Member OG Special Edition Part 4

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Chapters of Member OG Special Edition
Chapters 1-5 - 6-10 - 11-15 - 16-20 - 21-25

Chapter Sixteen: "Chaos"[edit]

Based on posts by GORE-ILLA, Introbulus, GameChamp and Yami Yoshi. The character of Chaos belongs to Squaresoft.

Scene One: Chaos's Might[edit]

Everyone stared at the behemoth who stood before him. Chaos roared an unearthly roar as it flapped its wings to slow its descent. It landed on the ground before the OGers and began roaring some more. Then it looked down at Lupus and asked in the gruff voice, "You're the one who resurrected me, right? So whaddya want?"

Lupus tossed several pictures of the OGers to Chaos and ordered, "Yeah, can you kill these guys? They made me blow up my own cheesecake!"

"Alright, alright! As long as its quick- I have my kid's softball game at five."

"What the heck is that... thing?" Black Skull Dragoshi asked in fright.

Introbulus informed, "He once was a weakling named Garland, until he was trapped in a time loop of some sort. Sometime in the time loop he mysteriously gained the ability to transform into this beast, known as Chaos. Then the time loop stopped when he was slain by the Light Warriors, but now Lupus has resurrected him or something of the sort."

Chaos shouted, "Let's get this over with! I'll start with... TORNADO!" Chaos waved his hands around mystically. A giant dust devil fromed and spun like a hula hoop, sucking up GORE-ILLA, Introbulus, SwordMaster, BSD, Jim and Fusion, twirling them around until the tornado tossed them into some distant building. "Now... INFERNO!" Chaosshot a blast of fire at the ground. It started a controlled, yet fierce, fire which traveled in a straight line to the ruined building, causing a huge explosion. "And now I'll finish them with... CRACK!" Chaos flapped his wings and landed just before the building and slammed the ground as he landed. The entire patch of ground containing the ruined building was swallowed by a newl-revealed hole in the eath. The ruined building fell down the seemingly endless hole to the earth's core to meet a most unpleasent end. "That ends that. Now I guess I should pick up where I left off all those years ago- by taking over the world!" Lord Chaos stomped off on a path of destruction.

Scene Two: The Plan[edit]

GORE-ILLA, Introbulus, Jim, SwordMaster, Black Skull Dragoshi and Fusion watched Chaos tear through Old Tokyo. It was lucky for them that Jim new the WARP spell and teleported each of the group to safety. Introbulus instructed the others, "Okay, we need to stop Chaos before he destroys Lupusopolis."

Dragoshi questioned, "And why not? We won't have Lupus to worry about."

Fusion supported Introbulus, "Because there are still innocents who can be harmed by the creatures. What do you suggest we do?"

Introbulus continued, "Jim is a powerful mage, so he might be able to banish Chaos, but first he'll need time tp build up his MP. In the meantime, I finally found the keys to my flying station wagon, so I'll journey the rest of the world to gather allies to help us. And the rest of you will hold off Chaos, try to weaken him and draw him away from any bystanders."

GORE saluted, "Right! Wait, where's Yami Yoshi?"

SwordMaster peered into the distance and spoke, "He's still at the warehouse, where his cheesecake was! And it looks like he's preparing for a musical sequence...

Scene Three: Evanessanvce, Anyone?[edit]

A spotlight shone down on Yami Yoshi as he licked the char mark where the proud cheesecake one stood. Piano music was playing sofly in the background. Yami begin to sing:

"I'm so tired of being here,
Suppressed by all my childish fears.
And if you have to leave,
I wish that you would just leave.
'Cause your presence still lingers here...
And it won't leave me alone!

These wounds won't seem to heal.
This pain is just too real.
There's just too much that time cannot erase!

When you fried, I'd wipe away all of the crust. I'd never eat you out of lust!
But you had to spontaneously combust!
Now what will I eat...
The munchies...

You used to captivate me
By your resonating light!
Now I'm bound by the char mark you left behind.
Your taste it haunts
My once pleasant dreams.
Your cheese, it chased away
All the sanity in me...

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you fried, I'd wipe away all of the crust.
I'd never eat you out of lust!
But you had to spontaneously combust!
Now what will I eat...
The munchies...

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone!
And though your char mark's still with me...
I've been alone all along!

When you fried, I'd wipe away all of the crust!
I'd never eat you out of lust!
But you had to spontaneously combust!
Now what will I eat...
The munchies..."
The piano slowly came to a stop.

Scene Four: Everyone Vs. Chaos[edit]

Lord Chaos stomped across the ruins of Old Tokyo, blasting anyone who got in his way until he reached the central area of Lupusopolis. "Ah, this city looks perfect for my capital area! Too bad there won't be any humans left to worhip me when I'm done! LIT3!"

"Stop right there!" a voice shouted as its owner's fist crashed into Chaos's cheek. The demon tumbled a bit, but recvered from the blow and swung his claw at Fusion, the owener of the fist. Fusion flew into the ditsnace. GORE-ILLA then leapt up to Chaos and was swatted away just as easily.

"Impossible! killed you pests!" But while he was bust talking, Black Skull Dragoshi and SwordMaster drove their swords into Chaos's leg, but the monster quickly shook them off.

The heroes quickly recovered. GORE-ILLA shouted, "Try Manuever Alpha-Beta 67-S: throw stuff at him!" GORE then concentrated energy into his organic arm and shouted, "GORE Blast!" as he shot out a blood-red beam.

"Elemental Cannon!" Fusion shouted as he focused all of his elemental power into a rainbow-colored beam which then shot towards the monarch.

"Molten Omelet!" Black Skull Dragoshi shouted as he produced a wave of red-spotted orange eggs, which he flung one after another at Chaos.

"OG Blade Beam!" From the tip of SwordMaster's blade emerged a bright-ass beam containing the sword's strength. And like a sword, it darted straight towards its enemy.

Chaos was sure to be decimated by this powerful combination. Yet he simply stood in place and cackled. "Let's see... SLO2!" Chaos raised his outstretched, glowing palms. The four blasts slowed down from incalculable speeds until they were moving at a slug's pace. "And now... FAST!" Chaos grunted as he himself was covered with a glow whch had the opposite effect of the first spell. Chaos leapt into the air at lightening speed, out of harm's way and disappearing into the dark clouds before anyone could piece together what had just happened. Immediately thereafter Chaos fell from the sky like a stone, landing right in front of the OGers, and on his feet no less. And like any other-huge-ass boss as he leaps to the ground, the impact caused a shockwave which froze the OGers in place. Not that they would be moving much anyhow, since the SLO2 spell also affected them. Chaos then whipped his tail horizontally, even tough it was so fast that it could not be seen. But it successfully slapped each of the OGers and sent them flying into the horizon in slow motion. Chaos shouted in anger, "There! You lose again!"

"NUKE!" cried a voice that was not Chaos's. A small missile whizzed through the air from the spellcaster and right into Chaos's gaping maw. A mushroom cloud explosion followed.

When the smoke cleared, a scarred yet still breathing Chaos crawled to his feet from the rubble. "Who dares?!" Choas garbled threateningly.

"I dare!" shouted Jim, as the tattered cloak floated above the now-barren wasteland. "Do you, Chaos think that you can defeat I, Jim, the greatest Mage of all time? I've beaten you in Final Fantasy I countless times. I've crushed thousands of megalomaniacs like you and emerged virtually unscathed. I've even beaten Evil itself. And it was with this particular technique: my full-power Jim Beam!" The cloak rustled in the wind as energy pooled from its seams and into a gowing red ball. Finally, the red beam shot out from the ball and blasted Chaos, causing a massive explosion.

This time when the dust settled, Chaos did not get up. He lied on the ground, barely alive, almost a sixty-foot long puddle. He muttered, "If you've... beaten me so... so many times... you must.... remember... this..."

Jim whispered in concern, "No..."

"CUR4!" Chaos shouted as a beam of darkness emerged from the clouds and shone on Chaos. Basking in the darkness, all of Chaos's wounds and injuries were washed away. His HP rose from .000001 to 2000. The dark beam faded away, and Chaos got up easily and stretched. "Ha ha! I feel like it's 1989 again!" Then Chaos turned to face Jim, "Ah, I forgot about you, living cape. ICE3!" Chaos shot out a white blast which froze Jim in a block of ice. "Now that that's done with, I'm POSITIVE that that is all of them. Now to start my spree of destruction..." However, one object flew right past Chaos's face and slammed into the building before him(The Home For Innocent Bystanders.)

It was a Dark Egg.

Yami was walking past GORE, Fusion, BSD and SwordMaster, who in their SLO2 state, were still floating in the air, having jut moved back one foot from where they had been hit a half-hour ago. GORE asked in slow motion, "What the hell?" which took approximately five hours to say.

BSD simply said, "Hi," which took about ten hours to say.

And Fusion said, "Hello Yami Yoshi! What happened to your recent state of depression?" which took abot ten minutes to say.

Yami Yoshi deduced, "Well I thought about it, and I realized that the cheesecake Lupus blew up wasn't mine! It was a whole cheesecake, and I know taht Lupus took at least one slice off to free Qwirtzok. And Lupus also tossed another cheesecake away to free Chaos, so I realized that those were just a few of the many cheesecakes he stole! But why the hell has he still not eaten cheesecake yet?"

Scene Five:[edit]

In Lupusopolis Citadel, Lupus folded his hands together diabollically as he sat in a generic supervillain chair. Surrouding him were tables and tables filled with cheesecakes resting on plates. Koopa walked up to the TWIFATIT commander. "Sir, I notice that you still haven't eaten any cheesecake. What the hell is up with you?"

Lupus shook his pointer finger. "Can't you see, Koopa? I want to wait until the OGers come here and try to stop me! Then I'll eat the cheesecake right in front of them!"

Koopa suggested, "There are several flaws with your theory, sir. First of all, when the OGers try to thwart your plans, they usually suceed. Secondly, to traumatise them, you only need Yami Yoshi's cheesecake, not all these others. And lastly, how can the OGers come here if you just ordered Chaos to kill them all?"

Lupus stared ahead in thought. "You're right! I need to check on Chaos and see how he's doing with the OGers."

"And call off the death thing?"

"Koopa, to the Twif-Tech helicopter!" Koopa sighed.

Scene Six: Yami Yoshi Versus Chaos[edit]

Yami Yoshi screamed as he was hurtled into a boulder. But the dinosaur quickly recovered. "Now that didn't work. I can't beat this guy with physical brawn alone. But maybel I can beat him with..." Yami reached into his invisible pocket and pulled out his Duel Monsters deck. " cards I recovered! If they came to life last time, then it might just work this time!" Yami pulled a card out. "I'll play my strongest card, Gravy the Pig Warrior, and equip him with the Fairy's Shinguard and the Dwarf's Monocle. You're screwed now!" Yami placed the ashen cartds on the rock. The pig appeared, eqipped with all the items. "Now... attack!" Yami shouted. Instead the pig burst into flames. "The hell? Wait, when Lupus set my cards on fire... it must have affected the monsters themselves! Now what am I gonna use? Uhh... I got it!" Yami Yoshi placed one more ashen card on the rock while Gravy was now a slice of ham, which Chaos devoured in one gulp. "I play the Anti-Melissa Joan Heart card! It becomes a monster of unspeakble power for no reason when set on fire!" Suddenly, a giant-ass and evemn sacrier-ass monster appeared.

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! I'LL KNOCK YOU DOWN, YOU SON OF A BI-" But before Chaos could finish his sentence, his body was incinerated completely.

Lupus shouted from his helicopter, "Not Chaos too! Well I got what I needed out of him anyway!" befor ethe helicopter retreated towards the Lupusopolis Citadel.

No, it's quite illogical that Chaos would be destroyed by a simple card. I'm afraid I'm going to have to...hey, what are you doing in my house? Stop, NOOOO!!!!

"It's me, Jim, and I'll be telling the story for a while instead of that wimpy Narrirator. Anyway, let's see what's going on with Introbulus."

Scene Seven: Substitute Narrirator[edit]

"Okay, when we left off, Introbulus had taken off on his station wagon in search of troops willing to aid their cause. There were many, too many to list here cuz I'm too lazy and no one cares anyway. Well there was really jsut a handful: Kolorado, Goomba 5395 and, well, no one else. I don't know what's going on with Lupus, so I guess the Narrirator can take over."

Scene Eight: AHHH GHOSTS[edit]

Thank you, Jim. Even though I'm telling this from my hospital bed, Lupus is in his Citadel with Koopa and all. Hang on, let me get into my serious mode. Lupus strolled through the colorful hallways of his amazing fortess, and his partially-loyal sidekick Koopa strolled casually by his side. Koopa asked like the subordinate that he most likely is. "So what are we gonna do about the problem of the OGers now that Chaos is gone temporarily, sir?"

"We'll do nothing. They'll come for us, they now we have the cheesecake. And when they come, I'll fight fire with fire- or rather, OGers with OGers.

"Sir? A-are you suggesting...?"

"Yes, I have not used them for some time. And I think the OGers will have their hands full with the... Party Goers.

To Be Continued in Chapter Seventeen: "The Party Goers"- Long ago, the Party Goers were a legendary group of OGers who just wanted to party, until their disappearance. What is the mystery behind the Party Goers? And what are they doing with Lupus? What is an OGer, anyway? Come back next time!

Chapter Seventeen: "The Party Goers"[edit]

Based on posts originally written by Introbulus, Lupus and GORE-ILLA.The characters of Golem, Sapphire, Ditto McCloaker, Luigi of the Pipes, Flutter, Masamune, Elzie Ann and Vorpal belong to the authors of the same name.

Scene One: Narrirator Disclaimer[edit]

Hello again! I'm Narrirator, and I'll be your guide for today's episode! Actually I was the host for every episode, but I didn't introduce myself so I wouldn't get out of character like I am right now. Last time, Jim attacked me for attempting to interfere with the story, but he let me off with a warning and a week in the hospital. Can we get back to the story now? I'd really rather not discuss this. Okay...

Scene Two: Shogun's Revenge[edit]

A flying station wagon flew over the streets of Lupusopolis. Aboard this magical form of transportation rides the, for lack of a better name, OGers. Introbulus is driving. And Yami Yoshi GORE-ILLA, Jim, SwordMaster, Black Skull Dragoshi, Fusion, Kolorado and Goomba 5395 also riding in the passenger seats, and there were miraculously enough seats for them all with room to spare. Right now the station wagon was zig-zagging across the bustling sky interstate while being chased by two speeding TWIFATIT jets. Finally Into turned to Yami and shouted, "Take over the wheel while I finish them off!" And before Yami could protest that he was only fourteen years old, Introbulus was through the sunroof and on the station wagon's roof. Introbulus waved his Iron Gaunlet about, causing the first metallic jet to swerve into the second and explode. "That's the end of that chapter!" The station wagon veered to a sudden stop, nearly tossing Introbulus off. Sticking his head through the sunroof, he asked, "Why did we stop, Yami?"

Yami Yoshi shrugged. "Stop sign."

Introbulus spun around and saw, "That's no stop sign! That's an airship!" A giant wooden airship silently approached the group while various Japanese soldiers were holding up signs warning to "stop and surrender" and stuff.

"Alright, time to kick some ass!" GORE shouted as he bound from the station wagon to the airship's deck in one fell leap.

"Let's just hope there aren't any MISH there..." Fusion pondered before he flew upto the ship.

"Hey, where'd Morton Jr. go?" Black Skull Dragoshi thought as he flapped his wings.

Introbulus then drove the station wagon and parked it on the airship's deck. All the OGers split up and took down the soldiers in their own manners. GORE used his fists to slam thjrough crowds. Fusion blasted the soldiers from afar with energy blasts. Jim tortured the poor souls with his black magic. Yami Yoshi clogged the automatic cannons with his Dark Eggs. Introbulus wasted the whole battle looking for metal to manipulate, but everything aboard was made of wood or plastic, so he borrowed some metal from buildings. SwordMaster hacked and slashed his way through the cloud with his loyal OG Blade. Black Skull Dragoshi attacked with his claws. And Kolorado distracted some soldiers with her whining to get them to trip over Goomba 5395.

Eventually, the airship was clear of enemies, or so it seemed. "So! You people have return now for second of our matches with us!" shouted a Japanese voice. It was none other then Commander Shogun of the Sheitish Japanese. "Are you to prepare?" A huge wooden column arose from the ground. And sitting at the control panal within this column was Shogun. "So show such a trait!"

"Dark Egg!" Yami Yoshi shouted as he tossed the signature egg at the giant hunk of wood. It immediately burst into flames. "That was quick."

So the OGers returned to the station wagon and left behind the burning airship as they neared Lupus's grand Citadel at the very heart of Lupusopolis, at the very heart of Lupus World. Quite an ego, eh?

Scene Three: The Citadel[edit]

Anyway, the citadel was huge, if that helped. Several hundred feet tall with a several hundred foot-tall "L" running down the center of the evil forstress.

Yami Yoshi's amateur group cautiously approached the huge-ass doubledoors. "Here we are. This could very well be the final battle, or at least the eight-to-last battle of the story. So let's do this!" And with a heavy kick, the doors swung open. Yami Yoshi marched proudly in... then he rushed back out to the group. "Uh, I'll hold up the rear."

GORE protested, "Nuh-uh, I want the back!"

"Fine, I'll let you Chinese cut me..."

And so Introbulus, Jim and Fusion, being the most powerful and closest to omnipotent of the group, were in front of the group. Then came SwordMaster, followed by Kolorado and Goomba in the middle. Then Black Skull Dragoshi watched the newbies from behind. Next was Yami Yoshi who watched over BSD. And GORE held up the rear, never once thinking about the fact that no one was watching him. So they walked through a fancily decorated hallway. Hanging from the wall were various portarits of the Beetles, signifying the first floor. Calming classical music was playing as a moodkiller. There was no sign of any TWIFATIT personel of any sort anywhere on the floor. After a thorough examination, the OGers went up the staircase to the second floor.

The second floor was similar to the first floor, but slightly less cheerful. There was a red carpet running along the center like on the first floor. But now the floor was pure stone instead of the rich marble of the first floor. This floor was also decorated with portraits from Monty Python. Still nothing. So they went onward.

Scene Four: Pie in the Sky[edit]

The journey continue upward, floor after floor. Each story was more homelier then the last and more horrifying by comparison. They were no higher up. No music at all. No rug. Just a cold stone floor. It was dark and damp. They had lost count of the floors after the first several hundred. The only visible portraits were of Bill Cosby. And they could hear whispers coming from the shadows. GORE continued guarding the rear of the line, seemingly aware and alert. However, a scarf, which was looped into a lasso, wrapped around GORE, dragging him into the dark shadows. "Yulp!" GORE shouted before was knocked out by the bulkier of the assailants.

"GORE?" Various OGers pondered as they turned around to see GORE missing from his honored position. Wait, there he is! GORE came out from the shadows and went to the back of the line, explaining, "Uh, I though I, uh, saw something, but it wasn't anything."

"Alright, just try not to wander off again." Introbulus looked around suspiciously, concluding, "Man this place creeps me out!"

GORE agreed, "Ditto."

So they carefully walked up a dark and dissheveled staircase. And they came to the next floor, almost pitch black. Adding to the mood was the Roseanne portraits which haunted the walls. But even through the darkness SwordMaster's keen eyes spotted some yellow specks through the blackness. "Cheesecake crumbs- try to control yourself, GORE."

GORE was perplexed. "Pardon?"

SwordMaster pointed again. "Cheesecake. You know how you react to cheese!"

GORE's forehead was soggy with perspiration. "A-ah yes, m-my allergies..."

Everyone looked back at GORE with perfect suspicion. The OGers shouted, "Who the hell are you?" "Where's the real GORE?" "He's a spy!" "Lemmy's afraid of the dark!"

The fake GORE-ILLA leapt over the other OGers and dashed down the hall, then up the stairs. The OGers saw several more shadows dash up the stairs after him, and the OGers followed suit.

They immediately knew that they were in the top room. On the right and left walls were portraits of Sirs Kamek and Lemonjello of the TWIFATIT. On the wall above the staircase was a portrait of Lupus himself. And covering the entire back wall was a portrait of Jon Weisheit, the legendary founder and president of TWIFATIT. The room was just huge, like a gymnasium. As the lights went on, they saw Lupus sitting at a desk set in front of the Weisheit portrait. Koopa, Diskun and Dark GORE were at his side like usual creepy minions. Lupus looked up from his desk and noticed the OGers' presences. "Huh? What's that?"

Yami Yoshi threatened, "Yeah! All of the OGers are here to stop you once and for all!" Lupus was silent. "Prepare to die, Lupus!" Lupus remained silent.

Fusion shouted, "We'll crush you!" Lupus was still silent.

"Say something, fool!" Introbulus yelled in irritance.

"Now this sure is familiar. 'All of the OGers are here to stop you once and for all!'. Now who said that before?" A group of shaded figures dropped down from the ceiling. "Ah, yes. They did... before they became my MIND SLAVES! BYUHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHARRR!!!!111111112"

The group was stunned. Yami asked, "Could it be..."

Introbulus continued, "...the legendary..."

SwordMaster finished, "...I wonder what's for dinner tonight?"

Then Jim really finished, "...Party Goers?"

Black Skull Dragoshi pointed, "And they got GORE!" as they saw the real GORE lying unconcious and bonded with a brown scarf.

There they were. Eight of the the finest OGers to ever walk the Earth- or VGF as it was now called.

Golem was a short and scrawny kid who wore glasses and a Marioesque grey hat with a "G" monogramed on it. The leader of the OGers, he was well known for his intelligence, at least book-wise, and and great determination. His signature brown scarf was currently binding GORE.

Vorpal was a tall and fierce-looking reformed villain. Wearing a visor, he had brown head and facial hair. He was in his late teens and once wielded the legendary Vorpal katana.

Sapphire Blue was well-known as the only female Party Goer for quite some time. She and Golem were the only members who remained on the team from the beginning, but she had no real known powers aside from her brains and feminine wiles.

The creature whom the OGers thought was GORE on the last floor was also there. His body continued changing shape automatically until it assumed its real from: that of spiky-haired genius Ditto McCloaker, another former villain of the Party Goers whom converted. The odd thing was that Ditto could change forms by himself now, but back in the days of the Party Goers he required the assistance of his loyal partner Guieseppie.

Masamune was a long-nosed man in pirate-type clothing and an eyepatch. Masa was also a former villain, and he was a representation of the Masamune Sword.

Luigi of the Pipes looked like a cross between Luigi of the Super Mario video games and a hobo. He was a late entry into the Party Goers and has powerful Jedi skills.

Seargent Samuel Curtis Flutter was a koopa paratroopa from the Mario games who wore street clothes instead of his shell. This winged Party Goer was known to be one of the earliest members and also once served as Moderator of the OnGoing Story Board preceding Yami Yoshi.

Finally was Elzie Ann, the only other female of the group. She was one of the last Party Goers to join and was known to have links with Ditto. Aside from her nerdy appearance, not much else is known about her.

But there was something odd about them. The Party Goers didn't look full of life and the desire to party as depicted in the On-Going Archives. Also, there eyes has little swirling vortexes in place of pupils- a classic sign of hypnotism. "What have you done to them?" Yami Yoshi shouted.

Lupus smirked. "They disobeyed me. So I took away the one part of them that made them what they were: their indanity. Now they're normal slaves of higher, random people like myself. Now they play seriously. They attack seriously. They do serious damage. Don't expect any more parodies out of this bunch! Now, my dull-minded, unispired mind slaves, attack!"

So the battle of the OGers began.

Scene Five: Black Skull Dragoshi and Kolorado Versus Sapphire Blue and Elzie Ann[edit]

Black Skull Dragoshi sharpened his claws and was ready for battle when Sapphire and Elzie came up behind him. BSD spun around and perpared for attack when Saph waved her pointer finger and Elzie explained, drone-like, "You can't hit girls!"

Dragoshi began flapping his wings. "Then what about the wind?" he inquired as the force of the wind blew them back to the far wall, but they bounced off the wall and dropkicked Black Skull Dragoshi in the skull at the same time, knocking him out.

"Well I'm a girl!" Kolorado the female koopa threatened as she got into a fighting pose.

"Just not a strong one!" Sapphire shouted as she decked Kolorado.

Scene Six: Fusion Versus Vorpal[edit]

Fusion's hands glowed bright with energy as he approached Vorpal. Fusion stuck out his hands, and the glow was relaesed in the from of a fizzling orange beam which flew straight towards Vorpal. Vorpal simply stepped to the side and watched the beam fly right past. Vorpal then pulled out a katana, leapt above Fusion, aimed the blade's point downward as he descended, and impaled it into Fusion's chest. The sword just barely pierced Fusion's armor, causing him to collapse.

However, the beam Fusion fired hit GORE and knocked him against the wall, loosening the scarf's knot. GORE quietly began wiggling out of the scarf.

Scene Seven: Goomba 5395 Versus Luigi of the Pipes[edit]

Goomba 5395 looked up at Luigi of the Pipes, who loomed above him like a giant, wielding a red lightsaber. Goomba asked, "Can I pick a different opponant, or...?" Before Goomba could finish his sentence, he was sliced in half by Luigi. The top half fell to the ground and dissolved, while the bottom half slowly began to grow a new upper area.

Scene Eight: SwordMaster Versus Masamune[edit]

Swords danced through the air and resounding "CLANG"'s echoed from the fortress's walls as SwordMaster and Masamune were locked in a battle to the death- or just unconciousness, or maybe even just brutal scarring or horrible mutiliation. Anyway, SwordMaster was already out of breath while Masamune looked like he was just getting started.

SwordMaster gasped, "You're good. But still... you couldn't beat me even if there were two of you!"

"I'll test that theory!" Masamune shouted as he held the sword up before his face. "Magic of the Masa and of the Mune, split into two!" Masamune chanted as the two halves of his body split apart into two seperate copies of Masamune, known simply as Masa and Mune.

"Oh crap." SwordMaster muttered as he raised his sword to block two seperate attacks now. But he notices a differance between the strokes now. Masa's strokes were more powerful and fiercer, while Mune's wrung with intelligence and cunning, and Masamune's strokes earlier had been a balance of both. Mune lured SwordMaster into a trap, knocking SwordMaster's OG Blade out of his hand. SwordMaster leapt to reach it, but as he died, Masa was stabbing forward with a killing blow which now only scarred SwordMaster's right cheek. SwordMaster hissed in pain as he rolled along the ground and reached for his sword. But just as he was about to grab the hilt, Mune's foot slammed down on it. Masa aimed his sword at SwordMaster's head threateningly and forced him to his feet.

Scene Nine: Introbulus Versus Ditto McCloaker[edit]

Introbulus saw the others in trouble and decided to help out. But the second he raised his Iron Gaunlet, a hooked cane grabbed his arm. Introbulus looked to his side and saw a question mark-shaped cane in the hands of the enigmatic Ditto McCloaker. Introbulus pulled away from the staff and got into a battle formation. Ditto spun the cane around in a circle over his head while little glowing dust-type thingies surrounded him. When the transformation was complete, Introbulus found himself facing none other then Dr. Claw of Inspector Gadget. For some bizarre reason, every light Claw passed under burst, and Claw's facial expressions were not visible in the darkness.

Introbulus decided, "I'll get this over with quickly! Ultimate Prod!" Introbulus shouted as he aimed his index finger at Claw. The finger glowed magically as Introbulus charged forward, guided by that lone finger, straight at Claw. But Claw ducked under Introbulus, and he got his finger stuck in the wall. Claw kneed Introbulus in the stomach while dodging and uppercutted him in the chin. Introbulus staggered back, and so Dr. Claw rammed his mysterious head into Introbulus's midsection, sending the space explorer flying. Lupus then imprisoned Introbulus in plastic wrap.

Scene Ten: GORE-ILLA Versus Golem[edit]

GORE-ILLA finally tossed the scarf to the side and recalled, "Golem's supposed to be the weakest, I'll take him down and work my way up!" GORE saw Golem overseeing the others battles. GORE slowly and silently spread his arms out like the massive ape he is as he approached Golem from behind. Just as GORE was about to bring his hands together on Golen's head, Golem's left fist shot up like some sort of preaction, smacking GORE in the face and sending him flying back into the wall. GORE crawled to his feet, leaving an imprint in the wall, and walked back towards Golem. "I see... you've gotten... slightly stronger. Okay! But you can't sincerely expect to survive my... GORE BEAM!" So GORE blasted a blood-red beam from his mechanical arm at Golem, who simply removed his glasses. Golem's eyes glew red as they shot out Eye Lasers that shredded the GORE beam. "WTF?!" GORE gasped as the Eye Laser knocked him back into the same wall, deepening his imprint.

Lupus reminded GORE, "Can't you see, GORE? Without their souls, the Party Goers' bodies can operate at maximum efficency, using techniques and mastering strengths that not even years of hard training would have gotten them! They're at full power!"

"That's it, I'm going all out!" So GORE blindly rushed at Golem, swinging and kicked, biting and clawing, tearing and shredding. But it would have been more dramatic had any of them actually hit Golem. The young one had dodged every one of GORE's moves with blinding agility. So Golem grabbed GORE and lifted him up by his mechanical leg, then swung him around in circles until he released him, GORE went flying into the exact same wall. This time GORE flew right through his imprint and began to fall to his doom in the Lupusopolis streets.

Lupus shook his head at Golem. "Alive." Golem nodded and pulled up his long bronw scarf, tying one end of it into a lasso, and tossing it down to catch GORE by the ankle as Golem slowly pulled him back up.

As GORE was being pulled up, he thought to himself, "What happened to these legends taht they had to ally with Lupus? Well whatever it was, Lupus was holding back on them or someting. If only I could have stopped... hey, I got an idea!"

Eventually GORE had been pulled into the tower's highest room and immediately pinned against the wall by Golem. But GORE slugged him with his flesh arm, mustering all the strength he could. Then GORE leapt into the air. His cyborg hand had turned into a three-pronged electrical charger as GORE was being towed up, and the prong has been charging electrical energy during the whole ride. So GORE leapt until he was diagonal to Golem and shouted, "THUNDER BEAM!" The arm released a blast of white electrical energy towards Golem. Golem replied by shooting his Eye Lasers. The beams collided in the middle and thus formed a tug o' war of energy beams.

Golem looked to Lupus, as if asking for permission. Lupus sighed, "Fine, I guess I'll just have to make due with torturing the other seven..."

Golem smiled sadistically as more enrgy poured into his Eye Lasers, quickly overpowering the Thunder Beam. Just as both blasts were about to hit GORE, he turned his head to face the only concious OGers and shouted, "Guys! Defat Lupus!" The second he finished his sentence, his body as overwhelmed by the pure energy. No remains were found.

Scene Eleven: Yami Yoshi Versus Seargent Samuel Curtis Flutter[edit]

Yami Yoshi and Flutter's staring contest was interupted by GORE-ILLA's final words. Yami Yoshi swore aloud, "Dammit! Can't any of you beat at least ONE of these has-beens?"

"I detect an insult," Flutter spoke harshly. "I have no choice but to discipline you, son."

"Son?" Yami Yoshi asked just before he was sucker-punched by a webbed fist. Flutter spun around, slapping Yami Yoshi with his wings as he did so. Yami quickly recovered and punched at Flutter with his right hand, but the mutated turtle grabbed the fist, and squeezed and twisted it before flinging it back into Yami Yoshi's face.

"You're stronger then expected. But if I had raised you... nevermind. Let me test your Flutter Kicking ability!" Flutter flapped his wings and hovered above the ground. "Flutter Kick!"

Yami Yoshi also flapped his small, misshapen, bony yoshi wings, grunting as they lifted him off his feet and into the air, where he grunted, "Flutter Kick!"

Both the koopa and the yoshi flailed their legs about at each other. Yami put up a good fight, but Flutter's enhanced strength and superior wings caused Yami to get kicked in the gut by one such kick. Yami fell to the floor in a lump as Flutter hovered down to greet him. "So you still live? Don't worry, I'll make sure taht doesn't happen much longer."

But before Flutter could do whatever he had planned to do, Yami Yoshi's tongue lashed out and wrapped around his leg. One sharp tug knocked Flutter to the ground. But Flutter merely chickled and crawled to his feet, then tied Yami Yoshi's tongue in a knot so he could not let go of Flutter's leg. And, with that, Flutter began flapping his wings, and Yami's eyes widened. Flutter took to the skies with Yami Yoshi hanging by his tongue. Yami produces and tossed Dark Eggs, but the new Flutter was a graceful master of the sky, which he demonstrated as he swerved out of the oath of each egg, which exploded harmlessly when collided with the floor or Yami's fallen teammates. Flutter chuckled confidently.

Yami was damn angy, so he flapped his ugly wings while kivking his legs and grunting, making his way up unil he was facing Flutter in midair, putting all his energy into this one last confrontation. But before Yami could do anything, Flutter bent over backwards and kicked Yami in the chin, sending him flying upwards. The last thing Yami remembered before he passed out was seeing the roof and feeling great pain.

Scene Twelve: Not Another One[edit]

Yami Yoshi woke up an uncertain amount of time later and examined the room. His tongue was no longer attached to Flutter's leg, but it was now stretched across the room. He reached and begin pulling the rest of his tongue through the bars of his cage and slowly placing it into his mouth. Yami looked around and saw Introbulus sealed in a giant Zip-Loc bag; Black Skull Dragoshi was in another small cage like Yami's; SwordMaster and Fusion were chained to chairs, helpless without sword and protective armor(needed to protect Fusion's sensitive skin); Kolorado and Goomba 5395 were tossed into an empty fish tank; there was no sign of GORE. Yami thought to himself, "Gee, I thought he'd have revived himself by now."

Lupus was standing in front of his desk, flanked by his usual guards. The now-inactive Party Goers were lined up watching the cages quietly. "They're all awake, sir! Ready for some cheesecake-eating torture?" Koopa asked excitedly.

Lupus disagreed, "The time is not right." Lupus continued to the imprisoned OGers, "Besides, as much as I would like to see your brutal deaths, I must leave now. I have a business appointment with a certain... god!"

Yami Yoshi groaned, "Not another one!"

Lupus cheered, "Yes! When the three gods, Emperor Qwirtzok of the sands, Lord Chaos of the games, and King Bob of the OGs, are reunited, I will finally have the portal to the legendary location of ZOOM!"

SwordMaster sighed, "Great, another dead dude. Where's he holed up?"

Lupus replied, "Why no, he's the only one still living- in the Kingdom of Fred, of course! And so you know, I'm only telling you this because you will die in the next five minutes without fail, and so you'll have to escape Hell once again to stop me!"

Fusion then asked, "What is ********'s name is Zoom?"

"Zoom is the land that was created by, as you say, Jon ********, the King of the Gods. It was created for the fact he was lonely, and wanted some company to be gods! So the Zoom portal was guarded by the two Sheiters, Lupoleon and Turkusparte, and whichever men or women could defeat them, could enter Zoom and become gods! Many entered, but the first three were an Egyptian Ruler named Qwirtzok, a Squaresoft character from a Final Fantasy game named Garland, and a King of a Guam-based empire named Bob!"

Introbulus was busy struggling to breathe while Black Skull Dragoshi asked, wide-eyed, "You want to become a god?

Lupus shouted, "Not just any god! I will become... the ULTIMATE GOD! The god of Cheese, of course! And since the rules of the 1800's eradicated all proper cheese off the face of the earth, the only way I could focus the powers of Cheese was to steal some cheesecake! And only cheesecake made by King Bob of the OGs' grandson was to suffice!"

Yami Yoshi denied, "I'm not King Bob's grandson!"

But Lupus insisted, "Yes, you are! Your father was Seargantt Flutter here. His father was King Bob! You are the OG family!"

"What the hell are you on?"

Flutter floated up to Yami in a trance and hummed, "It's the truth."

"You're not my dad. Shuttup."

"For the sake of this story I am."

Lupus then waved, "Now, we must journey onto Fred, where the old King Bob lies! Party Goers! Take these fools to the prison camps. I must go!" And just like that Lupus disappeared with Koopa, Dark GORE, Diskun, Chaos and Qwirtzok in tow.

To Be Continued in Chapter Eighteen: "The Cheese God"- Lupus searches for the final figure needed to access Zoom. And as for Yami Yoshi and the OGers, can they escape the potent Party Goers and reach Lupus before it's too late? Find out next time!

Chapter Eighteen: "King Bob and the Cheese God"[edit]

Based on posts originally written by Lupus, GORE-ILLA and Yami Yoshi.

Scene One: Touchdown on Fred[edit]

Lupus and his posse, consisting of Koopa, Dark GORE, Qwirtzok, Diskun and Lord Chaos stood outside the gates leaing to the legendary Kingdom of Fred. Their path was blocked, however, by a large, neandrathal-like hulk of a human. Lupus shouted to the guard, "I demand entrance to your city!"

The Fred Guard shook his head, "Entrance denied. YOU AER A SMARTEY MAEN FOR THINKING YUO CAEN GTET IN!"

Lupus raised his fist in anger. "I am Sir Lupus, the Ruler of your world! Let me in or I won't write you into the OG further!"

"Fine." The Fred Guard stepped to the side and unbolted the gate. Lupus and his men scampered into the city.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Lupus cackled as he beheld the dissheveled city.

Koopa wondered, "Now where do we find King Bob?"

Scene Two: Prisoners of the Party Goers[edit]

Later, in Sir Lupus's prison camp, the OGers were all imprisoned in unique ways. Yami Yoshi and Black Skull Dragoshi's hands, legs, wings and tongues were shackled to the wall to prevent to attempts to lay eggs, toss eggs, swallow the guards, fly away or just plain annoy the hell out of the guards.

In Fusion's cell, the warrior had no restraints at all. But without his armor, Fusion's soft skin was very vulnerable to attack, and he also could not focus his power properly.

Introbulus was wrapped tightly in aluminum so he could not see nor in effect manipulate metal.

SwordMaster also was not shackled in any way, but was helpless without his trusty OG Blade.

Kolorado's mouth was stuffed with socks so she could not annoy the guards, and Goomba 5395 was forced to wear big shoes so he could not slip between the iron bars.

Yami Yoshi could barely speak with is tongue tied up and all. "On't orry. Thane ill plind ouff about thi thuther or blater and come to ffave uff!"

"Did someone call my name?" A purple-skinned alien asked from a neighboring cell. All of the planet's inhabitants knew him as Shane the Conqueror.

SwordMaster gazed in surprise. "Shane? The evil dictator who has ruled Earth since 2002 and renamed the planet 'VGF'? What happened to you?"

"Lupus did. He took over the world and had me imprisoned with the other two Admins. And we are Admniastartors, not Admins! We organized your so-called Earth into a perfect video-gaming society!"

"Yeah, a fascist video-gaming society in which the entire world could only play the games you told them to! In fact, I think I see now why the Party Goers joined Lupus in the first place!" Everyone stared curiously. "Way back then, I had heard rumors of the Party Goers hating your new world order and openly protesting. At first you tried to win them up through appeasment by opening up the On-Going Story Shrine and appinting one of the Party Goers as its Moderator. You also offered to publish the Party Goers' stories in it, but you cut out huge chunks of 'em which are now lost to the world forever! The I assume the Party Goers sought out Lupus, who was labled Most Wanted by you 'Admins' for help conquering you, presumably, but some trouble came up in the alliance, so Lupus stole their souls!" SwordMaster then gasped for breath and took a sip of water.

"Can you repeat that?"

But the conversation was interuppted as they saw a guard being propelled across the room and into a wall by a crimson beam of energy. Alarms began flashing as sirens started blaring. The figure muttered, "Dammit!" It dropped Fusion's armor, Shane's Death Machine and SwordMaster's OG Blade to the floor as it shouted, "Jim Beam!", destroying the iron bars and shackles with each blast. "Hurry up, before the Party Goers come!"

Fusion suited up as quickly as possible while SwordMaster picked up his noble sword and started on lookout. Goomba 5395, free of the huge shoes, pulled the socks out of Kolorado's mouth, only to stuff them back in when she started whining. Shane boarded the Death Machine and rocketed through the roof, leaving behind the OGers.

Jim quickly pulled out a keychain and pressed a button a small car remote. The flying station wagon descended into the prison barracks, and the doors opened automatically as the car alarm turned off. Introbulus, Jim, Yami Yoshi, SwordMaster, Dragoshi and Fusion all boarded the car. The station wagon's doors closed on Kolorado and Goomba 5395, then it blasted off into the night sky. However, a huge flying submarine with the TWIFATIT logo on it emerged from behind the group and began blasting at the group with its lasers.

Scene Three: Bannination[edit]

Lupus walked through the low-maitenance town with his blindly obediant gang until they a heard a voice calling out, "Lupus the Turk! Prepare to be punsihed for your crimes!"

It was Shane, riding his Doom Machine, a small suit equipped with rocket jets and a laser of some kind. "So you think you can just take over VGF and rename it Flat Earth? I do not believe so! So for crimes against VGF, all of you will be banned! Once hit by this Ban Beam, you will be sent to a deadly dimension known only as BanLand! Satan once tried to make that dimension into New Hell, but it turned out to be too evil, even for him! So I'll start with your leader!" So Shane raised his right arm, which had a cannon attached to it, and shouted, "Ban Beam!" as a beam shot out towards Lupus.

But Lupus quickly grabbed Koopa and held the turtle in front of him. Koopa absorbed the blast and muttered, "Why do they always kill me?" as he slowly dematerialized into thin air.

Before Shane could fire another shot, Lupus was already on top of him.

Scene Four: Targeted by a Flying Sub[edit]

And so the station wagon flew above the Lupusopolis skyline, frantically dodging lasers fired by the Flying Submarine. Introbulus assured the group, "Don't worry, I just need to active the 'Go-To-Lupus-at-Ridiculous-Speed' setting, and we're home free!" Introbulus and Jim begin flipping various switches and levers for no apparant reason, and finally Introbulus squeezed the conntrol stick. The engine started to rev up, but then it died down. "What? It's not working? Let me try again." Intro squeezed again, and the same happened.

Jim suggested, "Oh, the module probably just needs to be fine-tu-"

"I got it!" Introbulus shouted. Immediately the wagon spun around and sped towards the Flying Sub at breakneck speed. Just as they were about to collide, the car made a sudden stop, then went horizontal and extended its landing gear as it attached to the Sub itself. "You see? I parked in the Sub's blind spot, the only spot where their radar couldn't detect us!"

But Yami Yoshi interuppted, "Well I don't think it's very blind, since we're parked on the FRONT WINDOW!"

The screen panned out, revealing the station wagon attached to the front window. On the other side of the window, on the Sub's bridge, the Party Goers were pointing and shouting at the Sub to the navigators, who pressed a button. The winshield wipers came up and tore through the car's landing gear, sending it spinning to the ground until it corrected itself and continued flying away.

Introbulus continued, "Okay, so that didn't work. As my secondary plan, I think we should find shelter to hide from these guys in while we fix the module!" So the station wagon flew right into a cave and straight through it until Introbulus guided the station wagon to a safe landing with his Iron Fist. They stepped out of the car and were approached by a bold old man with a cane and robe.

"Hello there, young travelers! I'm Hermes the Hermit, and I live here for no practical reason! I also happen to be a mechanic!" he saw the station wagon. "Ooh, I see a problem with your 'Go-To-Lupus-at-Ridiculous-Speed' module! Nothing a good fine0tuning won't fix! May I...?" Introbulus nodded, and Hermes immediately got to work.

Scene Five: King Bob's Test[edit]

Some time later, Lupus and his minions stood before King Bob's throne. "...So you see, King Bob, I need the aid of you, Pharoah Qwirtzok and Lord Chaos to access Zoom so I may become Cheese God and have supreme power over all who oppose me and convert all of mankind to Sheitism so they may worship Jon Weisheit and the Flat Earth-"

King Bob sighed, "Alright, alright, I get it! No need to repeat yourself!"

"So you'll lend Sir Lupus your power?"

"Perhaps- but first you must pass this one test and defeat my Huge-Ass Robot. Only then will you be deemed worthy of borrowing my power."

Dark GORE turned to Lupus, "Sir Lupus, I haven't done anything for quite a few chapters and my author is writing this retcon, so can I fight the robot?"

Lupus shrugged, "Sure, sure. But Diskun could use some action too..."

Bob shouted, "Let the test begin!"

The Huge-Ass Robot dropped from the ceiling of the richly furnished castle. In fact, it bore more then a passing resemblance to the Gundam from the famous Japanese anime. One of Bob's guards climbed into the Huge-Ass Robot's cockpit head while Dark GORE cracked his knuckles and scanned the mechanoid with his cyborg eye.

The Huge-Ass Robot started by firing at GORE with its machine gun arm, but GORE rolled to safety and turned his cyborg arm into a cannon, firing blasts of energy at the Huge-Ass Robot, which simply bounced off of its high-density armor. So Dark GORE ran upto the robot and leapt staright fro its head, only to be caught by its right hand and squeezed while thousands of volts of electricity ran through his veins. But while the electricity was frying his monkey half, it began powering up his mechanical half, and eventually it had enough power to push the hand open. Then Dark GORE leapt from the opne hand and uppercutted the Huge-Ass's head. The head went flying off, crashed into the ceiling and exploded. The Huge-Ass Robot's huge-ass, yet decapitated-ass, body fell to the ground liflessly with a loud "BOOM!", crushing a few dumbasses who were too dumbasstic to move out of the way.

Scene Six: "That's No Cave."[edit]

So the OGers sat around the cave while Hermes crawled underneath the station wagon and began tweaking something. "I have a bad feeling about this," Introbulus confided uncertainly.

"Like what?" Yami Yoshi asked.

"I dunno, something strange about this cave. WAIT, WHAT'S THAT?" Introbulus shouted and pointed into the darkness at the silhouettes of the sleeping bats who then opened their red eyes and flew through the cave. BSD was in the station wagon when one bat slammed into the closed window, startling him. "ALIENS!" Introbulus shouted again.

"No, no, those are just bats," Fusion assured him.

"NO, THEY'RE EVIL ALIENS! THAT OLD MAN IS IN CAHOOTS WITH HIM!" Introbulus lifted the station wagon and dropped it on Hermes. "THERE!"

Fusion quickly shoved the car off of the man, who was now bleeding and screaming wildly. "This guy's going hysterical too!"

With his dying breath, Hermes shouted, "DODONGO DISLIKE SMOKE!" Then Hermes was gone. His body vanished, leaving behind only his clothes.

"What's your problem, Introbulus? The Party Goers are gonna find this cave any minute if you keep shouting like that!" Jim asked.

But Introbulus replied, "THIS IS NO CAVE! IT'S ALIVE!" Introbulus shoots the ceiling with a pistol he conjured from nowhere. The cave shook violently and chunks of rock fell from the ceiling, narrowly missing the OGers. "YOU SEE? WE'RE IN THE BELLY OF A MONSTER!" Then Introbulus tossed a thermal grenade and dashed for the station wagon. "EVERYONE TO THE CAR!" The grenade exploded, and the cave began to collapse. The other OGers had no choice but to jump into the car as it flew from the cave. the cave entrance collapses just as the station wagon flew through it. Introbulus wiped the sweat from his head, just as the station wagon was bombarded by laserfire shot from the Party Goers' Flying Sub.

Introbulus shouted, "Here we go again, 'Go-To-Lupus-at-Ridiculous-Speed' setting!" Introbulus and Jim begin flipping various switches and levers for no apparant reason, and finally Introbulus squeezed the control stick. The engine started to rev up, and died again. "What? He said he fixed it! That double-crosser!"

Fusion replied, "No, he said he WOULD fix it, but then you killed him."

Jim thought, "Well, there are a lot of evil spirits in this area, so he was likely possessed or something. I dunno."

Scene Seven: ZOOM

So after all the legal stuff were done, Qwirtzok, Chaos and Bob stood around the room in the shape of a triangle.

Pharoah Qwirtzok shouted, "The Sands of Qwirtzok!" as he fired a tan beam.

Lord Chaos yelled, "The Games of Chaos!" as he released a red blast.

King Bob chanted, "The OGs of Bob!" as he shot purple energy.

The three beams of energy met in the middle of the triangle and formed three objects: an hourglass, a book and a video game catridge. The three objects spun around vertically in a long circle as a portal of pure energy formed in the gap between the spinning objects.

Lupus shouted, "At last the portal to the magical realm of Zoom! I will be the mightiest of the demigods with my powers of cheese!" Lupus leapt into the portal.

And so Lupus walked through the generic vortex, but he found his path blocked by the two burly guards Lupoleon and Turkusparte.

Lupoleon bellowed, "What business do ye have here?"

"Yeah, what business?" Turkusparte echoed.

"I am here to become Cheese God, if you would kindly step to the side."

"Cheese God? That title is not easily given."

"Easily given it is not!"

"I see. Do I need to... take a test or something?"

"Are ye blind? Of course you must pass a test before taking such an honor!"

"Do ye not possess sight?"

"I am perfectly capable of seeing, thank you. Now if we could cut to the test...? I have some guys I need to wreak vengence on."

"Right, right. Turkusparte, prepare the test!"

"The obstacle shall undergo preparations!"

Scene Eight: The Cheese God[edit]

Back in Bob's throne room, Lupus's minions patiently waited Lupus's return. Chaos broke the silence. "So, anyone see the Nicks game yesterday?"

But that will remain one of the world's greatest mysteries, as before anyone could answer that ground-breaking question, the station wagon flew through the roof. It skidded along the ground until it crashed into the wall, and flames began spouting from it. The OGers ran out, panting for air as the station wagon exploded. Yami Yoshi asked, "Wait, what did we miss?"

Qwirtzok filled him in, "Lupus is in Zoom already, undergoing trials to become Cheese God."

"Well come on, guys! We hafeta stop him before it's too late!" But just as he said this, Lupus leapt out from Zoom, surrounded by a cheesey aura. "Oh crap."

Lupus shouted, "At last, I possess power over all cheese and cheese-related products!" Lupus turned to face Qwirtzok, Bob and Chaos. "And you must not let any others into Zoom, so I'll take care of you first! Cheese Medusa!"

Lupus's eyes glowed bright yellow as he stared down all three of the demigods. Before any of them, could turn away, their flesh and blood became cheese and more cheese. Pharoah Qwirtzok, Lord Chaos and King Bob were all petrified in cheese.

"Put them on ice," Lupus ordered as Diskun and Dark GORE dragged away the cheesey statues. "I could use them as henchmen after I eliminate my enemies- starting with you, OGers!" Lupus spun around to face his enemies, but they were nowhere to be found.

Yami Yoshi, Fusion, SwordMaster, Black Skull Dragoshi, Introbulus and Jim were hiding in the same room, beneath Jim's Invisibility Cloak, which he apparantly used to escape capture from the Party Goers earlier. They clearky heard Lupus's declaration, "Dammit! I'll get you OGers Once the whole world is Sheitish, you'll have nowhere to hide! Nowhere!"

To Be Continued in Chapter Nineteen: "GameChamp"- The OGers search for information regarding Lupus's whereabouts and are joined by mysterious robot GameChamp, who was programmed with every power in the universe, just like Fusion. Is it just Fusion's jealousy, or is GameChamp not the hero he appears to be? Find out next time!

Chapter Nineteen: "Gamechamp"[edit]

Based on posts originally written by Gamechamp, Fusion, Introbulus and GORE-ILLA.

Scene One: G2G[edit]

So when King Bob's throne room was cleared, the OGers made a mad dash for the exit. Suddenly, their run was interrupted by a Kim Possible ringbone. For s few seconds there was complete silence except for the ringbone. Then Introbulus slowly reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. He stuttered, "W-what? I-it’s a catchy tune." Introbulus turned on the cell phone. "Yo. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. NO NO NO! Uh-huh. How's the wife? Really? Well put a flower on her grave from me. So what were we talking about again? Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. NO NO NO! Uh-huh." Introbulus then hung up the phone and whispered to Jim. Then he talked to the others, "Well, we gotta go. Headquarters wants to see my about that crushed station wagon." As he spoke, Jim formed a portal for them.

"Well what about us?" Yami Yoshi asked. "Without Jim's Invisibility Cloak, we'll be caught easily!"

Introbulus sighed, "Alright, Jim. It's against the rules, but..." He whispered into Jim's "ear" before he disappeared into the portal.

Jim formed another portal and told the OGers, "Take that portal to Old Tokyo. Lupus won't be expecting you there. Until next time..." Jim then followed Introbulus into the first portal, which closed behind then. Then the other OGers slowly entered the second portal which disappeared after the whole group had gone through.

Scene Two: The Robot Team[edit]

Lupus the Turk sat on his throne in his newest lair, chomping down Cheese Doodles while he contemplated the OGers. "Those OGers have beaten each of my minions before, so I guess it's time to call upon those I have saved for a special occasion- and by me, I mean you, Koopa II.

The green-shelled Koopa II agreed, "Good idea, sir!" Then he shouted, "ROBOT TEAM!"

Out of nowhere came four short, color-coded robots. The blue robot shouted, "Role call!"

The green robot held up a blaster and shouted, "I am Green! I'm the mechanical expert, and I'm a pro using the weapons I make, too!"

The yellow robot waved his fists about. "I am Yellow! I'd say more, but I like to use my fists to do the talking!"

The black robot skulked into view with two swords in hand. "I am Black! I can sneak up on anyone from the shadows and attack with my double swords!"

Finally the blue robot stepped up, wielding a remote control. "I am Blue! If you want me to operate a truck, tank, spaceship or anything, I can guarantee that I'll use it and make use of the firepower as well!"

The robots got into a pose. Green and Blue stood back-to-back (though there was a large space between their backs) looking to the left and right, respectively. Yellow and Black were in between them, each holding up one arm. There was still space for one more person in the middle. The robots shouted simultaneously, "And together, we are the Robot Team!"

Black sighed, "It just isn't the same without the boss! Where is he anyway?"

Lupus replied, "I sent him out an errand. He's getting some, err, groceries! I'll call him up now!"

Scene Three: Red[edit]

We now cut to a Lupusopolis bank (Lupus had opened the banks for the sole purpose of being robbed). A red robot held up its right arm, which had a built-in buster gun, at the bank guy. The red robot barked, "Everyone freeze! This is a hold-up! You haven't paid Master Lupus's taxes, so he wants his money back with interest! Your total comes up to... whatever you have!"

But the bank guy protested, "Hey! You can't steal money for Lupus just because he rules the world!"

The robot replied, "Hey kid, I like your guts! Here, help yourself!" The robot shot the bank guy in the chest with its buster gun arm, killing the man on instant. "Anyone else have any bright ideas? I read a book on 'Creative Ways of Maiming/Killing people with a Buster Gun for Dummies!'" Before the robot could get an answer, the phone on the desk started ringing. The robot picked it up and spoke, "Who is this?"

The voice on the other end replied, "This is Master Lupus, and this is the Robot Team's leader, correct?"

"Master Lupus! The money you requested will be ready in a few minutes, don't get hasty-"

"Just hide the money somewhere! I have a much better job in store for you!"

Scene Four: Gamechamp[edit]

Elsewhere, in the base which now had only one wall, the remaining OGers had worked all night on an odd invention of some sort. "Good!" Yami Yoshi said. "Now that this is done, we just have to find Lupus and end his reign once and for all!"

Fusion was reading the newspaper and read aloud, "According to this conveniently just released newspaper, two robots are fighting in Lupusopolis. One of them is working for Lupus, and both of them are heading straight for..."

Before Lupus could finish his sentence, a Short Red robot flew straight through the base's only standing wall, demolishing it, and landed on one of the sweatshop's tables. A Red Humanoid robot flew through the wall and landed on the table. Both were red and had buster guns built into their right hands. The Red Humanoid robot landed on the table and aimed his buster gun at the Short Red's head. Short Red muttered, "You may beat me, but you can never stop Lupus!"

"I don't think so! I'm Game champ the Robot Warrior, and I have every power you can imagine and then some." So Gamechamp released the blast, and Short Red was blown apart.

"That was cool!" Yami Yoshi said.

Fusion asked suspiciously, "Who the hell are you?"

Gamechamp replied, "I am Gamechamp, a robot designed with every power in the universe!"

"Sorry, that's my bag. How can we trust you?"

"I was just digging around town for info on Lupus's space base when I saw that suspicious evil robot lurking about the bank and battled him. He didn't talk, so I finished him."

"Wow, you'd make a great addition to the team!" SwordMaster exclaimed brightly.

Black Skull Dragoshi supported, "He looks cool enough!"

Fusion glared. "I dunno, something about him just doesn't seem right."

Yami Yoshi said, "Don't worry, Fusion! He looks good enough to me! And we could use another hand around here with GORE, Introbulus and Jim gone! So what do you know about Lupus?"

Gamechamp explained, "Lupus has taken his minions up to his Flying Tower II, which is currently orbiting Earth in space, while he prepares to turn the world into Sheitism. He's vulnerable to attack, but first I need to find a spaceship to ride to it. Any ideas?"

Dragoshi lifted Fusion's newspaper and flipped through the pages. "Hey, another conveniant article- apparantly a working spacecraft with enough fuel to reach Lupus's Flying Tower II is being put on public display starting today for no logical reason whatsoever!"

"Good idea! Let's all head there right now?"

Everyone nodded enthusiastically except for Fusion, who slammed his fist on the table (which then shattered) and yelled, "Do you guys have any idea what you're doing? He's setting us up for a trap, and you're all leaping for the bait!"

"Don't worry, Fusion. I'm sure you feel threatened by my superior power which eliminates all need for you from the team, but that's no reason to accuse me of allying with Lupus. I'm just trying to help you guys out!"

So Yami Yoshi and the group followed Gamechamp. Fusion stayed behind for several seconds, glaring at the robot. Finally he sighed and followed.

Scene Five: Ambush[edit]

So the OGers, with their new comrade Gamechamp, skulked through Lupusopolis. Yami whispered, "Doesn't look like Lupus put up any new security recently. He must think we haven't returned from Guam yet without the station wagon!"

Eventually the group arrived at the random point in town where the spaceship was on display. A large crowd of people wearing overcoats surrounded the shuttle. One by one, each of the OGers pushed their way through the crowd and towards the spaceship. GameChamp was in front and whispered, "I'll go into the ship first and check for traps."

But Fusion shoved Gamechamp to the side and ordered, "No way, I'll go ahead- I don't want any funny stuff, unless it's an episode of Family Guy- like the one where Peter has a bird living in his beard-"

"Alright, just do it!"

Fusion strolled smugly towards the spaceship and up the ramp towards the open airlock- only to get suckerpunched across his armored cheek by a purple, pudgy hand. Fusion crawled to his feet and asked in astonishment, "Tubba Blubba? Aren't you one of the Chaos Force?"

Tubba Blubba stepped out from the shadows, revealing his stiff, frim stature and his hypnotised, unblinking eyes- just like the Party Goers. It was at that moment that the crowd tossed off their overcoats, revealing themselves to be armed TWIFATIT guards. The guards opened fire on the OGers, who valiantly fought back. SwordMaster and Black Skull Dragoshi hacked their way through the crowd with their swords. Yami Yoshi used Dark Omelets to down entire sections of the battalion much faster. And Gamechamp switched between various powers as he eliminated the enemies.

Fusion leapt to his feet and dashed at the possessed Tubba, unleashing every punch and kick he could think of on the brute, but his attacks had little to no effect on the advanced speciman. Tubba slugged Fusion just once and sent him flying. Fusion panted for air as he crawled to his feet, driven to the point of exhaustion. But Fusion muttered, "Have to use my ultimate technique... concentrate... Elemental Beam!" With that Fusion unleashed an energy beam which had all of the main elements' powers fused into one. Tubba was hit flew into a buiding , which proceeded to collapse on top of him. "That takes care of that!"

But as Fusion walked away, a girder slammed into the side of his helmet, shaking his head within and knocking him out. Tubba then walked up to Fusion holding the hugest boulder you could imagine above his head. Tubba chucked it into the air, and it fell towards Fusion's limp body. However, Tubba heard a voice from behind shouting, "Hey Tubby, want some butter?" Blubba spun around in confusion and saw Gamechamp aiming his Buster Cannon at him. Gamechamp unleashed the blast and it caught Tubba in the gut. Tubba rolled backwards from the blast, knocking Fusion to the side when he stopped, and the boulder landed on him instead. Gamechamp ran up to Fusion and helped him to his feet. "You okay, Fusion?"

"Sure, I'm okay. ...Thanks."

"You're welcome. You know, we're almost exactly alike- except that my robot form never tires, unlike your oxygen-breathing organic body. That's how I won."

"Hey, shut up! How do I know you didn't engineer this fight to steal our trust?"

Yami Yoshi crawled up to the others, leaving behind a crowd of unconcious or dead soldiers. "Just give it a rest, Fusion. Gamechamp has proven himself worthy, like you did against Team Rocket. Nobody's accused you of anything since. Give the guy a chance! What harm can he do? Now let's get out of this dump, before Lupus calls in more men!" So the OGers boarded the spaceship and blasted off.

But during the flight, Fusion wondered, "What was up with Tubba? I thought he died, or at least didn't work for Lupus."

"I heard a rumor." Gamechamp replied, "Tubba was the only survivor of the Chaos Force. But he was too stupid to remember who, what or where his boss was, so Lupus decided to steal his sould and make Tubba into another Mind Slave. But if we were lucky, his body was crushed beneath that boulder."

Scene Six: The Flying Tower II[edit]

The spaceship approached the Flying Tower II. Gamechamp assured the others, "Don't worry, I have a clearance code I, er, discovered on that other red robot's body, so we can enter the station without a problem! I also have a map of the Tower, so just follow me, and be as quiet as possible!"

So the ship landed in the docking bay, and the OGers silently followed Gamechamp into an empty room at the base of the Tower. It was empty and had no door or exit at the end. "What room is this?" Yami Yoshi asked. "And what the hell can we do in here?"

Gamechamp replied smugly, "This is the ejection room, and you can die here."


"Robot Team, assemble!"

Suddenly, the four robots from earlier ran into the room and began their motto.

"I am Green! I'm the mechanical expert, and I'm a pro using the weapons I make, too!"

"I am Yellow! I'd say more, but I like to use my fists to do the talking!"

"I am Black! I can sneak up on anyone from the shadows and attack with my double swords!"

"I am Blue! If you want me to operate a truck, tank, spaceship or anything, I can guarantee that I'll use it and make use of the firepower as well!"

Gamechamp raised his buster cannon arm into the sky evilly as it shot out sparks in a cool manner as he said, "I am Red, the leader of the Robot Team! I have every power in the universe! But just call me Gamechamp!"

The robots got into a pose. Green and Blue stood back-to-back (though there was a large space between their backs) looking to the left and right, respectively. Yellow and Black were in between them, each holding up one arm. Gamechamp leaped in between Yellow and Black. He pointed forward as .all the robots shouted simultaneously, "And together, we are the Robot Team!"

Fusion was surrounded by a red aura. "I knew it! Traitor!" Fusion lunged at Gamechamp, but was batted away easily. Black Skull Dragoshi, SwordMaster and Yami Yoshi all leapt forward to battle the newcomers, but BSD got clobbered by Yellow, SwordMaster was desworded after a breif battle with Black, and Green took Yami Yoshi down while riding a mechanical suit.

Blue stepped forward and laid a time bomb set for explosion in one minute. Gamechamp bragged, "Once this room explodes, if you didn't die from the explosion, I don't think any of you can breathe in space! And if you bypass that, you're likely to be pulled into Earyh's atmosphere and either burn up or experiance a long fall!" Gamechamp began to leave, but then he turned around. "Ah yes, I forgot this."

Gamechamp set a tape recorder on the floor, pressed, 'PLAY', and it played the following quotes: "Give the guy a chance! What harm can he do?" "...Thanks." "Wow, you'd make a great addition to the team!" "He looks cool enough!" Those quotes would play over and over again in an endless loop. And with the press of a remote control button, the bomb began ticking down.

Finally, Gamechamp left the room. The metal door slid shut behind him just as the raging Fusion slammed into it. The OGers felt sharp movement; they had been ejected from the Flying Tower II, haunted by the tape recordings until Fusion took his metal glove off and crushed the tape recorder with his bare hand.

To Be Continued in Chapter Twenty: "Defatted"- Can the OGers escape Gamechamp's death trap and use their secert weapon against Lupus? Find out next time!

Chapter Twenty: Defatted[edit]

Based on posts originally written by Yami Yoshi, BSD and SwordMaster.

Scene One: The Impossible Escape: Trinity[edit]

Fusion tore open the time bomb's control panel and was greeted by wires of every color known to man, including one that had a rainbow of all the other colors on it. Fusion nervously ignited his finger and asked, "Which wire do I cut? WHICH ONE, DAMMIT?"

A sword slashed from nowhere and cut through all the wires at once. The time bomb froze. Fusion looked up at SwordMaster, who shrugged.

Fusion said, "Now that the bomb is done with, I have a plan! Everyone hold your breath!"

Yami Yoshi spoke nervously, "Well, uh, in space, even if you hold your breath, you can still-"

"Elemental Cannon!" Fusion blasted the beam through the back of the shuttle, propelling them back towards the Flying Tower II until a loud crash was heard. Fusion then tore the wall apart so he could enter the Tower. All the OGers entered after him and ran through the next door, which sealed behind them. They all released their breath.

"That was great!" said Yami Yoshi. "Especially the very little sense it made."

Scene Two: Fight Time[edit]

Yami Yoshi, Fusion, Black Skull Dragoshi and SwordMaster continued through the halls of the Flying Tower II, taking out various TWIFATIT soldiers and dodging MISH as they went. Eventually they came to a computer room. The path leading onwardas was barred by three villains: Koopa II, Dark GORE and Diskun.

Koopa II threatened, "I will avenge my father, even though he really isn't dead, and you had practically nothing to do with it. But you're mildly affiliated!"

Dark GORE said, "Hey, where's my good half? I'd like to beat him around again!"

Diskun bragged, "C'mon, I dare you to attack me! I actually have a technique this time!"

Black Skull Dragoshi suggested, "Yami Yoshi! We'll take care of these guys while you find Lupus! You have the secret weapon?"

Yami Yoshi patted his invisible pocket. "Never leave home without it!"

So Fusion, Dragoshi and SwordMaster lunged at their enemies while Yami Yoshi dashed past the six fighters, never to be seen again... in this scene.

Diskun shouted, "Disk shield!" as a two-dimensional yellow shield formed on each of his hands. BSD slashed his first claw, which DIskun blocked with his first shield. Then Dragoshi stabbed forward towards Diskun's chest, but was caught in the shield again. "Now what're ya gonna do?"

Black Skull Dragoshi replied, "I'll use my feet!" as he raised his legs and kicked Diskun in the chest. Diskun was sent flying and got himself stuck in the wall. Insert retro "Game Over" tune of choice.

Fusion and Dark GORE grappled and punched at each other repeatedly. Fusion was royally pissed after Gamechamp, so Dark GORE didn't really have much of a chance when Fusion got even more irritated by Gamechamp's mysterious absence.

SwordMaster prepared his sword as Koopa leapt into a mechanical suit which wielded a sword. The two clashed with swords, but Koopa wasn't that good a swordfighter even with the mechanical help. First SwordMaster slashed the arms off, followed by the legs. Koopa lunged at SwordMaster, who kicked him into the air. SwordMaster then leapt up above Koopa II and slashed in a crescent formation at Koopa, who screamed as he fell onto a control panel, where he was subsequently fired.

But there was something odd about this control panel. It had only one button, which was very huge, so huge it took up the entire panel. It was also red, and it only got redder with Koopa II's corpse on it. And lastly, the button had a label on it. A label which read, "SELF-DESTRUCT BUTTON." Whoopsie.

The red alarms began flashing as the intercom announced, "Get the hell outta here, dumbasses!"

Scene Three: A Bitter Defat[edit]

Yami Yoshi wandered through the dark and spooky space base by himself. No sign for Lupus except for the sound of loud stomping getting closer. Awfully familiar-sounding stomping. The lights turned on, and Yami Yoshi saw none other then Lupus manning his giant cheesecake robot. Lupus cackled, "Greetings, Yami Yoshi!"

"Hey! Get out o' there, and ifght me yourself!"

Lupus said, "Sure, sure. Just let me hae my pre-fight snack." Within the cockpit, Lupus pulled out a cheesecake, but it was no ordinary cheesecake.

Yami Yoshi shouted, "MY CHEESECAKE!!!!"

Lupus pulled a large slice off the cake and slowly began eating it.

"Dark Omelet!" Yami Yoshi shouted as he bent over and unleashed a wave of eggs from his ass, but tehy harmlessly bounced off the robot's armor.

Lupus stuffed another large slice into the mouth and grinned.

"MIND CRUSH!" The Millenium Egg glowed as a beam shot from Yami Yoshi's forehead to Lupus's, but the beam was deflected from the glass cockpit and did no harm.

Lupus stuffed the rest of the cheesecake into his mouth and chewed slowly and painfully.

Yami Yoshi, soaked in tears, simply ran up to the legs and continuosly punched and kicked them.

A loud swallow was heard. Yami Yoshi froze in place. Lupus licked his fingers dry as he commented, "Perfectly exquisite. My comments to the chef. "

Yami Yoshi screamed, and the Millenium Egg glowed fiercer then ever, causing Yami Yoshi to... change. He grew taller, thinner, and more serious. No, it wasn't puberty. This Yami Yoshi looked like a differant person. New Yami also spoke in a deeper voice. "YOU BASTARD!"

New Yami Yoshi leapt right through the glass of the cockpit and grabbed Lupus by the neck, tackling him through the robot's back wall and pinning him against the Tower's wall. Yami repeatedly pummeled Lupus with punch after punch after kick. Then Yami remembered, "Right! The secret weapon!"

Yami Yoshi reached into his invisible pocket and pulled out what appeared to be a glue gun of some sort. It was connected via a tube to a large tank which Yami strapped to his back while he held the gun in his hand. "Inspired by GORE-ILLA's last words, Lupus, prepare to be defatted!"

New Yami Yoshi pulled the trigger, and the gun, instead of firing something, seemed to be pulling something in. Yellow, cheesey energy flowed from Lupus's body, through the gun and into the tank on Yami's back. Lupus screamed, "My Cheesey Energy! It is what makes me a Cheese God! Desist at once!"

"Never! You didn't give my cheesecake another chance, did you? DID YOU?!!"

Yami squeezed the trigger as hard as he could. Lupus continued to scream in agony, and Yami was so busy with Lupus taht he didn't notice the flashing red lights and disturbing intercom announcements.

"Yami Yoshi, come on! We have to go!" SwordMaster shouted from the other side of the room. Before anyone could get a good luck at the New Yami Yoshi, he ahd shrunken into his orginal size. Yami didn't even notice that he was still holding down the trigger of the Defat Ray until Lupus disappeared in an orange flash.

"Did I take... too much?"

Yami ran up to the others. Fusion was going over a map of the Flying Tower II that he had printed off the computer. He explained, "Dark GORE and Diskun took the closest escape pods, and it'll be a long walk until we reach the next pod area. I've found two paths: the left way is much shorter, but it is guarded by a giant octopus. If we have to go the right, we won't have to deal with any enemies, but we have a much longer path. Also I spilled coffee on that part of the map, so I'm not sure which way to go."

"I'll say... left! I've been looking for a big fight scene!" Black Skull Dragosh said.

"Right! Too dangerous!" said SwordMaster.

Then they all turned to Yami Yoshi the tiebreaker. "Welllllll.... uhhhh..... hhmmmm...... yoooooo.... LEFT!"

"Okay then, let's go!"

Scene Four: Octopussy[edit]

The OGers ran through the left hallways until they found themselves in a large room containing naught but one huge-ass octopus. "Leave this to me," Black Skull Dragoshi bragged. Then he got grabbed by one of the tentacles and spun around until the octopus flung him into the far wall. "I'll get 'im this time!" BSD shouted as his hair changed color to yellow. "Now I'm BSD 2!"

"Great, another Dragonball Z wannabe," SwordMaster sighed.

Black Skull Dragoshi 2 drew his Rainbow Sword and flew at the octopus's head at amazing speed. But the octopus pushed its tentacles against the ground, tilting its head so Dragoshi flew right past it and git his sword stuck in the wall. The octopus then opened its mouth and began sucking in air, but BSD 2 pulled his sword out in time and tossed it into the octopus's open mouth, piercing the back of its throat. While the octopus was hurt, vomiting and vulnerable, Dragoshi flew above the creature and shouted, "Up for some seafood?
(I spent all night thinking up that one!) Dragoshi Fireball!" So Dragoshi opened his mouth and shot out a ball of fire which caused a cataclysmic explosion.

When the smoke cleared, all that remained of the monster was the Rainbow Sword and several charred tentacles. SwordMaster shrugged, "Eh... okay," as BSD 2 reverted to his normal form. The OGers wasted no more time running to the escape pod area.

Scene Five: Run, Dammit! Run![edit]

"We made it!" Fusion leapt into the air happily. "And with only ten minutes to spare!"

"Uh, Fusion?"

"Yes, Yami?"

"Well, this is the escape pod area, is it not?"

"Why of course it is! Why wouldn't it be?"

"Because escape pod areas, they have escape pods right?"


"This one doesn't."

Beneath his mask, Fusion's eyes widened. "Crap. Now how are we gonna get out of here?"

Suddenly a flying Volkswagen flew through the wall of the escape pod area. Introbulus and Jim wer in th front seat. "Everybody in!" Introbulus shouted.

But Fusion insisted, "Hang on a sec! FAST-FORWARD!" The OGers stood still as time moved forward faster at Fusion's spell until he stopped it. "We only have ten seconds!" Fusion shouted in distress. "Okay, now!"

Introbulus sighed and shouted, "Everybody in!"

At Fusion's request, SwordMaster shouted with a Mexican accent, "SHE'S GONNA BLOW!" as they all piled into the Volkswagen and it flew away from the Flying Tower II just as it exploded.

Scene Six: New World Order[edit]

Elsewhere, at Lupus Citadel, a dramatic figure spoke to the citizens of Lupusopolis from a balcony. He was the blue-shelled Koopa III. Flanking him were Dark GORE, Diskun and Gamechamp. "Citizens of Lupusopolis! It is my sad duty to annunce that Sir Lupus the Turk and my father, Koopa the Second, were both killed recently with the destruction of the Flying Tower II." The citizens looked like they were about to cheer until Koopa continued. "I will now take his place as iron-fisted tyrant of Lupusopolis! Now back to work, slaves!" Koopa III's cape swayed in the wind as he and his minions broke into maniacal laughter.

But a TWIFATIT soldier interuppted, "Sir! The OGers are on their way to Old Tokyo!"

Koopa turned to his mechanical minion and ordered, "Gamechamp, help me prepare a welcoming party for our 'guests', will you?"

Gamechamp saluted, "Yes sir!" as he blasted off with his built-in jet pack.

Scene Seven: Hugest-ass Battle Yet[edit]

The Volkswagen slowly flew towards the remains of Old Tokyo. Introbulus had finished explaining, "...So after a few days at the paper route, me and Jim raised enough money to afford this new flying Volkswagen to replace the destroyed station wagon."

Yami Yoshi pointed out, "Well the battery looks kinds low."

Suddenly the Volkswagen died down and fell to the Old Tokyo stone, but it was protected by air bags that shot out from the tires. The OGers crawled out of the Volkswagen in a daze- and found themselves surrounded by the enture TWIFATIT army. Koopa III sat on a throne which was held up by several guards.

Koopa III ordered, "I am Koopa the Third, of the TWIFATIT! I will give you thirty seconds to surrender before I send in my forces and the Robot Team!"

Gamechamp annouced, "Robot Team, assemble!"

"I am Green! I'm the mechanical expert, and I'm a pro using the weapons I make, too!"

"I am Yellow! I'd say more, but I like to use my fists to do the talking!"

"I am Black! I can sneak up on anyone from the shadows and attack with my double swords!"

"I am Blue! If you want me to operate a truck, tank, spaceship or anything, I can guarantee that I'll use it and make use of the firepower as well!"

"I am Red, the leader of the Robot Team! I have every power in the universe! But just call me Gamechamp!"

The robots got into a pose. Green and Blue stood back-to-back (though there was a large space between their backs) looking to the left and right, respectively. Yellow and Black were in between them, each holding up one arm. Gamechamp leaped in between Yellow and Black. He pointed forward as all the robots shouted simultaneously, "And together, we are the Robot Team!"

Fusion turned to the others and revealed, "I have a plan!"

"Whatcha got?" Jim asked.

"Well I've been mastering a technique known as the 'Fusion Beam', which allows me to fuse two or more warriors together into one much stronger fighter temporarily. Who wants to try it out?"

"I'm game," SwordMaster said.

BSD chimed, "Ooh! Ooh! Me too!"

"I'm out."

Fusion turned to BSD, "You are already a fusion, Black Skull Dragoshi- I cannot fuse one who is already fused." Everyone looked at Black Skull Dragoshi in shock.

Black Skull Dragoshi revealed, "It wasn't that long ago that I was just Dragoshi, playing a Duel Monsters game... it wasn't that long ago, but it's actually one of my first memories... cuz I have AMNESIA. I can't remember who I was battling, but I was somehow fused with two of the Duel Monsters- a Red Eyes Black and Dragon and a Summoned Skull- while using the Polymerization card."

"Well I can defuse you temporarily, if you're still ready."

"....Alright. But fuse me back quickly, okay?"

"Alright! Defusion Beam!" Fusion fired a blue beam at Black Skull Dragoshi. Three elements drifted apart: a normal-looking white-skinned yoshi called Dragoshi and two floating cards.

"Now, Fusion Beam!" Fusion shot four red beams that hit Dragoshi, the cards and SwordMaster. A red beam fired from each of their bodies, connecting them in a straight line. All of them were along the energy beam towards a red glow in the center.

SwordMaster shouted, "Wait, I changed my mind!" before he was sucked into the red light.

The red light blinded everyone on the field. When the glow faded, a new warrior was standing. His face had BSD's mouth and nose coped with SwordMaster's eyes and ears. BSD's red mohawk stood on the head. SwordMaster's chest, arms and legs also sported the body. But Black Skull Dragoshi's claws, wings, ass, feet and tail were present. Lying in his claws was the fused Rainbow OG Blade.

The figure announced dramatically in a mixture of BSD's and SwordMaster's voice, "I am Black Skull SwordMaster!"

Koopa III annouced, "Your time's up! Attack!"

Black Skull SwordMaster flew through the crowd with the Rainbow OG blade, hewing any soldier that got in his way without any hesitation or signs of tiring. He was like a machine.

But Gamechamp charged his Buster Gun with blue energy aimed at Black Skull SwordMaster and bragged, "Ha! I have every power in the universe- including the Defusion Beam! nice try, Fusion! Defusion Beam!"

Gamechamp fired the blast, but Fusion leapt in the Defusion Beam's path as he shouted, "Elemental Cannon!" and fired a blast which was a mix of every single element in existance. The beams collided, and the Elemental Cannon was defaused into thousands of smaller, yet powerful beams- one for each element- which flew at Gamechamp.

"Stupid organic!" Gamechamp swore before he was pummeled with the countless energy blasts and sent flying.

"Now we see who the true ultimate lifeform is, eh Gamechamp?"

But then the Robot Team angrily waved their weapons. Yellow threatened, "No one messes with the boss!"

Fusion prepare himself for combat, but there was no need. Black immediately turned around and stabbed Green, whose laser rifle dishcharged and shot Yellow. Then Yellow floated into the air and slammed into Blue until he shut down. All of the malfunctioning robots floated into the air and got tossed across the landscape. Introbulus bragged, "Robots. Just more metal to manipulate," as he whirled his Iron Gaunlet about.

Black Skull SwordMaster flew above the crowd and shouted "MOLTEN SWORD EGG!". The figure layed a giant Moletn Egg with a blade protruding from the top and shouted in pain in SwordMaster's voice (SM was obviously not used to excretung giant eggs.) The Egg dropped towards the battlefield. Jim used the WARP spell to teleport the OGers and the Volkswagen to safety just before the Egg struck. It speared the person it landed on, then it burst open and released a wildfire which spread across the entire army, burning them all.

Yami Yoshi noticed someone running away: it was Koopa III. So Yami ran after the out-of-shape turtle and shouted, "Dark Egg!" as he tossed the explosive egg at Koopa. It exploded beside him and tossed him into the air. Yami ran to his blue shell only to find it empty; Koopa III was now streaking away. But Yami kicked the shell at Koopa, tripping him as it hit his legs. So Yami fluttered above Koopa III and yelled, "Hip Drop!" as he slammed down to the ground, landing his ass on Koopa's midsection. "Did you think you could escape so easily? HELLO? Whoops... I think I hit him too hard..." Yami Yoshi closed his eyes for a moment of silence before he forgot what he was doing and casually walked away.

Finally Black Skull SwordMaster flew up to the Lupus Citadel and shouted "MOLTEN SWORD EGG!" as he dropped one right on the hulking futuristic castle (SwordMaster once again grunted in pain). The Lupus Citadel went down in flames.

But one burned hand reached outfrom the Citadel's rubble and pulled the rest of his body up. "I must avenge my father!" said the purple-shelled Koopa IV.

Within Black Skull SwordMaster, however, an internal struggle was occuring. SwordMaster's mind was getting angry, "This has been going on for way too long! I'm not staying merged with this lunatic any further!"

But Black Skull Dragoshi's mind replied, "Shut up! You made fun of my friends!"

But SwordMaster's mind said, "Well they're imaginary, and you're always annoying me about them!"

But outside their body, Koopa IV poked Black Skull SwordMaster's shoulder from behind with his hand that wasn't holding a knife, as he reminded the fused duo, "I said, 'I must avenge my father!'"

But the irritated Black Skull SwordMaster simply bent over and shouted, "MOLTEN SWORD EGG!" Koopa IV was literally blown away. SwordMaster grunted once again.

Within the fusion's mind, SwordMaster decided, "How can you live while laying these eggs 24/7? Well I'm done with this crap, I'm gonna be my own person again."

"Fine, let's just go to Fusion-"

"Never mind, I have a quicker way." SwordMaster drew his sword and began slashing away.

Outside the body, Black Skull SwordMaster exploded. But something rose from the smoke. A black, winged shadow of some sort. By then the golden-shelled Koopa V, who had a scar on one eye, had arisen from the rubble and threatened, "You killed my father...... and my grandfather..... and my great-grandpa..... and my great-great-grandpa. Prepare to die!!" But before Koopa could live up to his word, he was swept up by the mysterious shadow.

When the smoke finally cleared, SwordMaster stood unscathed, but Black Skull Dragoshi's body parts were splattered across the floor. "It was the only way I could seperate us. Sorry, BSD...... Oh wait, no I'm not."

Unfortunately for SwordMaster, Jim arrived in time to cast CUR4 on Black Skull Dragoshi, restoring him to his original state.

Scene Eight: Dropping Off Dragoshi[edit]

The Volkswagen flew over the ocean to Black Skull Dragoshi's Giga-Castle of Anti-Villainy, located on an island somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. "You sure, BSD?" Yami Yoshi asked Dragoshi.

Black Skull Dragoshi assured him, "I need to make sure my castle's in top shape, then I'll head straight over to Yoshi Island for the festivities!"

"Alright..." Yami Yoshi sighed as Black Skull Dragoshi flew out the open window towards his castle. Introbulus then turned the car around and changed course to Yoshi Island.

Scene Nine: Epilogue- Or is It?[edit]

So the Volkswagen parked on Yoshi Island's shore. The OGers all ran out of the car. But Yami Yoshi stopped in his tracks when he saw his former home. He dropped to his knees and shouted, "LUPUS!!!! WHY??? WHY???!!!!!"

Introbulus asked, "Uhhh... what's wrong?"

Yami Yoshi said, "It's the same! Everything's the same as it was when I left in 2003! In fact, it looks even better!"

"Isn't that a good thing?" SwordMaster suggested.

"No! I expected to see the island in flames with dead bodies sprawled across the ground and a message on the ground written in my best friend's blood like, 'I'M BACK', 'YOU LOSE, YAMI YOSHI', or-or even a simple, 'HA HA'!"

Yami Yoshi's best friend Roshi then strolled by and waved, "Yo, Yami Yoshi! Where were you all this time?"

"I think the question is why are you still alive and containing all your blood? Did Lupus ever come here?"

"Lupus? Oh, he sent us fruit baskets! Non-poisoned, too"

"Damn his soul!"

Introbulus said, "Okay, if you're done now, Jim and I have to go."

"What? AGAIN?!"

"Well I need to look through the analects at my invisible base in the sky. Something about this whole thing seems strange and familiar... See you later!" Before anyone could protest, Introbulus and Jim had driven away in the Volkswagen.

Now only Yami Yoshi, Fusion and SwordMaster began preparations for the big bash. But it's boring, so we'll skip ahead to the interesting part.

Black Skull Dragoshi stumbled into Yami's house, with blood gushing from his chest. "Help..." he requested before he dropped on the ground.

To Be Continued in Chapter Twenty-One: "Shadow Dragoshi"- Just as Lupus has disappeared, a new villain has arisen to take his place by taking over Black Skull Dragoshi's fortress. Now the OGers must penetrate BSD's castle in search of the sinister Shadow Dragoshi and his sidekick Koopa V. How will they fare? Find out next time!

Chapters of Member OG Special Edition
Chapters 1-5 - 6-10 - 11-15 - 16-20 - 21-25