Angsty Goers

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Best OG ever?
Totally canon to the main timeline.


  • Raurichiko - More commonly known as Laura, she is the only woman samurai in existence (but not really, because women can't be samurai). She possessed the Katana of X'andurel that heightens her senses and abilities and also possesses a mysterious curse. It also brings her much angst.
  • Aaron - Most certainly not the Aaron from FFOG. Reasons being, he is a SEASONCER, incredibly over-powered, has a beard...oh, wait. Anyway, he is an unwilling servant of High Rord Evirpantsu and lives on a mountaintop, only coming down to kill the possessors of cursed swords and taking the weapons for his lord.
  • Bhoo Hoohoohoo - A green-armored giant of a man with a face carved by angels. He has been cursed to be the greatest knight in existence (by his own hand), meaning that he cannot show weakness, love, possess a kingdom, and must follow destiny unconditionally. Is much unnerved by abnormalities.
  • Jack - A happy, upbeat priest that drives everyone else insane with his sheer joy and sincerity. Was once a friend of Laura's, though he doesn't recognize her anymore because she has too much angst. Nothing gets him down...NOTHING!
  • Akuyamijin - teh grate fiter evar!!!!!!111!!!14! coms form teh fucher!!!!!! kils teh bad giyz jsut bie look at tehm!!!!!11
  • Flik - Hailing from SMBA2, Flik is a Flurry oft confused for a rock or a mound of snow. As such, he is usually kicked around. Like his new compatriots, he is impossible to console, though thousands have tried.

Plot Summary[edit]
