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Full Name: George Walker Bush
Birthdate: July 6, 1946
Species: Human
Nationality: United States
Party Affiliation: Republican
First Appearance: Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik


Dubya is a 2000 Presidential Candidate who ran against Algore and Vorpal. He was used as a pawn by his Old Man in an attempt to regain control of the government after his humiliating loss to Clintin' in 1992.

Dubya did not win the US Presidential election, but did instead win the Mexican Presidential election, in which he was running concurrently, wearing a fake mustache and calling himself Vincente Fox. As President of Mexico he enjoyed a peaceful, quiet and relatively successful term in office, until he got bored and sneaked back into the United States to return to his life as a cowboy. Caught while crossing, he cut a deal with the Vorpal Administration to occassionally run secret missions.

A few years later, he and former rival Clintin', dressed as a cowboy and a ninja in what Dubya called "buddy-movie style," they sneaked into North Korea in an attempt to disarm Kim Jong Mentally Ill's nuclar program until they were captured and held hostage.

Following that disastrous misadventure, Dubya has retired to his ranch, with his wife and dog. It's rumored that, following a period of depression, he was visited by a cowboy angel who showed him a world where he had been elected President, after which he concluded he was much happier with his current life.

Other Appearances[edit]

Alternate Timelines[edit]

Dubya was president in the Good Timeline and appeared in Gamehiker Member OG where he planned to attack Canada after hearing reports of weapons of mass destruction being used there, but it was actually Yami Yoshi's Nuclear Egg.

He presumably became president in the Bad Timeline, but the world was taken over by aliens in 2001, and the entire Western Hemisphere was annihilated in 2003. Dubya was presumbaly revived with the other Western Hemisphere inhabitants over a decade later, but then America was taken over by Team Rocket for the next few decades.


Bush made a small appearance near the end of The OnGoing Adventures of the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada, and was revealed to actually be a baby in a giant mechanical walker. He lost the presidency to Arnold Shwarzenegger, after Schwarzenegger became president of the world.

Oh yeah, and in The GCPA Sequel the group encountered Bizarro Dubya Bush, who was a glamorous knight in shining armor, and not afraid to take on threats to his country himself.