Member OG Special Edition

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Start: May 22, 2004 (had been undergoing writing for several months beforehand I think)
End: August 28, 2005
Timeline: Bad Timeline
Writers: GORE-ILLA
Main Cast: Yami Yoshi, Lupus, GORE-ILLA, SwordMaster, Introbulus, Black Skull Dragoshi, Fusion, Gamechamp, Robot Team, Koopa Family.

Chapters of Member OG Special Edition
Chapters 1-5 - 6-10 - 11-15 - 16-20 - 21-25


GORE-ILLA's rewriting of the original Member OG in prose which was made to enhance the story and characters and tie it in more cohesively to the other OGs and continuity. Also could be seen as somewhat selfish as he used it to shoehorn in some of his own characters and ideas, particularly sticking in the dark cloaked guy. It was completed with twenty-five chapters about a year later, not long after he had started Member OG 10: Full Circle. He also started a "Special Edition" of Member OG 2 that only reached a few chapters before he lost interest.