sun: The Lost Age he was replaced by Felix as main character for most of the game. He also appears as a temporary computer-controlled party member in the beginning of Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, where his son Matthew succeeded him as main hero. He is a Venus Adept hailing from the village of Vale.


Golden Sun

Isaac was born and raised in Vale, the secluded village of Adepts, by loving parents Kyle and Dora. His best friends were Garet and Jenna, as well as her brother Felix. However, things changed when Vale was suddenly struck by a deadly storm, which was accompanied by the threat of a destructive boulder that was going to fall from Mt. Aleph. Isaac was at first sent to the plaza while his parents helped with the evacuation, and he met up with Garet along the way. They stopped when they found Kyle and Jenna's parents struggling to save Felix, who was trapped in a wild river, and they were sent with Jenna to get help from others who knew Psynergy. They were able to find help, only for it to be too late; the boulder crashed into the rescue site, leaving no sign of Felix while presumably crushing Kyle as well as Jenna's parents.

Isaac ran off, followed by Garet, and the two then overheard a conversation between two mysterious figures, Saturos and Menardi, whom had accidentally triggered the storm by tampering with the Alchemy hidden within Mt. Aleph's Sol Sanctum. But they caught Isaac and Garet eavesdropping on them and decided to "help them forget" by attacking them, easily defeating the inexperienced Vale youths. Isaac and Garet were left alive, however, and over the next three years they both studied Psynergy under the scholar Kraden in order to become stronger, often being joined by Jenna. But one day, when the three were on the way to Kraden's, they found the same two strangers from three years ago poking around town (but they did not recognize each other). When they met with Kraden, he told them about all the strange things they had said about Mt. Aleph's Sol Sanctum. Instead of reporting it to the town elders, Kraden suggesting investigating the validity of their claims, so the four decided to sneak into Mt. Aleph together, with Isaac being appointed the leader. There they solved a series of puzzles and eventually discovered the hidden area that Kraden believed to be the origin of all Alchemy, and the resting place of the four Elemental Stars.

Kraden explained more of the basics of Alchemy to Isaac's group, as well as the concept of the Stone of Sages, which could grant immortality. Isaac and Garet were then tasked with navigating the area to grab all four of the Elemental Stars in the area. However, after they grabbed the first three, Saturos and Menardi arrived. They held Jenna and Kraden hostage and forced them to give up the Elemental Stars that they had already grabbed, earning their trust by unveiling their third companion to be a still living Felix. Their fourth and last companion, Alex, arrived to collect their Elemental Stars and then sent them to grab the fourth one, the Mars Star. But when they removed it, it caused the chamber to begin collapsing, and the guardian of the Elemental Stars, the Wise One, appeared. Saturos's gang was unwilling to stand up against the Wise One, and did not think Isaac would survive, so they escaped with Kraden and Jenna, leaving Isaac and Garet alone with the Wise One. The Wise One warned them of the dangers of Alchemy's powers, which could destroy the world if all four elemental lighthouses were lit with the Elemental Stars. After asking to look at the Mars Star, the Wise One teleported Isaac and Garet to safety, and it was able to protect Vale from the erupting volcano. They then explained themselves to the village's elders, and it was decided that Isaac and Garet shared responsibility for the world's fate. They set off on their journey the next day, but Dora was strangely absent; one of the village children instead gave Isaac some Catch Beads from her. If Isaac would ever return home, he would find Dora had fallen sick. She became disappointed that Isaac returned before completing his journey and pretended to be fine so that he would move along.

Their first destination was the town of Vault, where they met the Jupiter Adept Ivan, whom was trying to recover the Shaman's Staff that had been stolen from him. Isaac and Garet were able to help him corner the thieves so that Ivan could read their minds to confirm their thievery, and afterwards Ivan decided to travel with Isaac's group. They encountered further calamity in their travels - such as Tret, a living tree that had been corrupted by a Psynergy Crystal which caused him to begin turning Kolima's people into trees after they had tried to cut him down. Isaac's group were able to defeat Tret, but they found that they would need the Waters of Mercury to cure him in his kinder state so that he could restore the people of Kolima. So they eventually made their way to the Mercury Lighthouse, where they were joined by the lighthouse's protector, a Mercury Adept named Mia. However, they reached the top of the tower too late and witnessed Saturos lighting the lighthouse's beacon. He then decided to battle Isaac's group, but he was defeated by Isaac's group due to the Mercury Lighthouse's beacon weakening Saturos's Mars Psynery while strengthening Mia's Mercury Psynergy. Alex then arrived to stall them and healed Saturos, at which point they fled. Isaac's group, now a complete party of four, continued their travels and slowly made their way towards the Venus Lighthouse, restoring Tret and with him the people of Kolima along the way. They also learned more about their quest from people such as Master Hama of the Lama Temple, before they found a boat that could take them towards Tolbi, from whence they could reach Gondowan, the continent containing the next lighthouse.

They arrived in Tolbi at the time of the Colosso tournament and wound up finding Tolbi's ruler Babi in a nearby cave. They saved his life by bringing him some some of his secret draught and in exchange Babi, intrigued by the group's Psynergy abilities, decided to allow them to enter in the finals of Colosso. When they returned to Tolbi, they learned that only Isaac was allowed to participate, but his companions still used their abilities to secretly help him from the sidelines. Isaac was able to win and impress Babi, although he required a long period of rest after the tournament. Babi told them the truth about himself, that he had once been to a hidden island known as Lemuria, from whence he found a draught that he had used to stay alive for over a century. As he was running out, Babi asked Isaac and his group to find Lemuria and more draught for him so that he could continue to live. Babi then allowed Isaac's group passage to Gondowan and had his attendant Iodem accompany them for the time being, although they were concerned about being sidetracked from their main goal of preventing the lighthouses from being lit. They then passed through Suhalla Desert to get to the Venus Lighthouse, but along the way they learned that a young girl named Sheba, who was being escorted back to her home of Lalivero from Tolbi, had gone missing. Isaac's group did find Venus Lighthouse, but they then had to travel further to find the true entrance by entering the in-construction Babi Lighthouse and then traveling along the underground Venus Ruins to the Venus Lighthouse's true entrance. At the top of the lighthouse, Isaac's group once more faced off with Saturos, this time accompanied by Menardi, Felix and the captured Sheba. Isaac attempted to bargain for Sheba's safety and wound up exchanging the Shaman's Staff in Ivan's possession for her. However, Saturos than refused to release Sheba, pointing out that he had only said that he would not harm Sheba in exchange for the staff, and he never promised to release her.

Saturos and Menardi then tried to kill Isaac's group, but Isaac was able to defeat them. They were then ready to bring Sheba back home, only to find Felix would not allow them and refused their help, apparently intent on seeing the lighthouses lit as well. Saturos and Menardi then tossed the Venus Star into the lighthouse as they spoke to ignite the beacon. With it powering them, they were able to transform into a monstrous Fusion Dragon as a last-ditch attempt to kill Isaac and his friends. But Isaac was once more victorious. Saturos and Menardi were reverted back to their normal forms, at which point they tossed themselves into the beacon. Isaac attempted to pursue Felix and Sheba, but an earthquake temporarily split the lighthouse apart. By the time it reformed, Felix and Sheba had fallen from the lighthouse. Isaac's group recuperated at Lalivero, where the locals were certain of Sheba's survival. They were also unable to find Jenna and Kraden, but they realized that they would have to set out to sea in order to find them. Iodem then gave Isaac the Black Orb, which could be used to pilot Babi's ancient Lemurian ship, so that Isaac's group could explore the seas to both find Lemuria for Babi and find Felix's group before they could light the last two lighthouses. They then set off on the next stage of their adventure.

The Lost Age

It is unknown exactly what Isaac and his group experienced in their journey out to sea or what happened to their Lemurian ship. It is implied that they found the Lost Sea, but they were unable to defeat Poseidon due to lacking the Trident of Ankohl. It is known that along the way they heard of Felix's activities, which confirmed for them that he and possibly Sheba were still alive. They passed through Madras after Felix's group had already been there and then traveled further west to another area of Gondowan in an attempt to pursue Felix's group, presumably leaving their boat at the shore. They also saw Piers's ship, which was very similar to their own Lemurian ship, and decided to seek him out as well, likely under the correct assumption that he was a Lemurian and could help them access Lemuria. It is known that they passed through Nariwbe in search of him and paid the innkeepers to inform guests about Isaac's desire to meet with Piers. Additionally, it is known (although through the unreliable source of Alex) that Babi had already died at some point into The Lost Age, but it is never acknowledged that Isaac and his group have learned this.

Isaac and Felix's paths finally collided at the Jupiter Lighthouse. Isaac's group was able to reach the lighthouse and make it about half the way up before Garet and Mia were caught in a trap. Karst and Agatio, Saturos and Menardi's replacements, then jumped Isaac and Ivan. With only half of the team in action, Isaac and Ivan were quickly defeated by the two Proxians. Karst and Agatio were then about to kill Isaac in order to both remove him as an obstacle and avenge Menardi's death, but Felix intervened at that point. As Agatio and Karst were too weak from the battle to face Felix's whole group, they relented to Felix's demands by sparing Isaac's life, although in return they had Felix steal the Mars Star from Isaac (which they later stole from him). Isaac passed the star onto Felix without any hesitation, telling Felix that he still trusted him. Jenna and Sheba then remained behind to help Isaac and Ivan recover (and get Garet and Mia out of the trap) while Felix and Piers left to light the lighthouse's beacon, although they both departed from Isaac's group to help Felix fight Agatio and Karst. Isaac and his full group then arrived to meet with Felix's group atop the lighthouse following their battle with Agatio and Karst. The two groups agreed to meet up at Contigo in order to sort out what was going on.

In the meeting at Contigo, they learned that Felix and Jenna were initially helping Saturos and Menardi to light the lighthouses because they had their parents captive, and they had not died in the storm three years ago. Isaac then realized that this meant that his father was also still alive and in the Proxians' captivity. Kraden also explained that they had learned at Lemuria that the lack of Alchemy in the world was actually causing the world to slowly wither away and eventually die. Isaac told Felix that he would have helped them if he knew, although Kraden doubted this as he would have violated Vale's sacred teachings. Hama then arrived and warned them that they should go to the last lighthouse to light it. Even though Agatio and Karst had the Mars Star, Hama foresaw that they would lose due to a powerful force working against them, and only Felix and Isaac's groups could accomplish the task. Jenna apologized for making Isaac's group worry and having left Venus Lighthouse without seeing them, then suggested that they go on a trip together after their adventure ended. Isaac realized that this was Felix's quest now, but they would do the best they could to help out. So Felix and Isaac's combined group set off for Prox on Felix's ship, which had been outfitted with a pair of wings that granted it limited flight. They eventually reached Prox, where Isaac found peace with the Proxian elder Puelle over his involvement in Saturos and Menardi's death.

They then set off for the Mars Lighthouse and eventually fought a pair of dragons within it. But after defeating the dragons, they realized that they were actually Karst and Agatio, transformed by the Wise One. In their dying breaths, the two Proxians surrendered the Mars Star to Felix so that they could light the beacon. However, one they reached the aerie, they found one more obstacle standing in their way: the Wise One, who was angry with Isaac and Garet for betraying his orders. Isaac disagreed with the Wise One's claim that Prox deserved to die out (which it would have, had Saturos and Menardi not started the quest to revive Alchemy). but the Wise One continued to warn them of the dangers of restoring Alchemy. He also alerted them that Alex was at the time scaling Mt. Aleph in order to collect the light released by the four beacons - the Golden Sun - when it gathered there, which would make Alex immortal and invincible. Despite this, Isaac and Felix remained determined to light the beacon. The Wise One would not allow himself to fight them, but he did summon a "miracle" to battle them - a three-headed Doom Dragon. They were able to destroy it after an arduous battle, at which it reverted to its human forms - it was actually Jenna's parents and Isaac's own father Kyle, whom had been transformed by the Wise One. They were all shocked by this, but Isaac accepted that this was the price for defying the Wise One and had Felix light the beacon. They then had to retreat back to Prox with their parents' bodies as the energy at the lighthouse started to become overwhelming.

At Prox, they found that the fire Psynergy which the lighthouse released had miraculously revived the parents. They were then determined to return to Vale, with Isaac intent on checking up on his mother. At the same time, Isaac questioned the Wise One's actions, although Kraden felt that the Wise One knew that the parents would be revived after the battle. He also suggested that the battle was a test of character, to see if they were willing to sacrifice everything for his quest, which would mean he was worthy of wielding Alchemy. They then returned to Vale and found that it had been destroyed in the formation of the Golden Sun. However, the other villagers were able to take shelter and greeted them. Isaac and Kyle were finally reunited with Dora. The epilogue also revealed that Alex did not gain all of the power of the Golden Sun; in the beginning of the first game, the Wise One had imbued some of the forming Golden Sun's powers into the Mars Star, which meant that Isaac contained part of the power, while Alex did not have enough to become invincible or immortal.

Dark Dawn

The adult Isaac in Dark Dawn

Exposure to the Golden Sun (and possibly the Mars Star's energy that had imbued in him) actually seemed to have given Isaac and most of the other heroes immortality, as over the next thirty years they did not age beyond reaching adulthood. To the world, Isaac and his companions were praised as the legendary Heroes of Vale, although the negative effects of Alchemy's release caused some to hate them. Over these thirty years, Isaac eventually got with Jenna and had a son named Matthew. However, Jenna stayed in Kalay with the survivors of Vale while Isaac and Garet chose to live in a cabin at Goma Plateau that overlooked the remains of Vale. They spent the years continuing their responsibilities by studying the after-effects of the Golden Sun event. They were especially concerned by the mysterious Psynergy Vortexes that were appearing and sucking up Psynergy throughout the area, leaving nearby Adepts powerless.

Isaac trained Matthew in the use of Psynergy as he grew older, while Garet did the same to his son Tyrell. At one point they (and possibly other heroes from their quest) traveled with Kraden to retrieve a mountain roc feather. They gave it to Ivan so that he could make them a soarwing, which they hoped to use to reach Sol Sanctum so that they could investigate its current state. But while they were preparing to pull off this task, Tyrell impulsively decided to test the soarwing. He wound up losing control and spinning towards the dark forest Tanglewood. Isaac was able to guide Tyrell from afar so that he landed near a cave in which he could take shelter until they found him. Pondering this new task, Isaac decided that it would make most sense to use it as a test for Matthew and Karis (Ivan's visiting daughter). Garet objected to placing the children in danger against the monsters of Tanglewood, and Isaac ultimately decided that he and Garet would accompany the two youths as their backseat drivers, only intervening in battle when they considered it extremely necessary.

The four of them were able to navigate Tanglewood and reach the cave, only to find that Tyrell had been knocked out by a Psynergy Vortex. Garet was furious with Isaac for guiding him into this dangerous cave, and Isaac apologized as he had no idea that the cave would have a Vortex. They were able to rescue Tyrell and returned to the cabin soon afterwards, where they considered the consequences of Tyrell's behavior. They had been set back quite a bit in their task of exploring Sol Sanctum and for a new soarwing, they would need a new feather from the giant mountain roc. Isaac received word that Kraden was in the area and planning to visit them, so Isaac weaved the plan to send Matthew and Tyrell off on their first adventure to get them a new feather, and to have Kraden guide them, as they were around the same age as Isaac and the others had been when they started their adventure. Garet was reluctant, but he eventually gave in. Karis also convinced them to let her join in on the quest too. Isaac sent word ahead to Kraden and then sent Matthew, Tyrell and Karis off on their journey, as he and Garet had to stay at the cabin to continue their studies.

Isaac's activities during the game's events are not specified, but Himi later had visions showing that Isaac was in mortal danger. Her brother Takeru set off on a journey to find him. Matthew, Tyrell and Karis eventually made their way back to the cabin after the adventure, but the last shot is of them encountering a giant Psynergy Vortex along the bridge to the cabin, leaving Isaac and Garet's fates up in the air.


Isaac is a Venus Adept, which makes him attuned to earth-based Psynergies. However, most of his abilities are a variable depending on his class (which can change depending on which Djinn are assigned to him) and which special items he has equipped. The only Psynergies Isaac knows by default are Move and Retreat. Isaac is a skilled swordsman, although he can also wield axes in battle. His strongest weapon is the Gaia Blade in the first game and the Sol Blade (which can also be wielded by Felix) in the second game.

Other Appearances

Video Games

  • Isaac has appeared as an Assist Trophy character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl (where he had to be unlocked by playing 200 Brawls in Group Mode) and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. When summoned, he uses the Move Pysnergy three times in a row, which will push back anyone in the way. In Ultimate, he has several additional moves that he may also use which deal damage, such as Pound and Squeeze. An Isaac Wig was also made available as headgear for Mii Fighters in Ultimate.
    • Isaac has also been represented by a normal trophy in Brawl and two stages of a Primary Spirit in Ultimate. The initial Spirit was an Ace-rank Spirit of Isaac as he appeared in the first Golden Sun. By leveling that Spirit up to Level 99, he could be enhanced into a Legendary-rank Spirit of his adult self from Dark Dawn, which could boost both a player character's attack power and resistance when it came to magic shots. When fought in a Spirit battle, Isaac's Spirit possessed a Mii Fighter wearing the Isaac Wig and fought alongside stand-ins for his party members from Golden Sun.


  • In the tradition of most RPGs, Isaac is mute during the first game, with his mood expressed only through exclamations and emoticons, and his only "lines" being answers to yes or no questions. The Lost Age changes this by having Isaac speak, due to Felix being the main character, and he also speaks in Dark Dawn.