Introbulus (Author)

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Full Name: James I don't know if I should put his last name
First OG:
Nationality: United States of America... I think
OGing Status: "He's dead, Jim."

Author Characters[edit]

Introbulus is associated with the following:

His other main characters,

OGing History[edit]

Introbulus was a poster in OGs of course as well as in the NC forum and this Super Smash Stadium place. He became a reuglar Member OG writer. He was somewhat a better writer- although his character was unbelievably powerful and he was not opposed to working in third party characters, he was not obnoxious about it like Fusion or BSD. His humor was usually pretty good. He stuck with MOG throughout several of the confusing Member OG 5 reboots as well as I think posting in Member OG 6: VGF Moon before we finally lost him, likely having to do with the story's growing depth/confusion and us more or less jacking his character for our own needs. Once Golem tried IMing him and his girlfriend answered we've all become too afraid since. I think he still posts at VGF and/or SSS though, the latter board being where the hidden pasts of Introbulus and Jim that had been hinted at in MOG were finally fully recalled.


Here's some OGs he's posted in.

Peanut Gallery[edit]

One of those Member OG writers. From what little I've gleaned, he would throw the Mario Brothers into the story. Now finish this, GORE.

HAHAHAHA a character over a million years old. SO ORGIGINAL.

I'm pretty sure he never threw the Mario Brothers into the story. Unless he does that in 6, which I guess is still possible since I'm on page 3. Also, he seemed to be one of the better writers in MOG despite his unorgiginal character. Jim was a living cloak, it was incredible. Although the whole Dark Jim/Jim thing got confusing.

Luigi's referring to Fusion's first Member OG 2 that I linked to in the chat. He was a better writer, although as that example shows he would often go with the flow with Fusion and BSD's crap- except when Fusion tried copying his powers, which led to somewhat more passive aggressive arguing between the two.

Oh, fair enough. Man, that Fusion trying to copy his powers thing was infuriating just from reading it. At one point, he came up with an on the spot ret-con for it; something about having an iron fist 'cause the scientists thought he would need it or something... Fusion sucked. Should I link the excuses in question? Also, speaking of his character being jacked for others' needs, I can totally feel his pain on that >.>