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Official clay model of Ness
Species Human
Hair color Black
Eye color Black
Relatives Tracy(Sister), Mom, Dad
Debut Earthbound

Ness is the hero of Earthbound. He is one of the Chosen Four along with Paula, Jeff, and Poo. Ness displays the qualities that the prophecy foretold in the world's savior: courage, wisdom, and friendship. He is neighbors with Pokey, he later becomes his enemy.



Ness first appeared in Earthbound. Living in Onett, a meteor happened to crash on a nearby hill. At first, he couldn't get near it. Later that night, he and his neighbor, Pokey, found Pokey's brother Picky there.

Before they left the meteor, a bee named Buzz Buzz appeared. Buzz Buzz told Ness that it's his destiny to save the world from Giygas. On their way home, he was attacked by Starman, Jr. Buzz Buzz was able to save Ness. When they brought Pokey and Picky back home, Pokey's mom spotted Buzz Buzz and swatted him. Before dying, he explained to Ness he must visit eight Sanctuary Spots and find the other of the Chosen Four.

Mother 3

Ness himself never appears, but there are references to him. For example, there's a theater that shows screenshots chronicling Ness's adventure.


Ness is both a formidable physical fighter and psychic. His weapon of choice is the baseball bat, but he can also fight using yo-yos. His "PSI" powers allow him to attack and heal.

Other Roles

Ness is also a playable character in Super Smash Bros., Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. He is able to use both his bat and yo-yo. Of Ness's special attacks, PK Flash is the only one he actually knew in the original game. All of his other attacks were originally Paula's and Poo's.

His pose is based on the clay model that appears in the game's official art. The way he pronounces his taunt ("Hokay" rather than "Okay") is a reference to a line in that game. A character notes that he says hotel rather than 'otel and asks if he says hotter instead of otter.


  • Ness's favorite food is steak.
  • Ness's favorite thing is rocking.
  • Some people think Ness is an anagram for SNES.
  • Ness occasionally gets homesick and needs to call his Mom to feel better.