Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik (OG)

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Start: Uncertain; Summer 2000
End: Uncertain; November 2000
Series: Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik
Timeline: Neutral Timeline
Writers: Vorpal, Ditto McCloaker, Sapphire, Sgt. Flutter, Yoshiman and Mr. Predict, Masamune, Other random VGF people
Main Cast: Vorpal, Ditto McCloaker, Lady in Red, Sgt. Flutter, Yoshiman, Masamune, Dodo, Algore, Dubya, Pukecannon, Nader, Clintin', many others
Story Archive: Read the Story

Chapters in Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11


It is the year 2000, and the US Presidential campaign is in full swing. Presidential candidate Vorpal, and his running mate, Ditto McCloaker are running in the third party, the Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik Party. This is the first of several MMEDDP stories, full of political and pop culture references.

Note on beginning[edit]

The original beginning is now lost, but started with Vorpal signing up recruits for his new team called Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik. Ditto McCloaker convinces Vorpal to instead run for President, and the story goes on from there. During the writing of MMEDDP2, Ditto wrote a new beginning to better fit with how the OG turned out. This is the only version that was saved after the VGF crash.

Plot Summary[edit]

Vorpal has started his own group, known as Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik, as a scam to make money. But after meeting Clintin' and Algore, and seeing the poor state of the presidential election, decided to make his group a political party to run for president. But he was using this too as just a scam until Ditto McCloaker met with him and convinced him to instead run for president.

Vorpal and Ditto then arranged a convention and made their way to Trenton, New Jersey. Along the way they were attacked by Pat Pukecannon, but they were able to defeat him. Pukecannon was revealed to actually be a pawn of Clintin', who was using Algore and Pukecannon as minions to ensure Algore became president, so Clintin' could rule through him. But even Clintin' was being controlled, by his wife Hellery. At the same time, Dubya was forming similar plots due to the urgings of his Old Man. He was later supported by Shrub, his brother and a closet Luigi, as well as Murasame.

After realizing that they never filled out the Statements of Candidacy, Vorpal and Ditto raced back to Washington. But they were then attacked by a press crew led by Ralph Natureboy. Vorpal was able to shut Natureboy up after delivering a "kickass speech". After turning in their papers, they returned to Trenton. They then made an appearance on Politically Incorrect with Bill Mahr, where Weird Al joined their party. After they reurned to their hotel room, Yoshiman arrived to save them from a bomb planted by Pukecannon. Vorpal then discovered that Yoshiman a part of the Split-Personality Party which was helping Fuzzball run for president.

At this point the Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik party began gaining various new members. Agent J and Agent K were deployed by Algore to destroy the MMEDDP, but they called it off after K joined the MMEDDP. The MMEDDP decided to take some time from planning their own convention, and instead to crash the Democratic National Convention and deliver their speeches there. The plot was organized by the new member Flutter. Although the raid did not go as planned and turned into a hostage situation by Flutter, all the people at the convention forgot about the whole raid after listening to one of Algore's mind-numbing speeches.

The MMEDDP then began last-minute planning for their own convention. At the convention they were attacked by Algore and Pukecannon with their Liberman, as well as Dubya with his Cheney in a Pokemon battle. However, they were saved by the arrival of the Lady in Red, who joined their Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik Party. Afterwards, Clintin' was punished by Hellery for the failure of his minions, and Hellery proceeded to dispatch their daughter Chillsea to launch a smear campaign against the Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik Party. At the same time, Dubya received increased aid from his new allies Dan Quayle and Shrub.

Vorpal then moved the MMEDDP campaign into high gear, with more television appearances and commercials. But Vorpal missed out on the 2000 presidential debate while Mr. Predict was taking him out to a movie. Ditto was able to arrange a second debate for Vorpal, but this one was in the form of a cage match. Regardless, Vorpal was able to overcome and defeat both Algore and Dubya. However, Vorpal's reputation was stained afterwards after Algore and Pukecannon executed Chillsea's smear campaign during a public press conference, with some grimey details from Vorpal's past. Masamune took this oppertunity to enter the election with his Birdocrat Party with a powerful platform of no sports games, matched up with blowing up anyone who wouldn't vote for him.

Vorpal was soon able to win back the public after another stirring speech, but there was still the problem of Masamune blowing up the people who wanted to vote for him. Vorpal and Ditto were able to find the source of the microscopic bombs in the Hoover Dam, and were able to eliminate the threat with new devices that neutralized the bombs' signals. Masamune dropped out of the election soon afterwards.

After Hellary departed to New York, Algore's wife Tipper arrived to replace her. She revealed Algore's secret, that he was actually a robot, and then planted him in a new and more powerful robot body. The night before the election, both the Republicans and Democrats (with the Birdocrats in pursuit) attempted to attack the MMEDDP at Motel 6. In the meantime, the Lady in Red attacked Hellery in New York and succeeded in melting her, at the cost of her secret identity. Ditto took on the mechanical Algore single-handedly and was able to defeat it, while Masamune took down Murasame.

The results of the election soon arrived, with a three-way tie between Dubya, Algore and Vorpal. However, one of the ballot boxes was missing. Clintin', free from Hellery's influence, came to Vorpal and admitted that Pukecannon had gone crazy and stolen the ballot boxes. The MMEDDP was able to track him down, and the ballot box was retrieved. The OG ended before the winner was revealed, but I think it's a pretty safe bet that Vorpal won.

Several epilogues followed. One featured Chillsea bonding with the Dark Prince. The other epilogues showed Clintin' retiring to a McDonald's, and Shrub attending a group therapy session for Luigis. And finally, Flutter was shown wondering whethere or not they won.

References/Homages to Other OGs[edit]

  • Vorpal explains the reason for Masamune running against him being that one of the previous Vorpals sealed him in the sword. Though it didn't exist at the time, this potentially would work as a nod to The Ennead.


(roughly in order of appearance)