Jon Weisheit

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The patron god of TWIFATIT. He has never actually been seen in OGs, although he is said to have created ZOOM and Lupus attests that ZOOM being real means that he is the official god of the entire universe. He originally appears in Dr. Wily Versus The World where he argues with Donald Trump and then disappears. The worship of him is called Sheitism. Here's more of Lupus's words. "After Jon Weisheit took over the universe from Pie and his brother Don took over hell, he created the flat Earth. A group of people knew his will and followed under him, the Sheitists. TWIFATIT (The World Is Flat And That Is That) is the main and military section of the Sheiters, and the MISH (Men In Steepled Hats, or just black mages) and the three commanders got a rivalry with Party-Crashes Illuminati."

He recites in Weisheit Manor, the location of which is unknown to all (apparently including Lupus and the other TWIFATIT commanders). In Member OG 10: Full Circle, the heroes were supposed to go here to find the lost Party Goers souls or bodies, I can't even remember what they were looking for anymore, but somewhere along the line that plot detail got muddled into being Lupus's mansion.