Bhoo Hoohoohoo

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Full Name: Bhoo Hoohoohoo
Birthdate: Unknown
Species: Human
Nationality: Unknown
Creator: Masamune
Relatives: All Deceased
First Appearance: Angsty Goers


Bhoo was a great knight of an ancient kingdom that was probably pretty much the greatest place ever. Or not. Bhoo was a member of the order of knights and decided he wanted to be the best ever. He struck a deal with a fortune teller to be the greatest knight ever. But what he didn't realize was the cost of being a knight. He was forced to lose his kingdom (a knight protects the world), his true love (a knight loves all), and his home (a knight lives everywhere). His body was reshaped to give him a knightly physique with green armor (the color of nature) and a face literally carved by angels. Truly he was the greatest knight in the land... but if filled him with such angst as the world might never know. He is an immortal being destined to traverse the entirety of the world, to protect it, and to never stay in one place.

Angsty Goers[edit]

During his travels, Bhoo met with the band of Angsty Goers who were traveling to do something or other. Bhoo was very much distressed to learn the group was composed of a female samurai and seasoncer, two things he had hoped never to have learned to exist. He stuck with the group, despite the fact he came to realize the existence of many other things he had no desire to meet. All in all the journey caused him much, much angst.

Happy Father's Day, Masa![edit]

In Holiday Special: Happy Father's Day, Masa!, Bhoo Hoohoohoo randomly arrives during the trial of Donkeyman vs. Murasame in the custody battle of Kikuichimonji. After Wayne Shoeleft declared the Loophole, Bhoo arrived to fight on the side of Donkeyman and The Lawyer. Bhoo promptly went to battle with Wayne and defeated him soundly, though he was very much filled with angst.