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An incredibly complicated set of timelines that make Marvel and DC comic writers cry to their mothers.

This outlines the canon timeline for the main Party Goers universe. The Loophole Continuity and Epic Goers Continuity have no relevance to this timeline and vice versa.

Pre-Party Goers History[edit]

These are prequel OGs that take place before the events of most modern OGs and are part of the canon.

Fire Goers - 1,000,000 BC
Festivity Attenders - 1500s
The Ennead - 1700s
Oregon Goers 48 - 1800s
Steam Powered - 1800s

Alternate Timelines[edit]

After Party Goers ends, the stories branch out into alternate timelines, though the first series of Fanventures is pre-timeline split.

Neutral Timeline (aka Cat Future)
Follows Cat Investigations, Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik and others.

Good Timeline (aka Super Mario Freak Future)
Follows Gamehiker Member OG, Galaxy Goers, and others.

Bad Timeline (aka Golem Future)
Follows Member OG and others. There is some argument to whether or not it supports The OGers: Third Generation.

Silly Timeline (aka Glem Bridges Future)
Follows The Life and Adventures of Miyamoto and others. Notable for complete lack of continuity or storytelling.

Other Continuities[edit]

These are stories that feature Author Characters but are otherwise independent of any other continuity. In general, all prose stories have their own separate continuity and do not warrant mentioning.