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Baku is a tanuki who acts as The Ennead's counterpart of Ditto McCloaker. He was a young tanuki who usually stayed in the form of a young boy so that others would take care of him instead of pestering him for wishes. Baku lived in the appropriately named Tanuki Village and stayed with the post-master there. He could transform by holding leaves, like any tanuki, although he eventually stuck with his favorite life which he nicknamed Guiseppie (since giving leaves Italian names must have been in style).

He had prophetic dreams about the adventures of the Ennead, although he could only vaguely see up to the arrival of their fourth comrade. Because of these dreams, he ensured that the post-master allowed him to accompany Shiroi when he stopped by to begin his delivery of the Yokishima Blade, accompanied by Kyuri. Baku and Kyuri immediately established a friendly rivalry. During the ship ride to Austria, Baku attempted to touch the Yoshishima Blade because he foolishly believed that it would enlighten his dreams so he could know the identity of his next comrade. Instead, he was horrified by the blade's hostile reaction.

Regardless, he later saved the crew by using his transformation powers to finish off the kraken when it destroyed the ship. Baku disguised himself in a robe with a Japanese straw hat and a question mark-shaped scimitar to hide his identity. Elizabeth was able to guess the truth but kept his secret. Baku still wound up revealing himself when he fought off James Hamilton soon afterwards to save Elizabeth. His later activities in the adventure are uncertain due to the story being unfinished.

May have also made a cameo as Tanuki no Cloaker for the introduction of Isshoni Ru!.