Elzie Ann

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Elzie GH.png
Real Name Elizabeth Ann
Species Girl
Birth Year 1986
Affiliation Party Goers
Occupation Girl
Status Girl
Creator Elzie
Debut Party Goers 17: A Party, a Party, Who's got a Party?

Elzie Ann is, in many Party Goers stories, the girl who isn't Sapphire. However, she actually did not surface until the end of the Party Goers series; her prominence in later spin-offs can probably be contributed to her author and by extension her character being one of the few active females in Gamehiker Forumss' early years. Also she likes yoshis.


Does she even have one?

It has been suggested that she's actually Donkeyman's daughter, Elise Annette of The Festivity Attenders: Revenge of the T, explaining why she wears a cloak and carries a bow in Masamune's flash art of her (also may be a reference to Asura Crismon). This might also have something to do with a project that her author, Sapphire, and MikeTheWarrior were working on--a Fire Emblem game that featured themselves and some of the other authors as playable units. Gamehiker Member OG XI began to prove this.

Good Timeline[edit]

An orphan version named Little Elzie appeared in Gamehiker Member OG IV: Cheesecake of the Gods. The actual Elzie shows up in Gamehiker Member OG XI: If These Bears Could Talk and conveniently falls back on interactions from the Bad Timeline.

Bad Timeline[edit]

She debuts in Party Goers 17: A Party, a Party, Who's got a Party? as Ditto's new accomplice. She helps to spread invitations to all the Party Goers and afterwards joins them in the exploration of the afterlife in search of the missing Guiseppie parts. She winds up teamed up with Yoshiman and Sapphire searching Purgatory.

Elzie was among the Party Goers whose souls were stolen by Lupus. Afterwards her body was mind-controlled (and fought with sais in the Member OG Special Edition). After the souls were freed, they roamed around and traveled with GORE-ILLA before being captured by Rhyk. It is presumed but not completely known whether Elzie was eventually reunited with her body, as she was not mentioned past Member OG 8: This Title is irrelevant.

Neutral Timeline[edit]

Elzie surfaces in the political crowd in Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik V: It's the Economy/Elections, Stupid!, when she joins in on the 2005 California governor elections and pretends to be part of the Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik Party to win. She has her pet Yoshi, Yuki, eat all of the ballots not in her favor to seal her victory. Afterwards she renames the state Yoshifornia.


Overzealous, doesn't think things through, doesn't pay attention to the consequences of her actions, supposed to be funny, etc

Other Appearances[edit]

See Also[edit]