Black Pudding

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Black Pudding is the most potent flavor of pudding. Not only does it have the richest flavor of any kind, but it is also capable of sentience. The best way to destroy it is via the Pastries Triangle wherein the Black Pudding can be destroyed by Cheesecake. As part of the triangle, Black Pudding is extremely powerful against Master Pie. It can also be stunned by loud noises.

The Black Puddings debuts in Gamehiker Member OG VIII: The Final Parody as being worshiped by the Soldier Bears beneath Kaiser Bear VII. When Masamune is sacrificed to the pudding, he is fused to it and becomes Shadowmune. The Black Pudding is passed on to Yami who becomes (the redundantly named) Shadow Yami Yoshi. The pudding is destroyed when Golem uses the V-Force to destroy the pudding, but at the risk of only killing himself.

The Gamehikers soon after meet an even more powerful Black Pudding. This is in fact the heart of Donkeyman which has stewed in an oven for centuries and fused with Siphnitty. When Donkeyman tried to reclaim it, the pudding was accidentally placed into a SteveT shaped oven (because it actually was SteveT). In the end, the pudding was destroyed, bringing the end of Donkeyman (for a while).

When the Gamehikers travel to Anti-Space in Gamehiker Member OG IX: TRAITOR?!?!?!?!?!?!, it is discovered that Fidelity Castro employs Puddzors, the Anti-Space equivalent of Caykzor, only made out of Black Pudding.


  • The Black Pudding was initially introduced as a black puddle. Its exact function is a reference to the Venom Symbiote in Spider-Man.