The Festivity Attenders: The Metallic Menace

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Start: April 12, 2005
End: April 12, 2005
Timeline: Pre-Timeline
Writer: SteveT
Main Cast: See Festivity Attenders
Archive: Read the Story


The backstory of SteveT and his feud with those who attend festivities.

It was followed by Festivity Attenders: Deluge of the Doppelgangers, which was never finished okay now it is.


The story begins with the forging of the One Steve, a suit of metal armor that would be perfect if it wasn't made for someone seven foot tall. Wizzrobe casts a spell on it to give it life so that it can replace their recently expelled member, Louis LXIV. Though successful, they soon find out Steve doesn't quite fit in and is far too murderous for them as well as an unusual hatred for festivities. Wizzrobe goes back to fix the problem by having a metal heart installed (only after they all tackle Steve to the ground).

After being reborn with a heart, the iron suit decides Steve sounds too rough and renames himself TeevC. Though no longer murderous, his extreme friendliness and giddiness is even worse than his murderous counterpart. As a way of getting back at their on-and-off arch-nemesis, they go to a festivity at Hrunting's domain and leave TeevC as a present, but only after allowing Hrunting to think that he 'stole' TeevC. However Hrunting soon realizes that TeevC isn't quite as murderous as he thought and demands he sleep outside. The bitter cold night is enough for a dream version of SteveT to fight TeevC for dominance. After ripping out his own heart, he reveals his intentions to work for Hrunting until he can establish himself as his own villain.

Homages/References to other OGs[edit]

  • This story is referenced to multiple times in The OGers: The Third Generation, which is the original debut of the SteveT character. This story is created from the fragments of flashbacks seen in 3G.
  • The title of the story is a reference to the first of the three prequel Star Wars movies, The Phantom Menace. Originally they were intended to be a trilogy with The Metallic Menace, Deluge of the Doppelgangers, and I guess Revenge of the Steve or something.